Friends Part 7

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"Hi I'm Jake Andino!" The boy with the letterman jacket and Brad Pitt looks said with a smile. "So what's your name beautiful?" as he spoke. I smiled but before I could get a word out-"Her name is taken?" I looked over and locked eyes with Ryker. Oh now he claims me. "I don't know Ryker! I mean until we marry I might wanna play!" he moved faster then my mouth. He had me pinned to the lockers and his hands on both sides of my head. He stared at me with anger and displeasure. "If you touch anther man. Ill cut off his hands and beat him to death with it!"

 I laughed. "You sound jealous but twenty minutes ago. You where calling the Barbie yours!" He leaned closer. "Careful!" as his fist tightened. He looked and smelled amazing. He smelled of cigar smoke and high dollar cologne. He smelled so good it was intoxicating. As I stood there looking him over. I saw Ava smiling at me and pointing to a class. I nodded as she took off to class. 

"Are you okay?" I heard Jake say as I looked at Ryker with amusement. "I am great-aren't I?" he looked at me and touched my chin and moved my head side to side. "No fear!" he winked. He turned and walked off "Remember Ryker if you stake a claim-I expect the same?" He stopped and turned back toward me. He smiled and looked me up and down. "That's my girl!" he said as he disappeared around the corner. "Girl you got the worst tempered-hottest guy in the school chasing!" I turned and saw a girl with black hair and dread locks and tattoos lining her arms. She looked like a badass. "Thanks! It's fulfills me in life knowing he wants my hand and honor!" 

She smiled "Make it hell if steps out!" I smiled wide showing off teeth and a wink. "So where's the office?" she nodded and pointed to a hallway. "Come on I'll show you?" I followed her. "So I see you met the Barbie girls?" she looked over at me with a smile as her dreads bounced. "So what's with Jake?" I asked her and she laughed. "I see you met the pretty boy of Cowlick's Indiana!" We weren't in Cowlick Indiana? I looked at her with a strange eye and confusion.

"Girl your face is priceless. If I had a camera I'd definitely win a million dollars on America's got talent." I laughed and shook my head. "Girl you're a card! If I had a whole deck I'd take it to Vegas!" She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and covered her mouth. She was trying. "What the heck?" she said as she let out a cackle behind her mouth. "I do think it's the start of a beautiful friendship!" As she spoke something hit the back of my shirt and dropped behind me. I felt it as it slide down my back and down onto my pants. It was wet and cold.

 "What the hell?" Jillian yelled as she looked down as the goo of the milkshake landed on the floor. "Oh this girl is bruising!" I dropped my bag and turned around as Barbie number two stood with a hand on her hip and a smile. She looked almost cartoon like. "Omg are you okay? My hand slipped?" I sucked on my teeth and thought about my answer for a second. "Oh your hand slipped did it? Is there something wrong with your hand?" I walked closer as the milkshake stuck to my bag was sticky and really started to smell of strawberry. The strawberry lay on the floor like a drowned fruit of sadness and glee. She thought she'd won something. She didn't. 

"Let me see your hand?" I asked her. Instantly her smile fell and her throat bopped. "No why?" The girl standing before me had black hair and brown eyes. Her hair were short and had a piece longer hanging down from the front. Her hair reminded me of Rihanna.  

I grabbed her hand and twisted until it popped. She screamed bloody murder and pulled her hand back. She held it as tears fell down her cheeks. "Are you crazy bitch?" She wiped at her face as she stood tall. She held her hand and walked off as she screamed curses my way. She was relentless. "Are you done? I'm getting a headache listening to your screams. It's bloody annoying!" She looked at me and shook her head. 

"So I throw a milkshake. You broke my hand you psycho!" I smiled and shook my head. "Well you ruined my favorite outfit! I told you I would break your hand if you touched me again. Your a spoiled brat who walks with her head in the clouds You choose to throw it all on your own.  Own it. You deserve that broken hand and more!"

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