Fight/Love/Libra Part 2 (26)

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Twenty minute's ago

 Loco walked out of the school and got into a town car. The car was tinted. "I need to get back and quick!" Ryker nodded. "Bring the package to the warehouse!" He nodded. The warehouse was around the corner. I needed to get back to watching over Libra.

That bitch was out for blood and it bothered me. As the warehouse came into view. I changed. My palms became tight as I made a fist. I took the bag I always brought and removed the mask. The mask was a mask of death I called it. The mask was black and had white marking down the cheek and around the eye. I slipped the mask on and got out of the car as it opened.

"He's ready!" A man said as Loco went into the warehouse. A man sat under air conditioner and water fell upon his hair every time it kicked on. The water made him flinch and him blink away the water. As he looked up and saw me. "No not him!" He screamed as a smile came over Loco's face! He went to the table and took out his weapons of choice. "So my boss here wants to know where the package is?" The man pleaded. "I don't know!" He said over and over again.

"I don't believe you!" He began to plead and speak of family and children. "I hated begging!" I picked up a small match box and walked back to the man. He began pleading more. "Please loco let me go!" I took a match out and lit it. "Where is the package?" He shook his head. I flicked it on him. The man screamed as the flame touched his skin.

"Ow-please!" Loco laughed as he repeated the match over and over. The men refused to tell. Loco looked back at Ryker. Ryker nodded. "Okay I was being fun-now it's go time!" He tossed the matches on the table and picked up a knife! "Suzy likes blood!" He whispered and moved back into vision. The man began to plead more. The smell of piss defected the air as urine poured down his leg and onto the floor below him. "Ewe disgusting!" The men said next to the Loco.

"Such fear!" he spoke as the knife touched the man's skin. That's when he made a little cut. The man screamed "Ow!" Loco laughed. "Sensitive!" he snickered as the phone rang. "Okay ill tell you please mercy!" The man said as he cried out. "It's at the greyhound bus station. Locker 12!" "Who is it?" The phone rang again. "Who is it?" Loco asked. "It's Jillian!" He looked at Ryker. "Answer it!" As he hit the green button. Her panicked voice filled the air. "Loco I need help!" Loco stared at the phone tilting his head.

"Why?" He asked annoyed he was being interrupted. "It's Libra!" His eyes widened and he snarled. "What happened?" She said "No libra stay awake!" Jillian was crying in plea and desperation. "I can't keep her awake. What do I do?" I told her to pour water on her head.

"Okay I'll do that. She's awake some!" she said as I nodded. I looked back at the man. "Tell me the rest now or die!" The man widened his eyes and began telling all his secrets like journal left on a desk. So easy. "Loco please! She's falling asleep!" She cried in panic. "No please Libra wake up!" she said over and over. "Wake up please!" she cried again. "Omg no!" she screamed. I took the knife and slit his throat. "Omg!" the men screamed and I took the knife and stabbed him thirty times.

"It's done!" he walked off with determination. "I'm coming!" Ryker followed as I began to run! I had to get to her. I shouldn't of left. I left her venerable. I left her to fight all by herself. Why did I? I ran as fast as I could. As I entered the school I didn't stop. I ran toward were Jillian had told me. I saw the door and flung it open causing the door to slam into the wall. I saw Jillian trying to wake her. "Omg she won't wake up. I think she has a concussion!" He walked over to her and lifted her over his shoulder and walked out. The nurse was already coming down the hallway! "Fix her!" He shouted and she nodded staring at the blood on his shirt.

"Omg you're bleeding!" she said looking him over. "Fix her!" he shouted and she jumped in fright. "Ryker?" Jillian said as Ryker saw Loco carrying Libra. He snarled when Ryker tried to take her. "It's your fault she's hurt!" he screamed at Ryker. "Your fault!" He looked at Loco and back at Libra! "Remember who are you talking to Loco?" He said in a voice unbothered but i knew better. He was hurting! The nurse guided us to her room and we all entered as the nurse looked over Libra when Loco put her down gently.

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