High School blues part 2 Part 15

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"As if this day couldn't get any more worse?" Ava rolled her eyes and Jillian rubbed at her face. "What do you want you useless bag of silicone?" I said as Kat roared and stumped her feet. "I'm not fake bitch!" Ava snort laughed and I shook my head. "Girl you're so fake Barbie is jealous!" Kat slapped her heels down in response and flipped her hair. "Your a walking talking poster child for being poor" Kelly stared at me and shook her head. "What did you buy out Hot Topic?" she said walking by me. She stopped and looked down. "Btw how is your locker?" She smiled and Kelly looked surprised and Angela looked at me with disbelief but was all fake. "Why?" I asked. 

"Oh nothing just giving trash what trash deserves!" she snorted as my hand was in my pocket. I smiled and clicked on the phone's recording. "So you trashed my locker?" She laughed.

"Trash getting trash. Did you come with that all on your own?" She snorted "No bitch I just gave you what trash deserved!" Gotcha! I said to myself. "Oh no I don't know if I could handle you trashing my locker?" I faked this better then an academy award winner. "Well I did tell you. You would suffer my rage" and she's done. Stick a fork in her she's dead in the water. "Thanks!"

I winked as walked by her. I wanted to see her handy work before I destroyed her. As I walked down the hall I was overcome by a smell of trash-decay and something worse. I looked around and saw a towel hanging down from a bucket and mop in a closet. I took it and opened my locker. I saw condoms filled with degusting white stuff and trash come spilling out onto the ground. My locker was ruined. Great! Time to up the antsy. I began to cry. "Oh look at the baby?"

As I cried a woman came into the hall and yelled "What the heck is going on? What is that smell?" Kat instantly turned cheek and eye and said "I'm clueless. Who would do this to her?" she said acting all innocents'. "She did it" I pointed. Kat gasped out a fake "No Ms. Lavender I would never?" She's all smiles and Ms. Lavender this and Ms. Lavender that. It was really bothering. "She did this Ms. Lavender?"

 I said as Kat said in a small voice "Ms. Lavender I would never do this. I don't know why she's accusing me. I don't like this at all. I was trying to help her clean up and she started accusing me?" Oh please bitch. I was an excellent crier as i looked up tears ran down my cheeks. Kat smiled behind Ms. Lavender. I was letting her have her moment.

"Ms. Lavender I'm telling the truth!" Ms. Lavender looked at me and back at Kat and yelled. "How dare you throw around unproven accusations. I expected better from you. I see the bad seed didn't fall far?" What the fuck did she just say. I wiped at my tears and pulled out my phone. I saw Kat hesitate. I pushed play ""No bitch I just gave you what trash deserved!"

 Gotcha! I said to myself. "Oh no I don't know if I could handle you trashing my locker?" I faked this better then an academy award winner. "Well I did tell you. You will suffer my rage" and I hit the end button. Ms. Lavender is shocked. Her eyes are widened and her jaw has since fallen to her chest. Her hand is over her heart and she quickly closes her mouth and shakes her head.

"Ms. Ederson I am so deeply disappointed in your actions. I accused an innocent girl of lying!" she looked back at me. "Let's go we have much to discuss!" she looks back at me as I smile and wave at her. Her jaw falls open as I turn around and walk off. "Miss Harvey?" I stop and turn back "I will be billing Ms. Ederson and replacing your locker!" That didn't sit well with Kat. She started arguing as tears ran from her eyes. They weren't fake like mine was. I was good at acting. She was good, just not that good! I turned as I screamed and held a hand over my heart.

"What the hell are you doing here Loco?" he is standing in front of me looking good enough to eat. "I'm here to see my girl?" Huh who back up. "I'm not your girl!" I said as I back up. "Not yet!" he winks. "You are his I know. I want to be yours!" he winks. He is so wishing for death. He must really be crazy. "Yes I am. It my name!" I stared at him. I didn't realize I had said that out loud! "I am dating Ryker?" he smiled and stared at my lips. "Stop it!" he looked at me and tilted his head.

"Okay pretty girl. I like a challenge?" What is with him. "Hi what's your name?" I turned as Kelly came bouncing up pushing pass me bumping into my shoulder. "What the hell bitch?" She snorted and stared at Loco like a fox does a rabbit. She wiped at her mouth and smiled. "I am Kelly" He stared at her and said in a raspy voice. "Not interested!" she gasped and looked uncomfortable. "Do you want me to show you around?" He rolled his eyes as she took his arm.

"Come on it's really smelly around here because of the trash!" she said looking back at me. "Okay!" he said as he watched me. "One chick and already you turn. Nice to know Loco!" he froze as I turned away and walked off. I walked to the office to get a late pass and opened the door. "hello!" a lady with fire red hair and an overload of freckles. Her hair was in a messy bun and wore a sunny dress. It looked like she was on fire. The dress fell down to her knees.

"Hello beautiful!" she spoke as she smiled. She looked at me with a genuine polite smile. "Hi I'm Libra!" she stared at me. "I love your name!" she winked "I'm Gemini" and I laughed. "Cancellation's and Horoscope!" I smiled as she handed me my late pass. "Hope you enjoy Jackson Swords Academy!" I nodded and waved as she bounced. She was a fiery one. As I opened the door I saw most of the student body had already disappeared into classrooms. I walked down to first period and opened the door.

"Hello Ms. Harvey!" I waved as Ms. Whistles walked around and sat down on the desk. "You're late!" I held up the note and she took it from me and looked it over. "Okay!" she walked back to her desk and made a small note on her booklet and continued talking. As I sat there I noticed a small piece of paper being thrown over at me. What the hell I looked down and saw it was large enough to write a note on. I opened it. It read "Are you okay?" I nodded and he bit at his pencil. Wyatt wore all black as he leaned back in his seat and stretched out his legs. His boots making small noises on the marble floor.

"Stop!" I whispered and he stopped and looked at me "Sorry!" he whispered. "Ms. Harvey who is the cousin of Romeo?" she walked around the desk and leans back against it. Her arms crossed. "Benvolio" She sucked at her teeth and nodded. "Very good Ms. Harvey!" she shook her head and walked back to the board. "So for this project. I am going to need to see marriages. Conflict-children and how you deal with jealousy?" she stared at Wyatt as she said it. He titled his head and looked at me as if to say "Oh please!" he didn't care what she said. She wasn't over him. That was crystal clear! "Wyatt and Libra you will have a girl?" Wyatt looks over at me.

Like I'd have a kid any time soon. "Oh please your mouth and my sarcasm. She's gonna be one mess of a scary kid!" Ryker looked over at me "She'll have them on their knees!" he winked as I rolled my eyes. "So what will be our daughter's name?" He asked eyeing me up from the side. He stared at me with a wicked smile as he pushed his legs out. His combat boots scratching the floor. "Hmm what do you think?" he bit his lip as he sat up and leaned his head on his hand. 

"Calista" he spoke with a slow voice that caused my heart to race and my thighs to clinch. He looked at my legs and smirked as he winked. "Like that huh?" The bell rang as I jumped. He stood up to full height as he leaned over me and whispered. "It'll be fun practicing!" he said as he kissed my cheek. I was in so much trouble, with a capital T. I didn't know what to do or say. 

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