Bilbo's Party

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At Bilbo's party, the fireworks are going off, and festivities are well underway. Desert stood next to Gandalf as Bilbo spoke to his guests, "Hello, hello, Fatty Bolger, lovely to see you! Welcome, welcome!"

Frodo sees his friend Sam sitting alone, looking sidelong at hobbit lass Rosie Cotton dancing. Frodo sits beside him, "Go on Sam! Ask Rosie for a dance." Sam glimpses at his friend but gets cold feet, "I think I'll just have another ale." Frodo grabs Sam's shoulders, "Oh no you don't. Go on." He pushes Sam to the dance floor and into Rosie's arms. Frodo laughs aloud at Sam's stunned reaction.

Desert watches as Gandalf sets off a firework, "Whoa!" The fireworks explode over the party field, a huge glittering umbrella in the night sky then changes into spears and whizzes away into the distance. A laugh escapes Desert's lips as the hobbit children gather at Bilbo's feet.

"There I was, at the mercy of three monstrous trolls! And they were all arguing amongst themselves about how they were going to cook us, whether it be turned on a spit or whether they should sit on us one by one and squash us into jelly."

A cute hobbit child gasps and shakes her head emphatically.

"They spent so much time arguing the wither-tos and why-fors, that when the sun's first light cracked over the top of the trees and poof!"

The children gasp.

"It turned them all to stone!" Bilbo finished.

Gandalf, laughing, returns from his cart with more fireworks. Merry Brandybuck appears from behind, signaling Pippin Took to get onto Gandalf's cart, "Quickly!"

Butterfly fireworks go off much to the hobbit children's amusement, "Whoa! Off they go." Gandalf chuckles as the children chase after the firework. Pippin lifts up a small firework and holds it to Merry, "No, no the big one, big one." Pippin lifts a larger firework and the two disappear. Desert was laughing with Gandalf until one of the hobbit's called out in alarm.

"Look at that!"

A firework that Gandalf didn't set off is in the air, taking the form of a dragon. Desert cries out in alarm as it dives toward the hobbits. "Bilbo? Bilbo, look out for the dragon!" Frodo grabs his Uncle.

"Dragon? Nonsense! There hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a thousand years..."

Frodo pushes Bilbo to the ground. The dragon swoops low over the hobbits' heads, flies off, and bursts into a beautiful finale over the lake. The Hobbits clap in amusement. Merry and Pippin, covered in soot, stand proud with their accomplishment, "That was good!" Merry grins. Pippin chuckles, "Let's get another one!"

Gandalf and Desert come up behind them and grab them each by their ear. The two hobbits yelped in pain, "Aah!" They slowly gaze up to see the two behind them with grim expressions. "Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. I might have known." Gandalf takes Merry from Desert, and pushes the two troublesome hobbits to the dishes.

The two watch Merry and Pippin wash plates, and the other Hobbits are gathered near the party tree, "Speech, Bilbo! Speech!"

Frodo joins the crowd, "Speech!"

Bilbo walks up to the tree and faces the crowd, "My dear Bagginses and Boffins," The crowd cheers, "Tooks and Brandybucks," More cheers, "Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles, and Proudfoots."

A Proudfoot Hobbit yells back at Bilbo, "Proudfeet!"

The hobbits laugh. Bilbo waves dismissively, "Today is my 111th birthday!"

"Happy birthday! Happy birthday!"

"Alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits." The hobbits cheer, "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." A dead silence falls from the crowd. Desert frowns at Bilbo's choice of words.

"I, uh, I h-have things to do." He fidgets with the Ring behind his back and whispers to himself while looking at Frodo, "I've put this off for far too long." He gazes at the crowd, "I regret to announce this is the end. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell." The crowd whispers in confusion, "Goodbye." Bilbo puts the Ring on and vanishes.

The Hobbits are shocked, "Ooh!"

Bilbo, invisible, leaves the party and returns to Bag End. Gandalf and Desert quickly hurried to Bag-End to stop Bilbo.

Bilbo enters his home and takes the ring off, "Hahahahaha!" He flips the ring, catches it, and puts it in his pocket. He walks into the study where Gandalf and Desert waited. "I suppose you think that was terribly clever." Gandalf spoke, surprising the Hobbit. Bilbo turns to Gandalf, "Come on, Gandalf! Did you see their faces?" He chuckles.

"There are many magic rings in this world, Bilbo Baggins, and none of them should be used lightly." Gandalf warned. "It was just a bit of fun! Oh, you're probably right, as usual. You will keep an eye on Frodo, won't you?" He asks, grabbing his bag and walking stick from sixty years ago.

"Two eyes, as often as I can spare them." Gandalf promises, "As will Desert."

"I'm leaving everything to him." Bilbo tells them. Desert sighs, "What about this Ring of yours, is that staying too?" Gandalf turns his head to the woman with a frown.

"Yes, yes. It's in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece." Bilbo says before touching his pocket; Gandalf turns to look. "No, wait, it's --here in my pocket. Heh, isn't that, isn't that odd, though?" He looks at the Ring, "Yet, after all, why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?" His voice darkens. Desert backs away as Gandalf steps next to Bilbo, "I think you should leave the Ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?"

Bilbo gazes at the wizard for a moment, then at the ring, "Well, no... and yes! Now it comes to it; I don't feel like parting with it; it's mine; I found it; it came to me!"

"There's no need to get angry."

"What if I'm angry, it's your fault!" Bilbo caresses the Ring, "It's mine! My own, my precious." Desert mutters silently, "Uh, oh..."

"Precious? It's been called that before, but not by you." Gandalf points out.

"Argh! What business is it of yours what I do with my own things!"

Gandalf's eyes narrowed, "I think you've had that Ring quite long enough." Bilbo glares at the wizard, "You want it for yourself!"

Gandalf's form darkens as he speaks in a booming voice, "Bilbo Baggins! Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks. I am not trying to rob you." He calms down, "I'm trying to help you."

Bilbo starts weeping and runs to Gandalf's arms. Desert stood stock-still against the table.

"All your long years, we've been friends. Trust me as you once did, hmm? Let it go."

Bilbo collects himself, "You're right Gandalf, the Ring must go to Frodo. It's late; the road is long. Yes, it is time." Bilbo grabs his bag and opens the door.

"Bilbo..." Desert mutters, making the hobbit stop, "Hmm?" Gandalf makes his way to the hall, "...the Ring is still in your pocket." He spoke.

Bilbo looks down at the ground, "Oh, yes..." Bilbo pulls out the Ring from his pocket. He stares at it on his palm, then slowly and with a great effort turns his hand, allowing it to slip off his palm. It lands on the floor with a heavy thud. Bilbo runs out the door, goes a few paces, then stops and lifts his head. He looks relieved, "I've thought of an ending for my book." He turns to Gandalf and Desert at the door, "'And he lived happily ever after... to the end of his days.'"

"And I'm sure you will my dear friend." Gandalf rests his hand on Bilbo's shoulder.

"Goodbye, Gandalf. Desert."

"Goodbye, dear Bilbo." Gandalf smiles as Bilbo goes out by the gate, and starts down the road, singing, "The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began..."

"Until our next meeting." Gandalf whispers before he re-enters Bag End. He stoops to pick up the ring but stops short when the Eye of Sauron flashes in his mind. He rises and proceeds to sit himself by the fireplace. Gandalf mumbles, "Riddles in the Dark." Desert sat by the fireplace, and her mind wandered to the Woodland Elf, the battle, Smaug, and using her powers to control and sprout trees. Yes, everything that had happened to her has returned. Even how she got the star-like scar.

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