' War' -Part 27

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 As Ryker finally moved to the outside of his house. He pulled out a cigarette and drew in his sweet taste. "You liking my girl isn't sitting right with me!" Ryker said as he blew out the smoke. The smoke filled his lungs as it exhaled through his nose and mouth. Ryker shook his head. "I know but I want her. If I gotta share her I will!" He spoke as Ryker turned as he growled and grabbed Loco before he could make a move against him. He was slammed up against the wall. He hit the wall as he exhaled air and pain shot through out his head. 

"What the fuck?" I said as Ryker growled. "You are messing what is mine!" He growled ands lammed him again. His head bounced as he grunted in pain. "You will bac k the hell off!!" He growled again as he got closer. "I can't I want her!" He growled louder and punched him in the face. My eyes filled with water as I tasted the copper taste of what could only be my blood. I guess I'd bitten my lip as the pain shot through my cheek. As I leaned down trying to catch my breathe. I finally pushed Ryker back and screamed "Get off of me!"

 Ryker fell back trying to catch himself as I kicked at him landing into his stomach. He let out a huff of breathe as he fell back landing on his butt. He quickly jumped up as we once again collided. "Omg I can't let you boys out of my sight for even a second?" I heard Maeve's voice as we collided into each other's body. Maeve grabbed Ryker and pulled him up and pinned him to the wall. Even though she was smaller the girl was strong. She was built like a wwe wrestler. As she pulled us apart and pushed me away. She yelled 

"Stop it now!" Ryker was breathing heavily as Loco spat blood and wiped his mouth. "He is in love with my girl!" He screamed as Loco stood up straighter. "I am!" Ryker tried to get at him as Loco laughed. "Stop it now!" She yelled and 

Ryker walked away and rubbed at his head. "What the hell do I do?" He told Maeve. "I can't kill him!" he said as Maeve shook her head. "Are you married?" She asked. Ryker stopped and looked up. "Are you dating her?" She asked. "We went on a date?" She laughed. "No the same thing darling!" She winked. She was right. "She's mine!" I said as she smiled wider. "Hm?" She said as she thought about it for a second or two. "Did you ask me?" I gulped. "What the?"

 I asked. "She's old enough I don't have to. I'm the don. I future Don. I don't have to ask? Besides you allowed us to go on a date. It's a given!" She nodded. "You're right. I did let you take her out!" She winked. "I do intend to see you do good by my girl!" she winked and I rolled my eyes. "Maeve you play to much!" She laughed and shook out her hair. "What can I say I'm a  riot!" She winked. As she stood the door to my house opened and out walked Marcus the Walrus. He looked raged and all red. He waddled out huffing as if he just ran. He was as red as a tomato. 

"What's wrong Marcus?" Loco asked as Marcus stared at Ryker the Loco. "I'm tried of you coming on to my Mermaid!" I choked. "Wait what?" Loco choked on his spit. He looked at Marcus with confusion and some amusement. "What are you talking about?" Marcus raged and stomped his feet. "You tried to get my girl to come over and be with you." Loco looked at me and back at Marcus. "Marcus? Loco is over Missy he's into anther!" Maeve spoke with a soft tone. Marcus huffed. "This fat bitch!" Ryker stilled and stopped smiling. He stood taller. 

"What the fuck did you just say Marcus?" Ryker spoke with a voice of authority. His eyes were narrowed and his lips thin and tight. His fist were fisted and his muscles were tense. He was pissed. "I asked you a question Marcus?" He spoke as he walked closer to Marcus. He stopped a few feet away. "I called that fat bitch-I'm guessing your woman." He said as he smiled. "How is my fiancé's body any of your business Marcus." Loco walked closer. "I'd say she's curvy. I do say some men prefer there women to looked healthy!" Marcus looked at loco. 

"Didn't stop you from eating it once upon a time!" He smiled. "You're right but then I came upon steak and left the spam in the trash. Where it belonged!" He winked and Marcus rushed at Loco. He stomped and yelled as he held his fist out. He came at him like a bulldozer. Marcus rushed at him and hit him in the face as he turned to the left and his eyes bulged out of his head. His lips tightened as he mouth made almost a "o" as pain shot through out his face. His face instantly began to swell. Blood poured at the end of his mouth as he licked at it. 

"That's the only one you'll ever get!" He spoke as blood poured from his mouth. He then pulled out a gun and shot him in the chest. Marcus screamed as he fell back. He screamed out "No!" as his body jiggled and he groaned in pain.

 As he fell he rolled to his side and back again. He held his chest as he coughed up blood and choked to get air. "Omg get some help?" I yelled as Ryker stood still and stared at him with surprise and glee. "He deserved it!" Ryker said as Loco pocketed the gun. Marcus choked up on blood for a min or two then grunted and finally stilled as his eyes widened and the light went out. 

"Is he dead?" I yelled as Loco stared at me. "No he's preparing for his baptism?" he said as he rolled his eyes. "Shut up Loco!" Ryker stared at me as I panicked and gathered my baring after seeing him that way. "My life isn't always sunshine my love!" He looked away and back at me.

 "I know!" He closed his eyes and looked at me again. He then shot him again. I didn't flinch that time. He watched me the whole time. He was watching my reaction. "That's better!" I heard whispered in my ear. "Loco you have one sec?" I looked up as Ryker pointed his gun at him. Loco laughed. "Jealous looks good on him!" He laughed as he turned. 

"Matches your eyes playboy!" Ryker snorted as Loco laughed again. "You wish!" He said as Loco once again laughed louder. "I do all the time!" He said winking at me. "As he did that Ryker turned and punched him in the face. "There's that green again!" he laughed. He wiped at his mouth as red lined his lips and teeth. 

Loco followed behind me. I was really trying to hold myself together. I was going to be this future Mrs. Leader but I couldn't even stomach a little blood. Great what a life I'll have. I couldn't back out- I couldn't say well I think tomorrow I'll be a teacher!" I laughed at the thought. I walked as my foot caught on a tiny pebble and almost fell flat on my face. Great I was really going to embarrass myself as well as be screaming inside from the pain and horror I'd seen. 

I mean I shot someone once and now I'm freaking out. What a tragedy for me. I guess I was going through mood swings or personality differences. Times change and so do I. I breathed as Loco grabbed me for i took the face dive. "Careful!" he whispered as his breathed ticked my cheek and caused my hair to move my stray hair. I pushed him away. He laughed as I bit at my lip. "Careful don't wanna make yourself bleed!" He winked as I rolled my eyes and licked my lip. 

"That's even worse!" He groaned as I rolled my eyes. "Man are so predictable!" I whispered to myself. Loco looked at me and down to my ass and i rolled my eyes again. "What a pig!" I thought. "Yup and I roll in shit!" I stopped and stared at Loco. "What the hell?" I said. He laughed. I said that out loud. Omg! I was freaking out in my head as Loco licked his lips. "Don't worry pretty girl. We fuck-eat-and play tea party as we sip with our fingers out!" I snorted. "Tea party you?" He laughed. "What? I have a feminine side!" Ryker laughed. "Yes and it loves lady fingers!" He really said that. He was setting him self up for that one. 

"Yes and everyday I pray for 10 of hers on a single part of me!" Ewe what the hell. "Loco!" I screamed. He laughed. Ryker groaned. "I really put my foot in that one!" Yes! Yes he did!" He stepped in a big pile of that one. "Loco if you don't shut your bloody mouth." Loco winked at me. 

"Whatever you say Ryker!" I groaned will this day ever end. I was beginning to get a headache! As Ryker stepped into the car. His phone rang. Ryker pulled out the phone as his eyes hardened when he saw who was calling. "Yes!" He spoke with a direct voice that meant authority and business! His eyes narrowed as his fist tightened. "Prepare!" He said as he hit the end button. 

"What's happening!" Loco stopped and looked at his phone as a text dinged. His smile dropped. "What?" I asked. Loco looked up at me. "We prepare. Ryker killing Marcus is sending us to war!" My eyes bulged as my heart pounded. "Ryker?" I asked as he stared out the window. "I'm taking you home!" He said as he watched the world go by. "Don't shut me out!" I whispered. "Ryker!" He looked back at me and closed his eyes before showing me that side of him that was feared. 

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