Uruk-hai VS Helms Deep Part 2

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The endless sea of Uruk-hai swarm into Helm's Deep. The Defenders of the Keep work fiercely to hold them back. Théoden stands at his tower, intensely observing every facet of the battle. As he observes, he notices a hooded figure fighting alongside Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, fighting tirelessly against the onslaught. He has a good guess on who it was, for he didn't see her in the caves.

"Desert Cadell..."

Meanwhile, Aragorn looks up as a voice cuts across the battle. "Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your Men out of there!" Théoden shouts. Aragorn signals the fighters, "Na Barad! Na Barad!" Aragorn looks around for anyone who may not have heard. He glances up to the wall, "Haldir!" Haldir turns to him. Aragorn waves his arm, "Na barad!" Haldir nods and starts fighting his way down.

Legolas and another Elf carry Gimli off the field, kicking and struggling. Gimli is protesting, "What are you doing? What are you stopping for?" Haldir gives orders to his retreating detachment, "Na barad!" He turns and starts to retreat, but he is stopped by an Uruk-hai, who leaps in front of him. He makes short work of this one, but another comes from behind him and stabs him in the arm.

Desert summons a branch and swings towards Haldir, "No... no, no, no..." She can't let this happen. Haldir staggers, and he kills the offending Uruk. He looks down to his arm in total disbelief and whirls around, lost to his purpose. Behind him, an Uruk emerges and begins to bring his sword down on Haldir's head, but before it can happen, Desert kicks the offending creature away. Haldir freezes with a shocked look on his face. The Uruk shrieks and swings his blade. Haldir swings his sword, killing the Uruk. Aragorn had reached the top to see the Uruk fall.

Desert grabs Haldir's uninjured arm and down the stairs to the Keep, knowing what needs to be done. Aragorn watches, then seeing a group of approaching Uruk-hai, like a madman, he leaps aboard the nearest ladder and rides it into the sea of Uruk-hai below. The Gate smashes under the onslaught of the Battering Ram. A soldier is impaled on the Ram's jagged end.

Desert pushes the elf towards the Keep, "Go!" Haldir nods and rushes to temporary safety. The Soldiers and Uruks exchange arrow fire. Théoden draws his sword and turns to his commanders, "To the gate. Draw your swords!" They depart for battle. Aragorn fights against the Uruk-hai on the ground and makes his way up a steep outside stairway into the Keep.

Théoden and his Soldiers work desperately to hold the gate against impossible odds. An Uruk starts to get the better of Gamling, but Théoden rescues him. Seizing this advantage, another Uruk stabs Théoden in the shoulder with his lance. Wounded but undeterred, Théoden returns the blow, but more lethally. He falls into Gamling's arms. Gamling quickly pulls him out of the area, "Make way for the king!" The fighting continues at the Gate.

Gamling carries Théoden away from the battle and rests him against the wall, "We cannot hold much longer." The Gate begins to give way under the strength of the Uruk-hai. The Men work fiercely to hold it. Théoden looks momentarily discouraged until Aragorn runs through and begins hacking at the Uruk-hai. Moments later, Desert joins his side.

Théoden yells to them, "Hold them!" Aragorn pushes an Uruk-hai back, "How long do you need?" Théoden takes his sword in hand, "As long as you can give me." Aragorn nods and looks around, "Gimli!" The dwarf joins his side. Desert summons a root and makes her way to Legolas' side, shooting arrows at the battlements. Aragorn slips out a side exit as the Men rush the Gate to hold it.

More Uruks run at the Gate. A door opens on the side of a tower near the gate, and Aragorn peeps out. Seeing no immediate danger, he and Gimli creep out and sidle along the outside of the wall. The Ranger carefully peeps around the side of the tower. A hoard of Uruk-hai crowds the Gate, trying to force their way in. Aragorn sidles back up against the wall. Gimli looks up at him.

The dwarf desperately gestures to the army, "Come on. We can take them." Aragorn looks at Gimli sidelong with a smirk, "It's a long way." Gimli takes a peek, he steps back, and looks into the distance, embarrassed. "Toss me." He mumbled. Aragorn tilts his head, "What?" Gimli quickly answers, "I cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me!"

Aragorn nods slowly and turns to lift Gimli. The dwarf stops him, "Oh... don't tell the Elf." Aragorn looks down at him, "Not a word." With one swift move, Aragorn tosses Gimli across the span and into the throng of Uruk-hai, taking them by complete surprise. Aragorn jumps the distance himself and fights alongside Gimli.

Legolas pauses on his shooting, and with a moment of peace, he turns his head to Desert, "Did Aragorn toss Gimli?" Desert chuckles lightly, "Yeah, he did." Legolas snorts, "What happened to 'No one tosses a dwarf'?" Desert laughs, "He had no choice this time."

Aragorn and Gimli successfully delay the advance of the never-ending supply of Uruk-hai, hacking them off the edges of the narrow causeway as quickly as they can advance. Théoden observes the two, then turns back to his Men, "Shore up the door!" A group of Soldiers carry beams to dam up the door to the ocean outside. The Uruk-hai load a grappling hook onto an enormous crossbow. The Men feverishly work to shore up the Helm's Deep Gate while Aragorn and Gimli continue their efforts on the causeway outside the Gate.

The Uruk-hai ready the crossbow and fire it up to the Upper Battlements. The Soldiers fall back from its landing, gripping onto the inside of the Wall. The Uruks fire another. The hook grapples to the inside of the Wall; the Soldiers try in vain to dislodge it. The opposing army used the hooks as pulleys to pull great siege ladders laden with Uruk-hai to the upper Battlements. The ladders hook themselves on contact, and the Uruk-hai make to continue the fight. The Soldiers successfully reinforce the Gate.

Aragorn and Gimli continue holding off the onslaught on the causeway, then Théoden's face appears in the crack in the gate, "Gimli! Aragorn! Get out of there!" The Man and the Dwarf quickly scramble away as a final board is put in place to seal off the crack. Legolas calls to them from the top of the battlements, "ARAGORN!"

Desert drops a rope over the edge. Aragorn grabs the rope in one hand and Gimli in the other. Legolas and Desert pull them to safety, letting the Uruk-hai rush past them and attack the Gate once more. The two pull Aragorn and Gimli up the wall; more grappling hooks are fired, more laden ladders are raised, and the Uruks storm over the Wall. The Soldiers fiercely battle against them.

Aragorn and Gimli reach the top of the Wall. Legolas, Desert, and some Soldiers pull them to safety. Théoden moves away from the Gate with Gamling. Théoden looks at the soldier, "Pull everybody back! Pull them back!"

"Pull back! Pull back!" Gamling shouts.

A hopeless stream of Uruk-hai streams up the ladders, presses against the outer wall, and charges the main gate. The scant supply of Soldiers fires arrows fruitlessly against them. The Uruk-hai breaks through the Gate and pours in. Aragorn shouts to the remaining Elves and Men, "They have broken through! The castle is breached! Retreat!" As one, the Soldiers on the Battlements break and run into the Keep. The Uruk-hai stream up the steps to prevent the retreat. The four hunters quickly sprinted to the Keep, fighting their way across.

Haldir quickly opens the doors, letting them in, "Lag-!" The doors shut behind them.

(To the Keep! Pull back to the Keep)

(To the Keep)


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