Army Of The Dead

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After getting the army of the dead to help, the four hunters spotted the black sails. "Aragorn!" Desert points to the ships full of Orcs, and the army of the Dead quickly goes over them, killing every Orc on board. The woman grins as they jumped into the leading ship. Once reaching the Minas Tirith Docks, an Orc Commander hurries onto the Anduin River Docks, close to the city.

Large black shadows slide across the Docks as sailing ships approach. A sinister black-sailed ship glides into the Docks with nine other Corsair ships following behind. The Orc Commander angrily approaches with others behind him, "Late as usual! Get off your ships, you sea rats! There's knife work here needs doing."

Aragorn leaped from the leading ship and charged across the Docks, roaring at the top of his lungs. He is followed by Legolas, Desert, and Gimli. Surprise is the Orc reaction to the four charging toward the thousands of Orc soldiers. Gimli grips his axe, "Plenty for the both of us ... may the best dwarf win!"

The Army of the Dead suddenly leaps straight out of the sides of the ships and charges across the surface of the water with frightening speed, overtaking Aragorn. The Orcs scream at the sight of five-thousand spectral warriors. The spectral warriors swarm into the flank of the Orc Army.

With a raging blood-lust, the undead climb over the top of each other to try and reach the enemy, creating a kind of rolling mountain of Ghouls that sweep all before them away. The Orcs have no defense, as their weapons cannot make contact with the ghosts.

As Aragorn and Legolas battle the Orcs, a Mumakil appears. Legolas grabs Desert and jumps onto the back of the giant Mumakil, bringing it down with their arrows. They land on their feet in front of Gimli. The dwarf gaps at them, his mouth hanging open, "That still only counts as one!" The Mumakil react with terror as spectral warriors climb up their sides, routing the Haradim from their war towers. Orcs flee in their thousands, and the terrified Mumakil tramples them in their panic to escape. The Army of the Dead started swarming over the city, routing the Orcs.

The Pelennor fields in Minas Tirith had strangely fallen silent; all Orcs had fled, battle debris and bodies stretched as far as the eye could see. Above Minas Tirith, the blinding sun rays break through the low clouds. Desert spots Gandalf and Pippin and nudges Legolas in the arm, alerting him that they are approaching. The fellowship watch as Aragorn walks slowly across the field of battle toward the hideous ghouls.

"Release us."

Gimli quietly mutters to the Ranger, "Bad idea. Very handy in a tight spot, these lads - despite the fact they're dead!" The King of the Dead kept his gaze on Aragorn, "You gave us your word."

"I hold your oath fulfilled... Go. Be at peace."

The Army of the Dead slowly dissolves into dust and is immediately swept away by the four winds. Aragorn turns to Gandalf, who bows his head in homage. Pippin, in his Gondorian armour, looks around at the devastation, his eyes full of sadness, but then they suddenly fix on something. Pippin starts running through the ruin of the battle towards a small figure slumped on the ground.


Merry stares unseeing at Pippin, horror, and shock erasing all other memories from his mind. Tears fall down Pippin's face as he looks at his friend, "Merry ... it's me, it's Pippin..." Merry groggily looks at him, "I knew you'd find me." His voice disoriented, "Are you going to leave me?" Pippin shakes his head, "No, Merry. I'm going to look after you." The hobbit grabs a saddle blanket and covers Merry with it. Legolas and Desert approach the hobbits with relief on their faces. The Elf picks up Merry, and Pippin follows them inside Minas Tirith.

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