The Palantír

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Desert wakes at early dawn. Her mind racing with thoughts. Thoughts of when Legolas kissed her as they headed to Helm's Deep and last night's conversation. Realizing that she wasn't going to get back any sleep, Willow Maid stood up and clothed herself in a white dress. More curious about what the Elf told her that night.

Walking out of the chambers, she sees a hooded figure and joins him on the steps to the golden hall, oblivious to the chill wind. They look out across the sleeping city to the looming mountain range beyond, with dark clouds marking the sky.

"The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East... a sleepless malice." Legolas looks at Desert... realization on her face. Legolas turns his gaze back to the stars, "The eye of the enemy is moving."

The two remain silent for a moment. "A sleepless malice in the East." Desert mutters, "The same words your father spoke back in the Woodland Relm." Legolas turns to her with a knowing look. Willow Maid takes a deep breath, "Legolas," She turns her body to the Prince, "What did you say that night in Elvish? 'Im mel cin' What does that mean?" The Prince lowers his head, his hood covering his eyes, "It was stupid of me to do it."

"I won't hate you for saying it. And when you kissed me... I... well..."

Legolas grabs his hood and covers his face. Desert steps in front of him, "I liked it." She whispered, pulling his hands away from his cloak. Legolas' eyes pierced into her own, "Im mel cin. I love you, Desert. I love you." The woman's eyes widened at the confession. So he meant it. It wasn't a fluke. Her eyes then twinkled in delight, and she rested her head on his chest.

"Galadriel told me something interesting," Desert whispers. She feels Legolas' chest vibrate, "Hmm?" Willow Maid takes a deep breath, "I'm her granddaughter..." Legolas snaps his head to her, his eyes wide in surprise, "What?"

Desert Cadell giggles for a second, "My mother is from here. The ring I wear belonged to them both, including the necklace. Chiara, my mother, had the ability to summon trees like me." Legolas brushes her hair over her ear, "That explains your powers. And your ears."

"M-my ears?" Desert frowns in confusion. Legolas tilts his head, "Your ears are changing into an elf. How did you not know this?" The woman takes her hand and feels her left ear, feeling the top of it becoming pointed. Legolas frowns, "It was like that when we were in Ravenhill. When your golden dress appeared, you took form of an elf." Desert blinks and wraps her arms back around his waist. Surprised herself, she accepted it. A half she-elf. And a half-human too.

Legolas tilts his head and smiles at her. "You changed, Legolas. You seemed more relaxed and happy than when I first met you." Willow Maid mutters quietly. The elf drapes his arms around her, "We all grow up sometime." Willow rests her head back against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

With the moment of peace between them, it was sadly broken. Legolas pulls back and speaks with urgency, "He is here." The two quickly race inside. Meanwhile, Pippin suddenly hyperventilates. He staggers backward, the Palantír held rigidly before him. The Great Eye of Sauron seems to leap from the fire.

Pippin is bathed in the fiery red light and sinks to his knees, his mouth open in a soundless scream. He falls backward, powerless to release the fiery globe. Merry shouts in fear, "Help! Someone help him!" Gandalf wakes with a start just as Aragorn, Desert, and Legolas enter. Willow Maid wrenches the Palantír from Pippin's hands, and he falls to the floor. Desert spins away, reeling backward, the Palantír falling from her hands. The Palantír rolls across the floor, causing everyone in the room to cower back.

Gandalf throws a blanket over it, angry disbelief on his face. He rounds on Pippin, "Fool of a Took!" Gandalf lifts the Hobbit's slumped head, and Merry whispers his name, "Pippin!" Pippin is trembling, and the wizard calms him.

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