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In the fields of Rohan, Théoden, Aragorn, Legolas, Desert, and Gimli ride at the forefront of the people leaving Edoras. Théoden pauses atop the first rise to gaze back upon his city. The Rohirrim walk single file out of their city, following him, carrying only what they need. The Rohirrim speckle the landscape of Rohan in a single line leading from Edoras.

On the Plains of Rohan, Gimli jumps off Aragorn's horse and rides atop a Rohirrim horse, led by Éowyn, among the throng of traveling Rohirrim. Gimli starts making conversation with her, "It's true you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they're often mistaken for Dwarf Men."

Éowyn smiles and looks back at Aragorn as he gestures and whispers, "It's the beards." Éowyn smiles and shushes him. Gimli pays no heed, "And this, in turn, has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground..." Éowyn laughs, and Gimli joins her and continues, "...which is of course ridiculous." The horse suddenly rears up. Éowyn loses her hold on the reins, and the horse gallops through the throng, throwing Gimli to the dirt.

Desert started laughing, her arms wrapped around Legolas's waist, "Mellon min?"

"Hmm?" Legolas tilts his head slightly to her. "Can you tell me what you said that night, please?" Desert rests her chin on his shoulder, her eyes staring at him in innocence. The elf chuckles, "On this side of the ocean, glory falls from heaven."

The young woman frowns in puzzlement, "What does that mean?" Legolas smiles and looks over his shoulder at her, "It's just an old saying." He turns his head, and the two watch Éowyn rushing forward to Gimli, who struggles to get up like a turtle on its back.

"It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate." Gimli calls out as Éowyn helps him to his feet. Théoden and Aragorn, riding side by side, laugh at the sight. Théoden glances at Aragorn, "I haven't seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief."

Aragorn's expression turns dark and mournful; he looks at Éowyn as she laughs and looks at him as she brushes Gimli off. Aragorn looks back to Théoden, listening as the King continues, "Then she was left alone to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father."

The sun began to set, and the people of Rohan stopped. Legolas jumps off the horse and helps Desert down to her feet. The Elf stares at her as she fixes her dress, given by Éowyn.

The brown-haired woman looks up at him, "Legolas?" The said elf clears his throat and turns his gaze away

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The brown-haired woman looks up at him, "Legolas?" The said elf clears his throat and turns his gaze away. Desert took notice of the light red forming on his face. Desert smiles at him, understanding his language. Keeping a smile on her face, Willow Maid moves away from Legolas and towards Aragorn and Gimli. After a few steps, she turns her head to see the elf watching.

Legolas looked like a deer caught and quickly took his horse to the other horses that were drinking and eating. Desert giggles at him and walks up to Aragorn, who is watching it all, "You know he likes you." The Ranger whispered in her ear. Desert whacked his arm, "Shut up..." She giggled. Gimli chuckles lightly, "You like him too, don't you?" Desert playfully rolls her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Hey," She glances at him and Aragorn, "don't eat the stew."

Gimli had his pipe in his hand, ready to smoke, "The stew, lassie?"

"Fair warning. Just trust me on this one."

Later that evening, Éowyn walks through the makeshift Rohirrim camp, carrying a pot of stew. She sees Gimli and offers him some, "Gimli." Gimli looks to see the pot of stew and remembers Desert's warning, "No, I couldn't. I really couldn't." He walks away. Éowyn continues walking until she comes upon Aragorn. He looks up at her approach. Éowyn smiles, "I made some stew. It isn't much, but it's hot." Aragorn blinks and nervously smiles as she draws him a bowl, and he takes it. She hands him a spoon. Aragorn looks at the stew, "Thank you." She waits for him to try it.

Aragorn lifts a small portion and puts it in his mouth. The Ranger nearly choked but managed a smile, satisfying Éowyn. Watching her walk away, Aragorn quickly dumps it behind the tent. Desert approaches and hands him a roll, "I told you." Aragorn smiles and takes the roll from her, "You gave one to Gimli as well?"

"And Legolas too."

"Where were you two, anyways?" He asks, taking a bite of the bread roll and noticing the far away look in her eyes. Desert's face instantly turns red, and a smile tugs on her lips, "Umm..."

Few Minutes Earlier...

Desert had spotted Legolas by his horse, muttering in elvish while stroking his mane, "Post hi, mellon nin..." Willow approaches him with a bread roll, "Legolas?" The Prince turns around and grins at her, "Eru." Desert hands him the roll, "Here."

"Thank you, mellon nin." Legolas takes the bread and looks at the woman before him. The moon shone behind her, illuminating her figure. Legolas lowers his hands and stares into Desert's eyes, "Im mel cin..." He mutters, moving closer to her. Willow Maid tilts her head in confusion, "Legolas?" She whispered. Legolas raises his right hand to her head, and his left snakes around her waist, drawing her closer to him.

It seemed like she wasn't in control of her body; Desert just let everything happen on its own. Her head tilted slightly, and her arms slowly floated above his chest, wrapping around his neck as their lips instantly connected. Desert thought her heart was going to burst out of her chest as Legolas pulled her closer.

"I love you, Desert Cadell..." Legolas whispers before kissing her again.

Present Time...

Aragorn stared at her flushed face, "What did you do?" He teased.

"Umm... NOTHING!" Desert sprints away from the Ranger, her heart still racing from earlier. Aragorn grins, already guessing what happened, "He did it. Legolas finally kissed her." Gimli walks up behind Aragorn in shock, "He... WHAT!?"

"Be quiet, Gimli!"

(Rest now, my friend)

(I love you)

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