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Desert and Legolas spot Aragorn jumping onto the Uruk-Hai, "Elendil!!!!!" Not even ten minutes of searching for Frodo, the Uruk-Hai attack. Legolas and Gimli run forward from behind the Seat. Legolas shoots three Uruk-Hai with quick bow-work; Gimli lands blow after blow with his axe.

Legolas yells over his shoulder to the ranger, "Aragorn! Go!" Desert had run from the fight to search for Merry and Pippin.

"It's working!"

"I know it's working! Run!"

Desert spots Merry and Pippin run across an old stone bridge. At its far end, they stop and see Uruk-hai running towards them. The Uruks are closing in, both in front and behind. An Uruk runs up to them, raising his battle axe. But Boromir comes charging in, knocks the Uruk back, and kills him with his own axe. He throws a knife at another. More close in.

Back at the Seat of Seeing, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli continue to fight the Uruk-Hai. In one smooth move, Legolas stabs one Uruk with an arrow and then shoots it out at another. Gimli wields his axe. Aragorn stabs one behind his back. Legolas shoots an Uruk, who has closed in on Aragorn.

Three loud ox-horn blasts are heard.

Legolas spins in the direction of the sound, "The Horn of Gondor!"

Aragorn starts running, "Boromir!" They run down Amon Hen towards the sound, but Uruks are between them and Boromir. Some run towards Boromir down the stone steps; the others attack Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli as they struggle to follow.

Boromir sounds the horn of Gondor again. Desert hides in the trees, fighting some of the foul creatures as Boromir turns to the hobbits, "Run! Run!"

The Uruks attack Boromir. He kills two more. Lurtz walks into view, lifts his bow, aims a big black arrow, and shoots it into Boromir's left shoulder. The hobbits look at him in shock. Boromir drops to his knees, begins to breathe hard, and looks at the hobbits. Uruks come closer, but he gives a battle cry, rises, and swings his sword at one, who falls. Lurtz growls, lift his bow, and shoot again. A black arrow flies into Boromir's stomach. He drops to his knees again, gasping. But he swings his sword at another Uruk and gets back up. Lurtz shoots him one more time in the chest. Boromir falls to his knees and stays there, swaying a little and blinking.

Desert pales, "Please tell me you're wearing the plate..." She whispers.

Merry and Pippin look at him, aghast. Then, with all the courage they could muster, they took up their swords and attacked the Uruk-Hai, shouting out, "Shire!!!!!"

They never have the chance to strike. Instead, the Uruk-Hai lifted them up and carried them off. Merry and Pippin wave their arms frantically. The Uruk-Hai troop walks away from Boromir as he looks on helplessly.

Lurtz, now left alone, stops ten feet from Boromir and takes aim with his bow. Boromir swallows and stares back at him. Just then, Aragorn crashes into Lurtz, whose arrow flies off harmlessly.

Lurtz and Aragorn fight, but Aragorn loses his sword and is thrown to the ground; when he gets up, Lurtz throws his two-prong shield at Aragorn and pins him by the neck against a tree. Lurtz raises his sword and strikes, but Aragorn slips beneath the shield and dodges the blow. He pulls out a knife and stabs Lurtz in the leg. Making the creature roar. Lurtz then pulls out the knife and throws it at Aragorn, who has found his sword and uses it to bat the knife away. Aragorn closes in on Lurtz and, in a flurry of swordplay, slices his arm off and then stabs him in the chest. Lurtz pulls himself up on the sword closer to Aragorn, snarling. Aragorn grimaces, pull his sword out of Lurtz, swings it wide, and hacks off Lurtz's head. The body of Lurtz falls to the ground.

Aragorn pauses a moment, panting. He then races to Boromir. Boromir, pale and a little bloody, is now lying on his back, his head close to a tree. "No!" Aragon runs up and kneels near Boromir. Desert drops from the tree and realizes the lack of blood.

"They took the little ones."

Aragorn hushes Boromir, "Be still."

"Frodo, where is Frodo?"

"I let Frodo go."

Boromir gasps, "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him."

"The Ring is beyond our reach now."

Boromir swallows, "Forgive me, I did not see it. I have failed you all."

"No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honor." Aragorn reaches out to pull the arrows from Boromir. Desert stops him, "Wait..." Her fingers nimble, Willow removes a bit of Boromir's shirt to see a redwood chest plate. The man weakly chuckles, "It served it's purpose..."

Legolas and Gimli arrive at the scene. Desert pulls the arrows from the plate and examines his chest, "Broken ribs, injured shoulder. You have to be sent to Rivendell to be healed." She spoke.

Legolas steps up and notices that she is right. He turns his head to the river and whistles loudly. Out of the sunlight came an eagle. Once the great creature landed, Aragorn and Legolas helped Boromir up and onto the bird. Willow Maid notices the broken horn and picks it up.

"Throw it in the river, Desert. I can't use it if it is broken." Boromir tells her. She nods in understanding.

Aragorn wears Boromir's vambraces in his honor as the bird disappears, and they watch Frodo and Sam. Finally, Legolas shoves the third boat into the water, "Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore."

Aragorn stands still and says nothing.

"You mean not to follow them?" Legolas gazes at Aragorn, then Willow.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." Aragorn finally spoke. Gimli grumbles, "Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed."

Aragorn puts his hands on their shoulders, "Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's hunt some orc!" The ranger grabs his sword as Legolas and Gimli look at each other, grinning. Gimli laughs, "Yes!!! Haha!" Aragorn runs into the woods, followed by Desert, Gimli, and Legolas.

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