Battle Of The Five Armies

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Legolas, Willow, and Tauriel arrive back in Dale together on their horses. Willow curls against the Prince's chest as they charge through the streets, killing orcs on their way. They come to where Gandalf is standing.

"Gandalf!" Legolas calls out. The wizard turns to see Legolas jump off the horse, holding Willow. Gandalf approaches the Elf, "Legolas... Legolas Greenleaf!" He notices Willow in the Elf's arms, "There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us!" Legolas informs, setting the girl down on her feet.

"Gundabad... This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg seeps in from the north." Gandalf worryingly gazes at the battle. Willow watches as Bilbo Baggins spins around, "Wha...the north...where is the north, exactly?!"

"Ravenhill." Gandalf turns and strides over to the parapets to look at the hill where Thorin went; that is Ravenhill. Bilbo quickly faces north, "Ravenhill... Thorin is up there! And Fili and Kili - they're all up there!" At the sound of Kili's name, Tauriel is alarmed. Together, they all look out toward the top of Ravenhill, which is shrouded in mist.

"Willow..." Legolas grabs the girl's shoulder, making her look at him, You still have that dagger Tauriel gave you?"


The Prince bends down to her level, "Please, listen to me. On the other side of Dale is an abandoned bridge. Go there. I will give you a signal to cut the ropes, understand?"

"B-but-" Willow stutters. She's just a child; how can she do it without him? Legolas stares hard at her, "Desert, please..." The girl's eyes widened in shock, "Legolas?"

"Run, Desert," He whispered, "Run as fast as you can, and don't stop till you get to the bridge. Trust me."

Desert Cadell vigorously shakes her head and dashes to the other side of Dale, Legolas's eyes never leaving her until she disappeared behind the buildings.

"Are you sure that was wise?" Gandalf asks the Prince. "She is a smart girl, Gandalf," Legolas slowly faces the wizard, "It's the only way to keep her safe."

"Who is she?" Bilbo questions.

"Desert Cadell." He answered.


Thorin and Co. are still fighting in the ruins across the frozen river from Azog's stronghold. Having defeated all the enemies at present, they look out across the river at the ruins in which Azog was last seen; his wooden signaling machines are visible through the mist.

"Where is he?" Thorin frowns at the silent stronghold. "Looks empty. I think Azog has fled!" Kili responded.

"I don't think so... Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something; report back, do not engage - do you understand?!"

Dwalin glimpses behind them, "We have company; Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred."

They look back the way they came to see goblins running over the ruins toward them.

Thorin holds out his sword, "We'll take care of them. Go! Go!"

"Come on!" Dwalin shouts.

As Fili and Kili run towards the river, Thorin and Dwalin prepare to meet the goblins rushing toward them.

In a moment of peace, Thranduil walks slowly through the city, seeing the fallen bodies on the ground, many of which are his own elves. His commander comes running up.

"Recall your company."

The commander blows a horn, and Gandalf comes running up, "My lord, dispatch this force to Ravenhill! The dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned."

Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now