Pain and Suffering Part 28

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"Your going home and going into your room and your gonna lock the door. Don't open it for no one but Loco and I. I will return!" I looked at Ryker as his eyes were stone and without light. This was the man they'd warned me about. The stone cold don. The man that would taken an empire. The future don. "if I am to be your wife!" He slammed his hand down on the seat.

"Silent!" I shut up instantly. "Your to be my wife. You will listen to me. You will be tortured or raped but by some miracle you may return unharmed. I can't. Can not take that chance. You will go home and shut your mouth and do I say! Got it!" He looked at me with that look and I looked at him with the look of please don't shut me out. I wanna help you. "Do you understand?" He yelled. I nodded and he sighed in relief. "Whatever you say Don!" I bowed. Loco t'ss'd his teeth.

"You're scaring her. You need to row that shit in!" He said in a voice that scared me. I looked at Loco and he was staring at Ryker. Ryker turned . "Now brother!" Ryker leaned back and stared at loco with eyes of anger and frustration. "Watch yourself. You may be my brother but I am your superior!" He whispered through teeth and with little emotion. It was stone cold. It was menacing. This new personality. The man that one day rule the empire and city scared me. Ryker scared me. "Yes Don!" He said as Loco leaned back and crossed his leg. His eyes were avoid of any light as he leaned back into the shadows of the car. This car was thick with tension.

Ryker then turned to me. I looked away and out in the street. I watched as people walked by unaware. Happy to be alive and free to be with and who they wanted. They got to be alive. I felt like a caged bird that was finally happy sent back into the tiny cage from when it was set free from. "Pretty girl!" I looked back as Ryker and Loco looked my way. "I will follow your orders!" Loco shook his head as Ryker sighed. "I didn't want this day to end like this!" I held my hand up.

"It turned out like this. You said the orders. I will listen!" I turned back as Ryker cursed under his breath. "I wanted one day!" He said as he fought with himself. He was regretting his words. The way he spoke to me. Good. He deserved to wallows in pain. He deserved to sit in his own mess!

The car pulled into the driveway as cars sped by and men ran. The car stopped as Ryker opened the car door. I gathered myself as I stepped out and looked up as the stair case was full of armed men. I felt like a threatened princess and these were the Queen's guard protecting the palace. I guess today it was true. The men lined up and turned to face each other. The sounds of their boots clicks as scraping the stone steps. I jumped as they went silent. I walked up to the stairs.

"I'm here!" Loco whispered and I nodded. "Thank you!" Ryker stared at me and saw Loco's hand. He grunted "Loco remove your hand!" he said as Loco dropped his hand. "Yes sir!" Ryker grunted. I walked up the stairs with a hurry and a want to escape to my rooms. I wanted away from this dilemma and finally be able to relax and listen to some Taylor Swift in silent.

What? I liked her okay. The doors opened and we were guided through and Ryker disappeared before saying one last thing. "I will return to you. Ill make this good!" He said as he touched my cheek and disappeared into his men. He went through the door and disappeared into the night. I was scared for him. A single tear fell from my eyes. "Don't cry!" Loco wiped the tear.

"Never you!" He said as he pushed me toward the stairs. The men ran around and maids swept down and through the halls like mad people. It was chaos. Totally and perfected chaos. I was at my door. "Will he return?" I asked Loco. "I would if only for you! I would do anything!" He whispered into my neck making me shiver and my stomach tumble. I smiled feeling good.

"Thank you Loco!" He whispered "Anytime!" I closed the door behind us. The door was locked and guarded. The room was beautiful and food laid out. The table was full of cheese-pastries and other meats and cakes. I sat on the bed and he sat next to me. "Why was he so cruel?" Loco sighed and leaned back against the satin sheets. "He's the future of everything you see. He can't seem weak. He needed to be stone cold to say goodbye to the women he loves." I turned and stared at him. Ryker isn't. "Ryker doesn't love me?" He laughed "Yes and the summer isn't Hot!"

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