Take Me With You

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It is early morning. On the banks of the lake are refugees and wreckage from Laketown. People are screaming and crying, and some of the wooden things are on fire. There are dead bodies washed up on the shore. Alfrid comes crawling up out of the water, screaming, "Will somebody help me? HELP!" He clambers over a dead body, only to realize that the person is still alive. Alfrid rolls over him into the water, screaming, "HELP!"

Meanwhile, some of the survivors begin helping each other and salvaging whatever supplies they can. Tauriel, Sigrid, and Tilda walk about, looking for Bard and Bain. Willow had stood to the side, searching, hoping that the blonde elf had returned. "He deserves a good kick in the leg." She grumbled.

Sigrid and Tilda call out for their father, "DA!"

Willow glances to see Alfrid screaming up into the sky, "WHY ME?" There is still screaming and crying all about as people pull the bodies of their loved ones out of the water and onto the shore. The dwarves, Oin, Bofur, and Fili, grab a boat and begin to push it out into the water. Kili approaches Tauriel.


"Kili, come on! We're leaving." Fili calls out. Willow spots a blonde figure approaching. With a snarl, she approaches him as Tauriel and Kili talk.

"They are your people - You must go." Tauriel looks at Kili both sadly and guardedly, then walks past him. Kili looks distraught for a second, then whirls around to face her again, "Come with me. I know how I feel; I'm not afraid. You make me feel alive." Tauriel turns her head away, "I can't."

Kili reaches out and grabs her arm, then says something in Dwarvish, "Tauriel, amralime."

Tauriel looks at Kili, shocked and surprised, "I don't know what that means."

Kili smiles, "I think you do."

Bard and Bain had safely reached shore and confronted the townfolk just as Willow Maid has reached the blonde and glares at him, "Do not leave me behind again." She growled and pushed his side hard. The elf, unfazed by this action, stares down at her, "At least you're alive."

"At least you're lucky I'm not going to kick your shin." Willow retorts back. The elf picks her up and makes his way towards Tauriel, whom she sensed approaching behind her, "Hîr nín, Legolas."

Kili looks with hostility over Tauriel's shoulder at Legolas.

"Maewado i Naug." Legolas glances at the dwarf and tightens his grip on Willow, "Boe i nadh egeno."

Tauriel looks at Kili for a few more seconds, then, torn by her duty, begins to turn away. Kili sadly turns toward his friends, launching the boat. He suddenly pauses, then turns around and hurries back to Tauriel. He takes her hand and places his black stone into it, folding her fingers closed over it. She gasps and looks at him as he gets close to her face and holds her hands to his heart, "Keep it. As a promise."

They smile at each other, then Kili runs toward the boat. Legolas looks on, confused. Tauriel looks down at the stone in her hand, then looks after Kili and the dwarves in the boat; her eyes are wet. Kili looks back at her for several moments, then begins rowing.

In the Laketown camp, the people are packing supplies and getting ready to leave. Bard glances at everyone as he walks by, holding supplies, "Take only what you need. We have a long march ahead." Legolas, still holding Willow, approaches the man, "Where will you go?" Bard looks across the lake, "Where is only one place." He walks away from the elf.

Overhearing the conversation, Alfrid glances at the Lonely Mountain, "The mountain! You are a genius, sire. We can take refuge inside the mountain. It might smell a bit of dragon - The women can clean up. It will be safe and warm and dry and full of stores, bedding, clothing... the odd bit of gold."

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