Fight/Love/Libra Part 25

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 "I guess it sucks to be you!" I said as I walked down the hall. I heard a loud bang and a curse from behind me. I never turned around. I didn't have to. I smiled to myself as I knew I had gotten to him. I'd won! "Your man tasted good last night!" I stopped as I looked up at the fluorescent light! I turned as Katharine stepped out from the dark corner of the hall. "Always hiding in the dark waiting for a weakness and a handout!" I shook my head and t'ss'd. "Yes and I found it!" She snickered. "Katharine you look nice today? Did your daddy buy you anther thank you gift!"

I laughed as she snared. "Your man welcomed me on my knees!" I laughed. "You bow to him. I don't. He bows to me. Big difference." I walked closer to her and said as she came closer to me. 

"You see darling I will always be superior and you'll always be the girl on her knees taking my left overs!" I licked my lips. "How'd I taste!" she coughed as I smiled. She looked at me in degust and horror. "That's degusting!" I laughed as she turned and ran down the hall. "That was just mean pretty girl!" I smiled as I turned and looked at Loco. Loco appeared out of the darkness like a shadow. "Hello Loco!" I said as he smiled. "Your quite chilling in confrontation!" he stood tall.

"It's takes a monster to take on a monster!" I said as I walked closer. He laughed. "Chilling baby!" I smiled as I heard a voice come from behind me. "Call her that again and you'll buried next to the fucking daisies my cousin planted in our yard!" I turned as Ryker came into view! "Terrifying!" I said as I watched Ryker. "No you wouldn't dare!" I said in a low voice.

"She's a fighter and with a heart of gold!" he crouched down and stared up at me. He winked. "Shut up- Your provoking him!" He winked again. He knew what he was doing. He was purposely doing it. "Your an idiot my brother because you let spam touch you when you could of filled up on steak and lobster!" I laughed. "Thanks Loco!" He smiled as he watched Ryker. 

"Loco your my brother and my employee~"-Loco jumped up then and stopped him. "I am not your employee or worker or solider. I am fucking hers. I am loyal to the Queen. The king let anther bow down before him and got his jollies off when his Queen put everything into the crown. You fucked up!"

Ryker stared at him. "Your lucky you are family!" Loco stepped closer to Ryker "Or what?" He was provoking a king! "Your are not the don yet?" That was all it took. Ryker charged Loco and grabbed him and throw him into the lockers. Loco came out swinging and landed a punch right to the side of his head. He then kicked him in the stomach as Loco grunted and coughed out in pain.

"You fucking twat!" He yelled. What the hell was a fuck twat? That is a really awful way of saying vaginal. Wait! I guess I knew what it meant haha. I was laughing in my head. I looked up as they continued to fight and curse at each other. Okay now I was getting annoyed. As I looked back down I saw Ryker on top of Loco hitting him in the face. Loco took his leg and swung him onto his back and punched him in the face. Ryker's head went to the side as blood flew from his face.

Ryker's hand slipped down grabbing his gun and pointing it at Loco. "Enough!" I screamed. Both stopped in their tracks and stared at me. "Ryker you can't kill him!" I screamed. I stood up and walked closer and pulled Loco up. Who i knew allowed me to pull him away. "Stop hitting each other!" Loco stared at me as he breathed in and out. "If he touches you. I will kill him!" Ryker said as he looked disorganized. He looked ruffled and his shirt was full of blood and soaked through to the skin. I could see the outline of his chest and abs through the shirt. I liked that!

"I really do like this look Ryker!" I winked as he smiled and shook out his hair. "At least there is something you like!" I smiled and stepped closer. "I liked a lot of things. You unfortunately turned to anther. Not me Ryker. How would you feel if Loco dropped to his knees. Satisfied me that way!" I stepped closer. "What would you do?" I asked louder. "I won't ask again!" I stepped closer. "I'd kill him!" I walked closer and looked up at him. "Then why the fuck would you do that to me. If you feel like killing. How do you think I feel?" I screamed. "How?"

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