Gondor Calls For Aid

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It has been two days since Gandalf and Pippin left. Merry has been silent, missing his friends, while Aragorn and Gimli try to comfort him. Desert had joined Legolas outside, watching the horizon. The Elf questions her about her family, learning more about her to pass the time.

"Where in on Earth are you from?"

Desert crosses her arms, "I was born in a small town called Radiator Springs, Arizona. My father, Hudson Cadell, is a race car driver like my Uncle and grandmother." Legolas raises a brow, "Your grandmother?"

"Her name's Ruby Hudson. But when she was a young teenager, she joined a racing tournament called the Piston Cup. They didn't allow women to race, so she disguised herself as a young man named Lightning Mcqueen."

"Why was that?" The Prince gazes down at her in confusion. Desert takes a deep breath, "Her father, 'The Fabulous Hudson Hornet', had an accident while racing. It was caused by another racer. A woman. They banned women since then, but Ruby Hudson proved them wrong. She raced every track to find her father."

"That's some history." Legolas looks out to the mountains. Desert snorts in amusement, "Yeah, well, my cousin, Malin Cadell, Uncle Piston's daughter, wasn't the only one who had an interesting history." The Elf glances at her, "No?"

"No. Her great-grandfather was a famous writer from Madison, Delaware. R.L. Stine was his name if I remember correctly. Dad didn't have a good relationship with Uncle Piston and his sister-in-law."

"I'm guessing something happened to her grandparents' history too?"

Desert nods her head, "Yeah. And now, I don't know what happened to Malin. She disappeared a few months after I did, when I was here sixty years ago, and when she returned, she wasn't the same. Now she's gone, and I haven't heard from her since."

The two look over the White Mountains to see a trail of great fires slowly wind from peak to peak. At the Edoras Courtyard, a rocky peak high above Edoras, its great beacon fire ignited. A bell tolls urgently. Aragorn rushes out and looks tensely out across the Mountains and runs towards the Golden Hall.

The two follow Aragorn as he bursts into the Hall, "The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" Strider yells out, startling Théoden. Éowyn and Éomer turn to look at their Uncle as tension builds. Théoden, his head lowered, slowly raises it; he looks Aragorn in the eye, "Then Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!"

Haldir approaches Aragorn with his bow, "I will ride out and return with more aide." Aragorn rests his hand on the Elf's shoulder, "Mára luck." The Elf nods and swiftly leaves the Hall to the stables, getting his horse. Desert quickly rushes after him, "Haldir!" The warrior elf pauses and gazes at the woman, "Yes, Willow Maid?" Willow locks her eyes with his, "I want you to deliver a message to someone for me."

"Of course, my Lady."

As Desert tells Haldir her message, everyone else in the Hall heads outside. A Soldier is ringing the Great Bell in alarm as down below, in the courtyard, Soldiers mount their steeds amid great activity. Théoden strides purposefully outside, flanked by Éomer and his Soldiers. Théoden returns his head to his nephew, "Assemble the Men at Dunharrow - as many Men as can be found. You have two days... On the third, we ride for Gondor... and war."

Théoden strides onto the Parapets and calls out to his commander, "Gamling, make haste across the Riddermark. Summon every able-bodied man to Dunharrow!" Gamling nods and rushes away, shouting orders. Théoden watches as, below him, the Soldiers prepare. Éowyn hurriedly pulled on riding gloves, preparing to mount her horse.

"You ride with us?"

Éowyn turns and runs smack into the Desert. Éowyn steps back and turns to her horse, "Just to the encampment. It's tradition for the women of the Court to farewell the Men. If I may ask, is that what you are doing as well, Desert?" Willow Maid smiles; reaching past her, she lifts a cover to reveal a sword strapped to the side of the saddle of her horse.

Éowyn deftly pulls the cover back down. She looks at Desert and speaks softly, "The Men have found their Captain - they will follow Aragorn into battle, even to death." She talks quietly, "You know he has given us hope." Desert nods and turns away to see Théoden staring around at the streets and People of Edoras; it is as if he knows he will not see this place again.

"And it will be." She whispered, knowing that she cannot change his fate.

She walks up to hear him speak quietly, "So... it is before the walls of Minas Tirith that the doom of our time will be decided." Éomer, astride his horse, calls to the assembled Soldiers, "Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan - Oaths you have taken. Now, fulfill them all - For Lord and land!" Moving quickly, Desert hops on a Rohirrim horse, quickly galloping to the side of Legolas and Gimli. Théoden astride Snowmane as he, Éomer, Aragorn and Merry, Legolas, Desert, and Gimli ride out amid a great column of Rohirrim, thundering towards Dunharrow in the Mountains.

(Good luck)

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