Date!! Part 10

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As she walked passed us with the wine glass she had just refilled. "You look great but baby you look like your ready for a Tupperware party?" Jillian laughed but stopped when I looked at her. "Mom what the heck is the dress code for a Tupperware party? How would you know?" Jillian looked at us with humor in her eyes and a smile on her face. "Girl I'm a mom. I know everything?" Please I rolled my eyes. "I saw that!" and walked toward the door and opened it. 

"What are you doing here Ryker?" Wait I thought it was Wyatt-oh crap." I ran for my room and closed the door and ran tot he closet and tore it open. I quickly grabbed an outfit and slapped on some deodorant, some lipstick and eyeshadow. I finally finished with some perfume and glowing cream that made my face look amazing and my makeup on point. As I licked my lips and smacked my lipstick. I walked over to the door and opened it and screamed.

 "Omg Ryker!" I screamed and shook my head. "Sorry pretty girl!" he whispered and looked me in the eye before, he looked me up and down and licked his lips. "You dress up for me pretty girl!" he leaned down and whispered. " You look good enough to eat!" Omg I pushed him away. "I don't think so" and got up in his face. "My goodies isn't near anyone till I get a ring playboy!" he smiled. "I like the fighter spirit." As he spoke. I saw two men behind him. They looked concerned but just looked at each other then back at us. 

"Your men are getting worried?" he looked back then at me. "They wouldn't touch you. Besides I  wouldn't wanna get blood on the carpet." he winked and stepped back. "Get your coat? We got a date to get to?" he looked at his watch and smiled. 

He stepped back and I smiled. "I expect Lobster!" walking pass him as he leaned back against the wall. "I'd buy you caviar if you want? I'll even get it dipped in gold" I laughed. "That sounds degusting! Like I'd eat fish eggs."  He laughed at my retort. "You're perfect!" I rolled my eyes. "Yes I can imagine a woman who can think for herself instead of Barbie who wants Boba drinks and tiny dogs." Jillian stared at me.

 "Whoa momma! Stop trying to one up me?" he said as she stood there with her hands on her hips. "What?" I said to her. "You look like a juicy steak and the men are gonna be hungry!" I laughed. "Omg what?" I said. Men-hungry. Please and Ryker stood near the table. "It's true! I'd  cut their fingers off." Ewe. "That's gross Ryker" He smiled and looked me over. "Then don't let them touch you." He spoke besides my ears. His breathe tickled my ear.

"Get away?" I said pushing him back. "Whatever you say pretty girl!" As Jillian stepped closer to me she pulled toward the door. The two men stepped back and let us by. "Thanks!" I said to them. They nodded "Ma'am!" One of the men must of did something behind me. "Look at her again. I'll cut your eyes out and send them to your mom" he said with a low stern voice. He was mad. I turned back as Ryker stared daggers at his man. The man looked at the ground. He was shaking with fear. "Ryker!" I called out to him. Ryker looked back at me and smiled. 

"We'll talk later" and walked away. He was staring at the man.

 "Sir I apologize. This will never happen again?" he shoved him into the wall. "I know!" he spat and stared at him. "If it did happen I'd kill you!" Then walk by him. The man gulped and coughed on a choke.  The man was shaking uncontrollable as a stain renewed the front of his pants and a liquid puddled around his shoes.

 "Are you peeing on my floor?" I said as the man stared at me and back at Ryker. "What?" Ryker asked. "He's peeing?" he turned back and stared at the ground. "Clean it up?" the man ran for the bathroom. "Do you need help?" The man stopped and stared at me. "No ma'am but thank you" he nodded as I bit my lip. "Okay" Ryker shook his head. I couldn't allow this man to suffer though.

 "Ryker help him please?" he looked at me and back at the man.

 "You help him?" The other man nodded and said "Jake I'll help you?" The man looked embarrassed and completely alone in the face of a dragon. He was terrified of Ryker. This wasn't good. " Ryker get him out of here now!" he looked at Jake and back at me. "Jake your gone!" the man nodded and fled up the stairs. The door slammed before I could get a word out. Literally this man took off like he was the front runner of the Olympics. 

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