Betrayal and Heat Part 24

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As I woke up I smiled. Last night was incredible the kissing, the popcorn and definitely the movie. I can't wait to see Ryker and feel those butterflies all over again. As I sat up I tripped over the blanket and fell backwards on my butt. "Ow what the hell blanket. I thought we had similar love here!" I smacked at the covers pulling them off my legs as I heard the chuckle. "Hello Maeve!" I turned as she stood drinking a large glass of tea. "Long island!" she smiled. "Nope just regular tea darling with a ton of sugar. I'm not a drunk!" she winked and shook her head. She walked into the room and slide the tea onto my dresser. "So what are you gonna wear today?" She eyed me as I was still on the floor from falling. "You okay?" She asked as I stood up.

 "Ouch!" a huge bruise was already beginning to form on my leg. She walked over to my closet and pulled out two bags. "You're welcome!" I shook my head as I grabbed the bags before they could hit the floor. "Really again?" She smiled. "What you're my daughter!" she shook my head. She walked to the door "Besides your usual flannel and jeans aren't always the form of success!" 

I rolled my eyes. "I like flannel!" she snorted. "I know and flannel should only be on the inside of a raincoat!" I snorted. "Please!" she left laughing as I opened the bag. Omg really. I pulled out some cute short shorts with a ends flipped upwards. A really clean pair of sneakers. They were all black. A cute shirt that read cute and quirky is my name. Then I saw it. What made me scream. A freaking flannel shirt that had a unique coloring. It was black with red and white. 

"Fooled ya!" She squealed from the doorway. "Now I'm drinking a long island!" she said dancing in a circle. "Boozer!" she stopped almost spilling her drink. "Heifer!" she clicked her tongue and walked off. "Hilarious!" I shook my head. "I know right!" At the bottom of the bag was two bracelets and a necklace. The bracelets had different charms on it. The black band was velvety. 

The coolest one had shells that were imbedded into the bands. It looked like it was apart of the shell. The necklace was a simple gold charm with a small heart on the end. It looked real and shiny. I put it on and clipped it and it felt good. I smiled as I grabbed my bag and Maeve squealed "Dang mama break some hearts!" I will as I winked "I will!" She smiled and slapped my butt 

"That's my girl!" I laughed. She really was a goofball. As I opened the door Jillian stood there with a hand raised. "Omg I almost knocked on your face." She said as she looked at me with surprise and concern. "What?" I asked her. "Today is gonna be difficult?" She said with a voice of sadness and anger. "Why?" She pulled out her phone and clicked on a video. 

"Here watch!" I took the phone and watched a video. "Ryker why are you doing this to me?" Ryker smiled and smoothed back his hair. "She's got a great ass and makes me laugh. Do you really think I can be faithful to her or you. I am gonna be a fucking Don. I will fuck her and pump out a few babies." Katharine laughed. "Oh she's a cash cow!" she smiled staring at the camera. She turned back. 

"She'll be whatever I want her to be. She'll always be the wife of a Don. You'll always be a side dish." He said whispering in her ear pushing her away. She smiled. "Yes but ill always be here when you call!" He stared at her with a turn of her head. "Yes but at least I know what I am. Does she?" She asks. "Doesn't matter she's mine. She'll be my wife and mother of my children!" She stepped closer and touched his chest. "Yes she'll be all that. Ill be yours. Your slave. Your mistress!" then she dropped down to her knees. She looked behind her smiling at the camera. 

"Push her away!" I called out. The zipper unfolded as my heart broke with each zip. He leaned back against the door as he moaned and grabbed at her hair. He groaned out "Yes-Omg-Feels so good!" It lasted forever. My heart was breaking with each moan and groan. Then I heard what destroyed my love for him. He came. He screamed out as he grabbed her hair.

 I choked as tears fell down my cheeks. My stomach felt like a thousand butterflies. The same butterflies an hour ago I wanted to feel just exploded. I ran toward the bathroom running down the hall as I just made it into the bathroom. The butterflies finally stopped exploded as the bile that been threatening to come up did. I throw up into the toilet. "What the hell is going on?"

 Then I heard whispering. "What the fuck is he doing?" I heard Maeve scream. "You okay baby girl!" I heard her behind me. "Why mama. Why did he do it?" She stilled. "You know being a mafia man's wife or gf isn't easy. They are always gonna look elsewhere. I always made them pay for it. Make him beg. Make him suffer!" she said as I looked back at her. "I hate him!" I said as tears fell. "No you don't that's the problem! You love him!" I shook my head. "Not anymore!" I stood and wiped my mouth. "Oh boy he did a fuck job on you. He'll regret it!" she said sipping her tea. "Ill make him bleed like I did!" I went into the living room and flipped open my phone. 

"Loco! I need your help!" I heard a chuckle as I told him. The laughter stopped and I heard a small growl. "I'll be right there!" the phone clicked off. "What are you gonna do?" I turned back to Maeve and Jillian. "I'm gonna enjoy destroying her and making him wish he never let her do that!" Jillian smiled and Maeve looked at me. "Now your speaking there language!" she said eyeing me with a look I'd never seen before. "Your gonna be fine!" I wiped at my mouth.

 "How do you know?" She stared at me. "The look in your eyes. It's scary but also concrete on destruction!" she sipped more of her tea and crossed the room. She hugged me. "Do your worst!" I nodded. "I will!" I grabbed my bag as the door opened and Loco stood there. "I'm sorry!" I held up my hand. "I'm gonna enjoy this!" he smiled. "I can see that darling!" he said as I walked pass him. "I didn't show you-" I stopped her. "You didn't do it. He did!" he shook his head. "He really screwed up a good thing!" I nodded and opened the door and slammed it! The doors opened and closed beside me. "Libra?" Jillian asked. I ignored her. "Let her be" Loco said. 

As the school came into focus. I could see cars lined up in the rich kids area. The parking lot was full of cars and Ryker was standing by his car and Katharine was smiling. They were all touché. The car stopped in the usual spot for Loco and we all climbed out. Ryker instantly pushed her off. She smiled before her eyes dropped a tiny bit. I walked up to Ryker. "Hello Ryker how was your night?" He smiled. "Amazing watched a movie with my girl!" Katharine smirked. 

"He was really forth-coming about that!" He stared at her with narrowed eyes. She smirked. "Opps sorry!" she smirked. Jillian handed me the phone as I clicked on the video. Ryker stared at the video as his eyes narrowed and his smile dropped. He wasn't laughing anymore. "What amazed your gf filmed you getting off!" He stepped closer. "Wait-!" I stopped him. "Don't you fucking touch me!" I screamed in his face. He looked for the first time conflicted. "I am sorry!" I laughed. 

"Sorry please. Your only sorry you got caught. You had a chance. A fucking chance to prove it to me and her that you worth the position you were put in. You could of had an amazing marriage. A great wife and home. I would of done anything for you. I would of been your fucking safe place!" I screamed. He stilled and looked at me as his eyes closed and opened. 

"Now you got nothing!" he walked closer. "Don't say that" I smacked him across the face. "I'll say what the fuck I want!" Then I stilled as Katharine started laughing. "Omg this is hilarious. You fought over him. Literally said he was yours and the first time I drop to my knees. He's moaning and groaning like a bitch in heat!" she laughs as Ryker gives her the look of death. She instantly lowers her head. 

"You're right Katharine! He did. Don't worry I will enjoy destroying you. As I bring him to his knees!" I said as I looked at Ryker. "I'm sor-!" I stopped him. "Save it. Your gonna need it!" I said as I walked away. "Don't walk away from me!" He grabbed me and turned me into the locker. 

"Your mine!" He screamed as he slammed his fist into the lockers next to me. "I was!" I screamed back. He looked at me and breathed in and out and swallowed. He backed off and grabbed his hair and pulled. He slammed his hand into a locker. "Why did you do it?" He leaned against the locker. "I was drunk and it's not an excuse. I'm sorry!" I nodded. "I believe you. I just don't trust you!' He slammed his hand again and again. "That's worse!" He said as he turned around.

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