The 'Mother' Part 1

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I hear the screams of other children like me. As I sit in a small room that is decorated to look lived in, it's not. It's a façade to fool the government workers. I smile and wave as they check the rooms but when they leave the smiles fall and the pain begins. You see my life started at the Callaway Home for Girls. The warden I call her. She calls herself Mother. She's a grey haired lady with thick glasses and a smile worth a good fortune. I guess her looking her best is better then dinner. We each get a bowl of soup-bread and water. No exceptions. The mistake we made once was asking if we could have something different. Lucas was never seen again.

She says his mother came to get him. He's home now. I think she silenced his wicked ways. That's what she calls it. As of lately she has six girls and now she has brought in a single boy. His name is Ryker Nikolai Dimirov. He's a boy with cold eyes with zero emotions and perfect teeth. She calls him the boy with wild hair. His hair is always perfectly gelled up but with hint of running his hands thru it. He's beautiful but those eyes could stop a Nun in her tracks.

You see Ryker came to live with us a few weeks ago. Mother says he is a foster child. I don't believe it. He doesn't act like it. He's to well polished. He stands around and watches us with a eye that is more then just a stare. It's like he's choosing one or two of us for something.

As time went in he became more of a watcher then a talker. He never spoke not a single word since he's been here. "Libra?" Mother called from the dining hall. I stood up and smoothed out the dress with the itchy material and colorful flowers on it. I hated this dress with a passion of a thousand suns. "Yes mother!" I said with a stern voice with no emotion. She smiled wider noticing the emotionless voice. She saw it as a sign of being broken. I wasn't. "Yes Mother!"

I repeated. She smiled and said "Today you will sit next to Ryker!" I nodded. I went to the far end and sat next to Ryker. His eyes looked at no one but straight ahead. When I sat down his eyes moved and collided with mine. My heart began racing and I forced myself not to smile or show any emotion. I just folded my hands in my lap and faced the plate. That was what was called of me.

"Libra darling!" as she spoke a commotion happened. As the door were broken in and men with guns stood in the doorway. They held the weapons out in front of them and into our faces. The guns looked scary but I stayed stone willed. I had to.

"Yes gentleman!" she spoke with her usual fake genuine. She stood up and smoothed out her dress of importance and elegance. She looked beautiful and it made me sick to my stomach. "Allie Miles you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Ryker Dimorov son of the prime minister and billionaire Nikolaus Dimorov." Her smile faded as quickly as she put it on. She was scared now. How exciting. As I sat there staring at the plate. I smiled internally. "Libra darling please come here?"

I stood up and walked over to the men with the big guns. My mother stood straight with a face of withdrawn but a full smile showing off teeth and lipstick. "She's my pride and joy." She stood with a hand on my arm. "She will be a fine wife of Nik" I froze. My arms locked up as my eyes collided with Mother. Her eyes narrowed.

"Libra know your place!" I tightened my fist and said with a low raspy voice "Yes Mama!" I stared down at the floor as a sound of a knife hitting the plate sounded behind me. "Let her go?" I stared at the ground as my mother's hand tightened on my arm. "Let her go. I won't ask again?" he said as a chair slide out from the table. I gulped as a young boy came from around the table and stood behind me.

"If she is to be my wife. She will need schooling and freedom until her 18 birthday" and I stood straight as he spoke. My eyes looking down as I felt him move around me.

His body was larger then I originally thought. He moved closer as he touched my chin as I gasped. I moved back in fright as my mother grabbed my arm and squeezed. Tears ran down my cheeks from the pain from her hands. "Libra!" my mother spoke. I knew she was mad. Ryker t'ss'd her and before I could open my eyes. My mother was gasping for air.

"When I speak. I expect you to listen? "she nodded as he released her gasping and holding her neck .He spat at her five hundred dollar Gucci shoes. So that's where my food money went. Cow of an old woman. My stomach grumbled as his hand touched my chin and lifted my eyes to his.

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