The Black Gate

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Desert/Willow POV (finally getting her point of view and her warrior outfit):

I adjusted my position on my horse as I stayed next to Legolas. All is quiet, and no sign of the Enemy. I turn my head to see Pippin warily look around at the Black Gate, "Where are they?" I was thinking the same question.

I gazed at the stillness of the air. No birds or the sound of insects could be heard. We all start galloping toward the Black Gate and pull up less than 50 yards from the towering structures. I watch Aragorn move his horse forward, "Let the lord of the Black Land come forth; let justice be done upon him." Merry and Gimli watch from behind their riders. The gates open, and out comes Sauron's Lieutenant and rides towards us.

"My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome."

I looked at him in aghast, "Ugh." I thought I was going to puke at the sight of him. The only thing to see on his face was his mouth. The horrid creature continues speaking, slime leaking out of his mouth, "Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?"

Yep. I'm gonna puke. Gandalf glares at him, "We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this. The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return."

I raised a brow in confusion. I don't recall this ever happening during the movie. Then a thought crossed my mind. It was in the book and an extended scene. Okay, now it makes sense. The Mouth of Sauron is his name; tilts his head, addressing the wizard, "Aha! Old Greybeard! I have a token I was bidden to show thee." He holds up Frodo's Mithril shirt in front of Gandalf.

"Frodo!" I hear Pippin whisper. The Mouth of Sauron throws the shirt at the wizard. Pippin cries out louder, "Frodo!" Gandalf glances over his shoulder to Pippin, "Silence!"

"No!" That was Merry.

"Silence!" Gandalf shouts again.

The Mouth of Sauron seemed to enjoy the hobbits' cries. I glanced at the wizard, "Can I shoot him?" My hand reached for my bow and arrows. Legolas reaches for my hand and stops it from grabbing the first arrow, "Wait." He whispered. The foul creature opens his slimy mouth, "The Halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did Gandalf, he did."

I knew he was lying. Without thinking, I whipped out my arrow and notched it at the creature, "How dare you lie!" I hissed. The Mouth of Sauron turns his head towards me, "The fair Maid in the Trees. The one from the Willow tree. My master has heard much about you from the past. Yet, when he spoke to you, you refused to join him."

I felt Legolas' eyes stare at me, along with the others. I kept my aim at the creature as Aragorn moved forward on his horse. The creature looks at him, "And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a King than a broken Elvish blade." With those words, I fired my arrow in the creature's head at the same time Aragorn beheads the Mouth of Sauron in one movement.

"I guess that concludes negotiations," Gimli mutters. Aragorn puts his sword in its sheath, "I do not believe it. I will not." I glance at him, "And you shouldn't." I jumped off my horse to retrieve my arrow, then back on the calm horse.

From behind the huge gates, the terrifying chanting and the clanging of the armour of thousands can be heard. With the sound of tortured metal, the massive gates begin to open. Legolas and I look on in trepidation. The Black Gates of Mordor swing open, and Sauron's Army of three hundred thousand Orcs march out.


I took the orb from Pippin's hand, and darkness took over. I couldn't see or hear anything.

"A woman. A woman with power. I know you. You are Willow Maid."

I spun around, searching for the male's voice. Emerging from the darkness, I see a man approach; no, not a man, but Sauron. I glared at him as he moved closer, "Join me, Willow Maid. I can help you unleash your powers. Become stronger than you are."

I raised a brow and stepped forward, fists clenched and ready to hit. Sauron holds out his hand, "Join me..." I slowly release a grin, "No." I swing my fist, connecting to his head. The pain in my hand shakes me out of my reverie, and the orb rolls out of my hands, bringing me back into the Golden Hall. And to see Gandalf cover it with a blanket quickly.

End Flashback:

Aragorn turns to us, "Pull back! Pull back!" We all started to gallop back toward the small army as the Orc masses slowly marched toward us. The Eye of Sauron is directed toward us. The massive Orc Army began marching toward Aragorn's Men.

I watch them starting to waver as the Orcs begin to encircle them. Some Men are backing away, losing their nerve. Aragorn gallops in front of his army, "Hold your ground - hold your ground! Sons of Gondor - of Rohan ... my brothers!"

I watch as Aragorn seems to fix each and every one of his Men with his eyes, "I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails; when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship; but it is not this day - an hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down - but it is not this day!! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth - I bid you stand!"

The dwarves and Elves held their weapons, ready to fight as Aragorn held Anduril aloft, "Men of the West! Dwarves of Erebor! Elves of the Woodland Relm!" Aragorn yells, making everyone raise their weapons, ready to fight. I noticed we were totally surrounded by three hundred thousand Orcs, poised for the order to attack.

Legolas grabs my hand reassuringly as Gimli surveys the Army of Mordor, "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf and Willow Maids." Legolas quietly looks down at him, "What about side by side with two friends?" Gimli looks up into the eyes of Legolas and me, with whom he has shared so much. The gruff Dwarf smiles quietly, "Aye - I could do that." Legolas drops his hand on Gimli's shoulder. Slowly, we turn and face the Enemy together.

The elf looks at me for a second, "Don't die on me like in Ravenhill. Please."

"No promises, Mellon nin. But I know we will survive." I whispered back, pulling out a sharp arrow. Legolas joins me, jumping off our horses with the others. I notched the arrow, ready for battle. As we were slowly surrounded, I felt my powers vibrate from the necklace and ring. A voice I have heard before echoes in my head. And it wasn't Lady Galadriel.

"Nin -iel, eru Cadell, in er ambar. Tathren seld in another. Know hi, cín rod plural rodyn na- beleg. Cin've been naud bui amarth an so an. Ech- a choice after i dagr-. Dorth-, leave i echor, ben glenn- a rinn- na cín other bar. Im mel cin. Good luck, Desert."

"Mother..." I mumbled incoherently—the same voice in Ravenhill when I found the ring at my home. I now realize that it was never Lady Galadriel that contacted me. It was Chiara. Legolas glances at me, "Mellon nin, Naud bui amarth, eru. Please dorth- cuin. Ceri- ú- scare nin like in Ravenhill." I glimpse back at him, "Bound by fate, Legolas." I whispered.

(My daughter, Desert Cadell, in one world. Willow Maid in another. Know this, your power is great. You've been bound by fate for so long. Make a choice after the war. Stay, leave the ring, or Go and return to your other home. I love you.)

(My friend, bound by fate, Desert. Please stay alive. Do not scare me like in Ravenhill)

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