Battle For Middle Earth Is Won

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Gwahir flaps towards the Mountain, bearing Gandalf on his back, and is followed by two more Eagles. The Eagles bravely fly amid the raining ash and molten rocks, snatching Frodo and Sam from the rock. The Eagles lowered the two hobbits to the ground, and Gandalf hopped off the great Eagle. Boromir takes Sam, and Aragorn takes Frodo to Minas Tirith's House of Healing.

Legolas and Gimli follow them, and Desert's dress transforms into the color red; her hair moves back in the breeze, revealing Elvish ears. Faramir raises a brow at her, "I didn't know you were an elf." Willow Maid gazes at him, "I am part elf, actually." She giggles and follows the Fellowship to the House of Healing.

It has been three days since the Battle for Middle-Earth. Frodo's eyes flutter open, looking around slowly, his eyes alight on Gandalf in disbelief, "Gandalf?" Gandalf sat in the chair smoking his pipe, his face breaks into a smile, then laughter. Hearing the wizard laughing, Merry and Pippin run in, jumping on the bed and hugging Frodo. The wizard continues to laugh as Gimli and Legolas enter the room, smiling at the hobbit.

"Gimli! Legolas!" Frodo cries out happily. The dwarf runs up to Frodo with a laugh. Aragorn and Boromir join them. Desert approaches the door with a smile, her joy plain, and stands next to Legolas. The Fellowship is complete. Finally, Frodo's eyes fall upon a figure standing apart from the others, Sam. Their eyes meet in happiness and relief.

After reuniting with Frodo and Sam, Legolas takes Desert's hand, leading her into his room. Opening the door, Desert's eyes land on Tauriel and Thorin. The young woman chuckles, "What's going on here?" Thorin approaches with a smile, "We have something for you, Willow."

"A gift from us all," Tauriel added.

The she-elf opens the closet doors and reveals a beautiful white dress with white gems and a blue stone in the center of the waistline. Next to the dress was a beautiful Woodland Elf tiara.

"This is for the Coronation." Legolas mutters. Thorin steps up to Willow Maid, holding the tiara, "The Dwarves of Erebor forged this with the help of Tauriel. The dress was designed by the Woodland Elves."


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"It is beautiful

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"It is beautiful." Desert was in awe. Legolas gingerly takes the tiara from Thorin and sets it on her head, "It suits you." Tauriel steps forward, "Tomorrow, I will help get you ready." Desert grins at her and nods, "Thank you," She turns to Thorin and Legolas, "all of you."

The next day, Tauriel braids Desert's hair and sets the tiara on her head. "Wonderful." The she-elf brushes a strand from Desert's eyes, grinning at the half-elf, "You certainly turn heads, Willow Maid." The she-elf and half-elf walked out of the room and into the Court of The Kings.

As the two females walk passed the dead tree, Willow Maid causes a blizzard of white flower pedals to sweep over the city, Minas Tirith is restored, and it gleams white in the bright sun. In the Court of The Kings, it is crowded with four thousand people, cramming the wide path leading to the Tower Hall. Desert spots Legolas standing not far from her and makes her way to him, "Mellon nin."

The Prince, dressed in white and with a crown on his head, turns his head to her and takes her hand, "You look stunning." Desert felt her face heat up, "Oh... well, I had help." The Elven Prince snorts in amusement. The woman turns her head to see some elves around them, "Escorts? In a place like this?" She half teased.

"Father is here, and yes, escorts are here." Legolas whispers in her ear. Desert turns her head behind her to see Thranduil standing not far from them, his eyes on her. The message they delivered wasn't out of hate or disapproval but happiness and acceptance. He grins at her and nods his head.

"Does he know?" She whispered.

"Yes, he does." The Prince whispers.

The two turn their heads to see the Crown of Gondor glint in the brilliant sunshine. Gandalf places the Crown upon Aragorn's head. "Now come the days of the King..." Gandalf spoke as Aragorn smiled up at him. Gandalf softly utters to Aragorn, "May they be blessed." Aragorn slowly rises, turning to face the crowd, who cheer and clap for their King.

Aragorn moves his eyes around the crowd, "This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace." The cheers of his people are deafening. Legolas tightly holds Desert's hand, and the two slowly approach Aragorn as the King slowly starts to sing in Elvish, "Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta."

Aragorn walks in a slow procession down the white paved path as the crowd bows their heads in respect to their new King. Aragorn passes Éowyn, Faramir, and Boromir, who bow before him. Éomer, the new king of Rohan, steps forward to bow in respect. The Dwarves approach and bow in respect to him. Aragorn puts his hand on his chest with respect to them and their King under the Mountain.

Legolas had his arm linked with Desert, and the two walk up, trumpets sound as the procession of Elves, dressed in shimmering silvers and whites, led by the two, approaches the King. "Hannon le." Aragorn puts his hand on Legolas' shoulder with a smile. Desert pulls away from Legolas, and the King and Willow Maid hug, "I am proud of you, Aragorn. Now, there is someone you should see." Aragorn looks at Desert with a small smile, "And who would that be?" Legolas gestures behind him.

Aragorn's eyes scan amongst the Elves to see a banner carried aloft bearing the White Tree of Gondor in full flower. The Ranks of Elves parted, revealing Arwen, eyes shining, mortal now but deeply in love, carrying the Standard of Gondor.

Legolas and Desert step to the side, allowing Aragorn to slowly approach the now mortal elf. The King takes the banner and moves it away from her hands, his eyes never leaving hers. Aragorn kisses her passionately; Elrond looks on, and his face breaks into a smile. Aragorn and Arwen embrace and then start walking through the crowd toward four small figures who stand nervously at the end of the avenue.

Aragorn and Arwen look at Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin as they stand before them. The four Hobbits, dressed in their old clothes, clean and mended, bow their heads. Legolas and Desert stand behind them with light smiles. Aragorn raises his hand, "My friends... you bow to no one." Aragorn drops to one knee, kneeling before the Hobbits, his head bowed. Legolas and Desert kneel down, followed by all assembled there.

Tears spring into Frodo's eyes, and he clutches Sam's shoulder as four thousand people pay homage to the courage of two little Hobbits from the Shire. After paying their respects to the courageous Hobbits, Aragorn turns to Desert and takes her hand, "Willow Maid, you are brave and fearless. You saved those who were meant to never survive, yet gave them a new future. A brave warrior, a shield maid of Middle-Earth. A woman who's been bound by fate. We owe you our respect." He takes her hand and kisses it in respect, "A aranel -o i nór."

(Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world)

(Thank you)

(A Princess of the Land)

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