Attack Of The Orcs

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The night was hard for Willow Maid. All she did was cry quietly in the corner of her cell. The Dwarves, however, spoke to her, trying to comfort her best they could. Legolas was furious at his father for locking a child in the cells. She didn't know why she was here or how, but the Prince refused to give up. Finally, the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, found a way to release the Dwarves and help the girl.

"I wager the sun is on the rise. Must be nearly dawn." One of the Dwarves spoke, his arms crossed and back against the wall. "We're never gonna reach the mountain, are we?" Another Dwarf asked sadly. Bilbo appears next to Thorin's cell door, "Not stuck in here, you're not." He spoke, holding the keys to unlock the doors. Thorin smiled at the Hobbit as Bilbo opened the door.

"Bilbo!" Balin, an old warrior Dwarf, shouted in happiness. "Shh! There are guards nearby!" Bilbo whispered/shouted at the Dwarves as they cheered.

"Close the doors," Thorin orders the company as Bilbo lets them out. The Hobbit turns to Willow's cell and unlocks the door, "Come on, deary." Willow frowns at Bilbo, "Who are you?" She asked as she stood up from the floor.

"Bilbo Baggins."

Willow stepped closer to the door, "But the guards... What about Legolas?" Bilbo noticed the concern and worry in the girl's voice.

"Bilbo," Thorin grabbed the Hobbit's shoulder, "Give her the key and close the door. Or else the King would think that she is on our side." Bilbo took a moment to think and handed Willow the keys, "Alright. Will you be okay?" He asked the girl.

"Yes. Now go!" Willow held the key and closed her cell door as the company and Hobbit sprinted out of the dungeon. The guards were coming around the corner, and Willow quickly laid down on her side, the key hidden under her shirt, facing away from the door.

"Te're lende!" The guard shouted, opening one of the cell doors that locked the Dwarves moments before. Willow shut her eyes as the guard ran to her door and grabbed the bars. He pulled the door, but it remained locked.

"Where is the keeper of the keys?" A she-elf calls out, passing Willow's cell. She stops before turning around to see Willow's back facing her, "Willow?" The child moves her head to see the Elf over her shoulder, "Tauriel." Tauriel sighs and puts her hand on her hips, "Did you see them leave?"

"I had my back turned, Tauriel. I didn't see them." Willow murmured. Tauriel turned; one of the elves stepped to her, "The keeper of the keys is in the cellar." Tauriel nodded her head, "We'll talk later, Willow." Tauriel sprints out of the dungeons and to the cellar. Willow listened closely, hearing strange noises coming from outside the walls. What sounded like a battle. Silence followed after, and the sound of running came to Willow's cell, "Mellon nin!"

"Legolas?" Willow sat up and saw the Prince stand on the other side of the door, "I need the keys, but they are nowhere to be found. I need to get you out." Willow stood up and pulled the key out from under her shirt, "Here it is," She handed the key to the Prince, "I cannot tell you who set the Dwarves free, but they gave me the key. I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Willow. There was one that didn't look like a Dwarf, and I assumed he was the one who freed them." Legolas opened the cell door, and Willow stepped out, "I want you to stay by Tauriel's side. We have an Orc to deal with." Willow turned her head to see Tauriel stand next to the cell door and offered her hand to the girl, "Come on, Willow."

Once the girl and two Elves enter the throne room, Willow sees Thranduil stand over a creature, his blade near the foul creature's neck. Legolas took his two daggers and held them against the Orc's throat. Tauriel held Willow's hand as they stood, watching The King speak.

"Such is the nature of evil. Out there in... the vast ignorance of the world... it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black... as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was. So it will always be. In time, all foul things come forth."

The Orc snarled and choked as Legolas pressed the blades closer to its throat. Willow was unfazed by this action, nor was she afraid of what Legolas would do, but she was fearful of the Orc on his knees in front of her and Tauriel. His beaded eyes kept swerving to them as he hissed.

"You were tracking a company of thirteen Dwarves. Why?" Legolas interrogated. The Orc growled, "Not thirteen. Not anymore. The young one... the black-haired archer... we stuck him with a Morgul shaft. The poisons in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon." Tauriel glares at the Orc in hatred, "Answer the question filth."

"Jiak do olk answer ve dogs, lavor-parar!"

Tauriel spun her blade out and gripped it tightly. "I would not antagonize her," Legolas told the Orc. Tauriel stared down at the Orc, and Willow stepped back, her eyes trained on the she-elf, "You like killing things, Orc?" Tauriel taunts, "You like death? Well, let me give it to you!" She lunged at the Orc, but the King called out, stopping her.

"Lare-! Tauriel, lende."

Tauriel held her gaze with the King before returning her dagger to its hilt. Then, taking Willow's hand, the two left the room. Tauriel grabbed her bow and an extra sword once they entered the armory. Next, the she-elf grabbed a cloak and draped it over Willow's shoulders, "Um... Tauriel?" Willow frowned in confusion at the warrior, "What are you doing?"

"We are going to find those Dwarves. It was not right for the King to lock you in the cell and not care about anyone but himself." Tauriel answered, draping her cloak on her shoulders, "Now, we must hurry," She lifted Willow on her hip and walked into the stables where her horse waited. Willow was lifted onto the horse, and Tauriel swung herself behind the girl. The horse galloped away out of the gates and into the trees of Mirkwood.


"Close i fen, cheb- ha sealed bui conn- -o i aran plural erain or erein!" Legolas called to the guard before turning away from him.

"Mana about Tauriel ar tasare?" The guard asked, making Legolas pause before questioning the guard, "Mana about tien?" Legolas turns around and walks over to the guard as he answers him, "Se rode au-, armed as her cu. Te have vamme returned." The guard pointed in the direction the two girls ran off, and Legolas began to worry for Willow's safety. He turned to the stables and grabbed his horse, armed with his bow and blades, "Tell the King that I will returns as soon as I can."

(I do not answer to dogs, she-elf)

(Stop! Tauriel, leave.)

(Close the gate, keep it sealed by order of the King)

(What about Tauriel and Willow?)

(What about them?)

(She rode off, armed with her bow. They have not returned)

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