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Legolas left Gimli and Desert's side to look for Aragorn. The two patiently waited, watching soldiers move to and fro, preparing Helm's Deep for the imminent attack.

Meanwhile, Aragorn sits on the steps of the Hall, pondering the inevitable. He glances across the steps to see a boy standing at the edge of the steps, nervously holding a sword. He looks at Aragorn briefly and averts his gaze. Aragorn lowers his hands, "Give me your sword." The boy whips around, looking at the ranger. Slowly, he walks over to Aragorn and hands over his sword.

Aragorn takes it, "What is your name?"

"Haleth, son of Háma, my lord."

Aragorn reacts to the name. Haleth continues, "The Men are saying that we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless..." Wordlessly, Aragorn stands and eyeballs the sword. He gives it a few swings and holds it before him. He looks at Haleth, "This is a good sword." Aragorn hands the sword back to Haleth, who takes it gingerly.

"Haleth, son of Háma..." Aragorn leans down to him, "...there is always hope."

Inside the Helm's Deep armory, Aragorn quickly dons his chain mail, leather vest, and elven dagger. Instantly, someone hands Aragorn his sword, making him look up. Legolas stands before Aragorn, sword in hand. Aragorn takes it and nods in thanks. Legolas lowers his hand, "We have trusted you this far. You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair."

Aragorn shakes his head, "Ú-moe edhored, Legolas." They smile at each other, their friendship renewed. Gimli wrestles with a shirt of chain mail, "We had time; I'd get this adjusted." He gets the shirt on and drops the bundle to the floor, landing in a heap. Desert walks in, the hood still covering her face as Aragorn and Legolas smile. Gimli is unphased, "It's a little tight across the chest." The three hunters nod in feigned agreement.

A horn sounds from outside. Desert smiles, and Legolas turns in curiosity, "That is no Orc horn." Legolas and Aragorn run out of the armory, Gimli and Desert right behind them. The guards look over the edge of the Battlements, "Send for the king." One guard tells the other. The second guard nods and runs off. "Open the gate!" The first guard calls out. The order passes down the wall.

An army of Lothlorien Elven Archers march up the Causeway into the Hornburg; the soldiers look upon them in wonder and excitement. Théoden walks down the steps of the Hall. His mouth drops open in surprise. Haldir leads the Elves to Théoden. He bows with respect. "How is this possible?" Théoden questions in awe. Haldir straightens up, "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago, we fought and died together."

Aragorn, Legolas, Desert, and Gimli appear at the head of the stairs. Haldir looks up to them and smiles, "We come to honor that allegiance." The four hunters descend the steps to greet the warrior elf. Aragorn grins, "Mae govannen, Haldir." Haldir extends in hand in the traditional Elvish welcome. Aragorn begins to but then grabs Haldir in a huge embrace. The elf is momentarily stunned but hugs back lightly. Aragorn pulls back, "You are most welcome."

Legolas and Haldir clasp each other on the shoulder in greeting. The elf nods to Gimli and Desert in respect as the Army of Elves performs a left face and stands before Théoden for his review. Haldir bows before him, "We are proud to fight alongside Men once more." Desert leans against Aragorn, "Told you something would be coming." The Ranger grins and silently nods in agreement.

The Men and Elves stand ready and watchful on the Battlements of Helm's Deep. Every inch of space overlooking the sides of the wall is covered. Across the Plains before Helm's Deep, an enormous army, lit by torches, approaches the heavily manned Battlements. Legolas watches before a complement of archers. The top of a helmet is just visible over the edge of the wall. Gimli huffs in his spot, "You could have picked a better spot." Legolas smirks and Desert covers her mouth to keep her laughter down as she stands on the other side of the elf.

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