Minas Tirith

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Entering the tower hall, Desert nearly jumps out of her skin at the sight of Boromir and his brother, Faramir, talking amongst themselves. Aragorn quickly sprints up to Boromir, relieved to see him standing, "Boromir!"

The Man turns to see the other members of the Fellowship entering the room, "Aragorn! Welcome to Minas Tirith!" He turns his eyes to Legolas and Gimli, "Legolas! Gimli!" The Dwarf hobbles quickly over to the Gondorian and hugs him, "You're here!"

Legolas gives Boromir an Elvish greeting, "How are you?" Boromir chuckles as Gimli continues hugging him, "I am well. I actually arrived moments beforehand. I saw the ghostly battle; thought it would be best to stay by my brother's side after our father committed death." Faramir steps up to Aragorn, "Aragorn, welcome." He shakes Aragorn's hand and then greets the other males. Desert had managed to sneak behind Boromir as he spoke to the others.

"Where is the Lady Desert?" Boromir asks, gazing at the Fellowship. Legolas' lips curved into a smile, "She's... somewhere." Aragorn frowns at the Elf's sudden change in attitude. "BOROMIR!" A voice suddenly shouts in excitement, startling the two brothers.

Boromir turns to see Desert standing behind him, laughing her head off. The Man had his hand on his chest, breathing hard, "Desert!" She continued laughing, "Glad to see you on your toes, Boromir." Faramir snorts in amusement, "This is Desert Cadell? The fairest lady in Middle-Earth?"

"Fairest?" Desert looks at the younger brother in confusion, "Huh... am I fair?" She averts her eyes to Legolas, noticing the slight jealousy on his face. The Elf crosses his arms, "Not that fair..." He purposely teases. Boromir bounces his eyes between the two, then to Aragorn in question. The Ranger quickly points to them and puts his two first fingers together. Faramir caught the tease and Aragorn's movement.

"When did this happen?" Boromir questions, catching on. Aragorn snorts, and Gimli chortles in amusement. Desert shakes her head, and Legolas rolls his eyes.

Later that evening, Gandalf stands in the tower hall, seemingly alone; he speaks quietly, doubt and fear edge his voice, "Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening." He turns and crosses the hall to reveal the presence of Gimli, Legolas, Desert, Éomer, Boromir, and Aragorn, who has his back to Gandalf.

"If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it." Aragorn mutters. Gandalf, still troubled, still worried, "It's only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping." Gimli sits insolently on the Seat of the Steward, "Let him stay there. Let him rot. Why should we care?" He pops his pipe in his mouth. Gandalf looks across at the Dwarf, his face ashen, "Because ten thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom. I've sent him to his death."

Aragorn turns around suddenly, "No." Gandalf looks up sharply at Aragorn, listening closely, "There's still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the Plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that." Gandalf takes a step forward, "How?"

Desert walks forward, "Draw out Sauron's armies - empty his lands. Then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate." At this, Gimli chokes on his pipe. Éomer steps forward, "We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms."

Aragorn gazes between the two, "Not for ourselves, but we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves."

"A diversion..." Legolas realizes what is being said. Gandalf speaks to Aragorn in a low, doubtful tone, "Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait!" Desert turns her head to Gimli as he pinches his fingers together, "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

Instantly, the sound of a horn is heard outside of Minas Tirith. "That's not an Orc horn!" Legolas glances at Aragorn and everyone in the hall and dashes outside to see a new army of Elves. Desert follows, hot on Legolas' heels. Her eyes lit up in excitement. Standing before them was Haldir, Thorin Oakenshield, an army of Elves, and eleven dwarves.

The woman sprints to the Lonely Mountain king and his company, "Thorin!" The Dwarf grins at her, "Willow Maid, glad to see you." He hugs the woman, happy to see her. Kili and Fili approach, both happy to see the little girl they know grown up and beautiful.

"We received your message, Willow." Kili spoke. "And we are happy to fight along the Elves and Men again." Fili added. Legolas approaches behind Desert, "Willow?" The woman glimpses over her shoulder at the Prince, "I asked Haldir to go to the Lonely Mountain," She gazes back at the Company of the Dwarves, "We need all the help we can get."

"And all the help you received is here, mellon nin." Tauriel approaches from the Elven line. Her bow and daggers were strapped and ready. Legolas greets her with a smile, "Se has been, ar always indóme n- nauta bime umbart-." Tauriel nods in agreement, "Se na- Chiara's -iel."

Surprised, the Prince pulls back, "How did you know that?"

"She had Haldir tell us as he prepared the army." Tauriel looks at Desert, watching her face turn red in embarrassment.

Legolas adverts his gaze down to see Desert nervously stare back at him, "...Just be glad I told you first!" She yells out, making the dwarves and she-elf laugh. Aragorn steps up to the dwarves and Elves, "We shall get prepared."

After getting ready, the army of Elves, dwarves, and Men head to the Pelennor Fields; Aragorn, wearing a breastplate emblazoned with the White Tree, rides at the head of a column of five hundred foot soldiers from Rohan and Gondor, nine hundred Elves, and thirteen dwarves, that's including Gimli, leading them from the Ruins of Osgiliath. Gandalf, Legolas, Desert, Boromir, Éomer, Merry, and Pippin ride directly behind him. Ahead of them was the Mountains of Mordor.

(She has been, and always will be bound by fate)

(She is Chiara's daughter)

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