Heading To Rohan

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Gandalf stands on the edge of a small hill overlooking the Plains. Aragorn leaves the fire and joins him, "The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape. Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dûr, his Eye watches ceaselessly. But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. Doubt ever gnaws at him. The rumor has reached him. The heir of Númenor still lives." Gandalf mutters as Aragorn looks over to find him already looking into his eyes. Gandalf continues, "Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become."

Aragorn looks away, considering these words. Gandalf looks back to the east, "And so he'll strike hard and fast at the world of Men. He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself, and therein lies our first challenge, for Rohan is weak and ready to fall. The king's mind is enslaved; it's an old device of Saruman's. His hold over King Théoden is now very strong. Sauron and Saruman are tightening the noose. But for all their cunning, we have one advantage."

Desert lifts her head and looks at the wizard and Aragorn as they lock eyes again. "The Ring remains hidden." She spoke, drawing Aragorn and Gandalf's attention. Gandalf faces her, "And that we should seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams. And so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards Mordor in the hands of a Hobbit. Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed and the secrecy of his quest."

Gandalf looks over to Aragorn and sees the worry upon his face, "Do not regret your decision to leave him. Frodo must finish this task alone." Aragorn sighs, "He's not alone. Sam went with him." Gandalf looks over, surprise alighting on his face. The wizard smiles, "Did he? Did he, indeed? Good." He looks back to the landscape, "Yes, very good."

Desert stood up and walked over to Gandalf, "Gandalf? I think it's best we move on." Legolas watched by the fire, his brows furrowed. "Desert Cadell, I understand your worry, but we will continue by day. For now, get some rest." Desert turns away and walks back over to the waiting elf.

"Nef aear, aglar penna o menel. Mellon nin." Legolas mutters, shifting the firewood. Desert stares at Legolas as Aragorn chuckles, sitting back down by Gimli.

"What?" Desert gaps at the Elf in confusion. Gimli lowers his pipe, "Elves..."

Legolas smirks at the Dwarf and glimpses at Desert, "Willow, I thought you said that you learned our language."

"Some, not all!" She retorts back. Legolas snorts and leans back, "Then, I shall help you learn more as we travel."

"Just tell me what you said."


Willow Maid summons a branch behind the elf.

"Elves have better hearing than mortals, so don't try it," Legolas warns. The woman rolls her eyes and makes the branch return to the ground.

Gandalf walks into the group, "Get some rest. We leave in the morning."

(On this side of the ocean, glory falls from heaven)

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