The Road To Rivendell

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The following morning, Strider leads the four hobbits, Desert, and a newly acquired pony away from the village of Bree. Desert, wearing a warrior outfit, has her bow and arrows across her back.

Frodo calls out behind them, "Where are you taking us?"

"Into the wild," Strider grumbles. The hobbits begin to whisper to each other; Sam's question is heard by Strider and Desert, "But where is he leading us?"

"To Rivendell Master Gamgee, The House of Elrond," Strider calls out. Desert Cadell glances at the man with a smirk, "I haven't properly met Lord Elrond since the battle." Strider glimpses at her for a second, "During the time of the Dragon, Smaug? That is true, Willow. You will meet him properly this time."

"Did you hear that? Rivendell! We're going to see the elves!" Sam turns to Merry and Pippin in excitement. After a while, the Hobbits pause pulling cookware and food from their packs. Strider and Desert look back at them, "Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall." Strider calls out to them.

Pippin straightens up, "What about breakfast?"

"We've already had it."

"We've had one yes. What about second breakfast?" Pippin chirps. Desert giggles as Strider walks away. Desert follows closely to see him throw two apples over the bush at the hobbits.

"Pippin!" Merry calls out impatiently, trailing behind the taller figures.

Strider stops and looks at the ruins atop a tall hill, "This was the great watchtower of Amon Sul. We shall rest here tonight." The hobbits, weary from the long travel, fling off their packs and settles down. Strider opens a bundle, revealing four short swords. He hands them to the hobbits, "These are for you. Keep them close. I'm going to have a look around. Stay here. Desert, come with me."

Desert turns to the hobbits, "No fire. Got it?" She follows Strider down the path to scout around their location. It seems quiet to the two. Slowly the darkness descended. Desert stops hearing Frodo's voice.

"Put it out you fools!"

Suddenly, a Nazgul cry pierces the darkness. The hobbits jump up, startled, and look over the lip of the hollow. They see five Nazguls closing in on Amon Sul. They unsheathe their small swords.

"Uh?!" Desert turns her head to the tower, "Strider!"

Frodo motions the others to run up the steps toward the ruins, "Go!" At the top, the Nazgul surround them, pulling out their long swords. Sam, Merry, and Pippin prepare to defend Frodo.

Sam brandishing his sword, "Back you devils!" He clashes swords with the Nazgul but is swiftly thrown aside. Merry and Pippin close the gap in front of Frodo, but they too are cast aside. Frodo backs across the hill, dropping his sword with a clatter. He stumbles, falls, and crawls backward until he is backed against a fallen column. Frodo brings out the Ring from his pocket. Immediately, the Witch King feels its presence and approaches Frodo, drawing a long dagger. Frodo tries to scramble back, terrified but has nowhere to go. Desperately, he slips on the Ring.

Desert runs up the steps to hear Frodo crying out in pain. At that moment, Strider leaps over Frodo and attacks the Nazgul with both sword and a flaming branch. The Witch King withdraws his dagger and drops it. Frodo summons the strength to pull the Ring from his finger. He reappears in the middle of an anguished scream, "Aaaahhhh!"

Desert jumps next to him and summons tree roots to attack the Nazgul. Sam rushes to Frodo, "Frodo!"

"Oh, Sam!" Frodo pants.

Strider continues to fight the Nazgul, torch in one hand, sword in another. He sets them afire and finally drives them away. Desert turns to Frodo in worry, "I should have blocked it." She pondered but remembered what was supposed to happen sixty years ago. She cannot change the time again.

"Strider! Help him, Strider." Sam calls out. Strider picks up the blade, "He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade." The blade dissolves in the wind, "This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine."

Strider carries Frodo over his shoulder and proceeds to leave Weathertop, the other hobbits following closely behind them. Nazgul's cries are still heard in the area. Desert follows close behind, keeping an eye out for the foul creatures.


"We are six days from Rivendell. He'll never make it!" Sam yells.

"Gandalf..." Frodo whispers.

"Hold on Frodo." Strider mutters before Frodo cries out, "...Gandalf!!!!"

Strider, Desert, and the Hobbits arrived at the Trollshaws. Frodo is delirious. "Mr. Frodo? He's going cold!" Sam turns to Strider and Desert. Pippin whimpers, "Is he going to die?"

"He's passing into the shadow world. He will soon become a wraith like them." Strider answers as Frodo gasps. The Nazgul cry is heard from a distance. Desert clenches her fists, feeling like she can't do much. She kneels down and cradles the hobbit's head.

"They're close." Merry whispers. Strider steps next to Sam, "Sam, do you know Athelas plant?"


"Kingsfoil." He described the plant. Sam blinks at him, "Kingsfoil- uh, that's a weed."

"It may help to slow the poison. Hurry!" Strider turns to Desert, "Stay with them." They search for the plant. Strider finds a small patch and proceeds to collect it. Suddenly a sword is at his throat.

"What's this? A ranger caught off his guard?" A female speaks. Strider gazes up at the speaker. Frodo, lying on the ground, senses a white light nearing him. He turns towards it and like a vision, sees Arwen approaching.

"Frodo... Im Arwen. Telin le thaed ..." Arwen walks up to the hobbit, "Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan na galad."

"Who is she?" Merry whispers in awe. Arwen kneels down, "Frodo!"

"She's an elf," Sam answered in shock and surprise. Arwen gently touches Frodo's head, "He's fading!" Frodo gasps in pain as Desert carefully holds him.

"He's not going to last. We must get him to my father. I've been looking for you for 2 days." Arwen spoke. Strider lifts Frodo up. "Where are you taking him?" Merry asks, his question ignored as Strider carries Frodo to a waiting horse. Desert stood up and followed the elf and ranger.

"There are 5 wraiths behind you. Where the other 4 are, I do not know." Arwen informs as Strider mounts Frodo onto the horse, Asfaloth. "Dartho guin perian. Rych le ad tolthathon." Strider whispered.

Arwen shook her head, "Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im."

"Andelu i ven."

"What are they saying?" Pippin inquires next to Merry, who only shakes his head.

"Frodo fir. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon." Arwen looks at Strider reassuringly, "I do not fear them."

Strider/Aragorn mumbles something in elvish, "Beyest lin." Desert frowns, trying to figure out what was said. Arwen mounts onto Asfaloth. Frodo is seated in front of her, "Arwen, ride hard. Don't look back!" Aragorn whispers.

"Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!"

Asfaloth gallops away. Sam yells to Strider, "What are you doing?! Those wraiths are still out there!" Desert turns to the hobbits, "We have to go." Strider nods and takes the lead to Rivendell.

(I am Arwen. I have come to help you.)

(Hear my voice. Come back to the light)

(Stay with the Hobbits. I will send horses again for you)

(I'm the faster rider. I'll take him.)

(The road is too dangerous.)

(If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him.)

(Ride fast Asfaloth, ride fast!)

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