Seeing the Don! Part 22

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As we pulled out of the mansion Ryker got a call. "Daddy's calling!" he smiled and answered it. "Yes father!" they talked back and forth for a few minutes. "Dad wants us to join him for a late night snack!" He rolled his eyes. "Lay off the sweets old man. Your getting fat!" Nikolaus was heard laughing. "Please boy I got an 8 pack! What you got?" Jillian spoke up as he finished. "Really can I see?" Nikolaus laughed. "No darling I only show my wife that! You are not my wife. No matter how pretty you are. I fancy them older!" She huffed and winked at me. 

"Oh Nikolaus that's harsh!" He laughed again. "Truth hurts!" She laughed again. She wasn't insulted by the rejection. She called it quick baiting. She baited him and he let her go but doesn't mean the bait and hook wasn't good! "You love my flirting!" He was quick to detour his words to Ryker. 

"Are you close?" Ryker turned into a driveway. "I'll let you in!" He opened the gate as we drove down a dirt road that was lined with trees. As we drove for anther five minutes. "Okay I gotta go I'll see you at Dinner!" Jillian sat forward "Mr. Dimorov?" Jillian asked. "Yes Jillian!" She looked at me and I knew this was gonna be good and really funny. "I'll keep you in my thought!" he said nothing but sighed. 

"Thank you Jillian. That's very kind!" Then Jillian said something that made me laugh. "Yes my inappropriate thoughts!" I gasped out in laughter. As Mr. Dimorov laughed as well. "Omg Ryker why did you bring the flirting one?" He said in high spirits and a joyful mood. "He loves me!" Ryker turned and stared at Jillian "I ask myself that every time she speaks!" 

"Well she does make me laugh and make a older guy feel young! She can come!" Jillian bounced. "I knew he loved me!" Nikolaus shook his head. "Don't get carried away girl!" he said as she snickered behind her hand. The gates opened and behind that was a large driveway filled with cars. The cars looked expensive and brand new. Doors were open and slide up. SUV's were just behind the door opened car. As we walked pass the car and SUV's the door opened.

A butler stood at the door with a smile and a stance of authority. He stood taller by two inches. Over six feet. He was thin but muscular at the same time. He had short brown hair and brown eyes! His eyes were kind 

"Good evening Mr. Ryker!" He bowed slightly. "Jackson how many times have I told you not to call Mr. Ryker!" He smiled and looked at me and Jillian and Wyatt who stepped up behind us. "Nice to meet Mr. Ryker's friends!" He bowed slightly. "Jackson!" 

He growled slightly.  "Your father waits your arrival!" Thomas smiled once more and walked off toward the kitchen. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Thomas asked. "Ice tea!" Thomas nodded. Jillian bounced "Mountain Dew!" He nodded again and Ryker and Wyatt both said "beer!" Thomas laughed. "Of course!" My eyes boggled as Thomas stopped "Id?" Wyatt stopped smiling. 

"Fine" He said rolling his eyes! '"I will take a lemonade?" He smiled once more. "Pink!" Thomas winked and said "Good boys!" Thomas was funny. I liked Thomas! As he quickly put together a large tray. He brought our drinks. "I'm making more if you need anything?" He stood up and quickly received anther plate. The plate was filled with snacks and appetizer's. "Thomas can you send them in?" He smiled and stood up. "Go on. Ill bring your drinks to you?" He said as he quickly got the tray he'd just put back in the kitchen. He was a really kind butler and old friend!" 

"Thomas your a godsent!" He smiled and blushed slightly. "Thank you miss!" He said as he quickly walked away. Ryker smiled and Wyatt laughed. "Man turned bright red like a cherry!" As we entered a room. Mr. Dimorov sat a table reading a newspaper and had his dinner laid out. "Omg Mr. D Dinner looks amazing!" Mr. Dimorov laughed "Jillian your introduction is most concerning!" he said as he watched her. She stopped and smiled and tilted her head. I knew she was nervous. "Don't be nervous!" He winked. He knew women. "I'm not!" He held up his hand!" "Lying disgust me. Don't I do rather like you Jillian!" He said placing the paper on the table. 

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