The Mines Of Moria

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Willow/Desert POV:

We were going through The Pass of Caradhras. Legolas plods through the snow with me on his back (with a bit of begging). The others were sunk deep in the snow, struggling to get through. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his shoulders. I snapped my head to hear something. The Voice of Saruman is heard.

"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya!"

"There is a fell voice in the air," Legolas calls to everyone.

"It's Saruman!" Gandalf shouts just as the first avalanche falls. It misses the Fellowship by a hair. I jumped off Legolas and stepped next to him.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!" Aragorn shouts, but Gandalf shakes his head, "No!" Gandalf rises on the snow and chants out a counter spell, "Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!

"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; Nai yarvaxea rasselya; taltuva notto-carinnar!"

Lightning strikes the tip of Caradhras sending a second avalanche onto the Fellowship below. Legolas snatches Gandalf and me from the edge, pulling us against the cliff just before the snow buries everyone completely. After a moment, we emerge from the snow. I shiver and see Legolas next to me.

"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!" Boromir yells over the wind.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" Aragorn cries out. Gimli makes a suggestion, "If we cannot pass over a mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria." Gandalf gazes at everyone. Then to Frodo, "Let the Ring-bearer decide." The hobbit glimpsed at everyone as they waited for him to answer.


"We will go through the mines." Frodo finally answers, looking at Gandalf.

"So be it."

I felt Legolas grab my waist and hoisted me in the air, "Legolas!" I gasped in surprise. The elf held me tighter against his chest, "I'm carrying you down." He whispers in my ear. With me being carried, everyone trudges back down the mountain to Moria.

Once we passed the snow, Legolas gently set me down on my feet and walked by my side until we reached the West Gate of Moria.

Gimli is in awe, "The walls of Moria!"

As we walked by the side of the lake, I quickly grabbed Frodo before his foot slipped into the water. Frodo nods to me, "Thanks Desert." Gandalf walks up to an outline of the doors. I sit before the lake as Gandalf studies it, "Now, let's see. Ithildin -- it mirrors only starlight and moonlight." The moon appears, and the doors illuminate, "It reads 'The doors of Durin - Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter.'"

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry asks, walking up to Gandalf. "Oh, it's quite simple. If you are a friend you speak the password and the doors will open." Gandalf holds his staff on the door, "Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen!

The doors remain closed, and Gandalf begins to push it with his staff, "Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!" I sigh and turn back to the water as time passes. A set of footsteps approach behind me, "Lady, Desert?"

Oh, Valar, help me...

I turn my head to see Boromir looking at me, "May I join you?" I wanted to say no but gestured for him to sit. Boromir joins my side and clears his throat, "I know we started off on bad terms, but I hope that we can make amends?"

"It's alright, Boromir. Just don't underestimate me again." I mutter, not really looking at him.

"Of course. I do have a question for you."

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