High School Blues part 1 begins Part 14

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I don't remember falling asleep as I opened my eyes as light filled the room. I lifted the blanket and saw I was still clothed. "Thank god!" I said to myself. As I sat up I screamed as I came face to face with Ryker. "What the hell are you doing?" he was sitting in the chair by the dresser leaning back flipping through his phone. He looked up as I shouted and said "I was waiting for you to wake. You snore baby" he winked and I tossed a pillow at him. "Shut up. No I don't?" He grabbed the pillow out of air and smiled. I yelled at him and he shook his head.

 "No well last night a chainsaw was roaring in here? Or was it a bear?" he touched his lips as he considered the thought. "Well you stink?" he looked at me and laughed. "Thanks baby. This cologne is top of the line. I smell like the Greek gods." I rolled my eyes "What sweaty?" He choked. "Uh why would the Greek gods smell of sweat?" he asked. 

"Hello there always fighting!" he laughed and shook his head. "Well it's a hard life being all mighty and keeping a wife happy" I rolled my eyes. "Zeus cheated on his wife and had children" he rolled his eyes. "His wife was his sister" he choked on his coffee spitting it out. "What the heck?" I laughed. "Didn't know that huh. You smell of incest" he stood up and escaped into the bathroom. I heard the shower running. Omg he was wiping it off. "Come on out. I was just kidding" I shook my head. I heard the door open and close and for what took forever. I heard the door open and steam fill the room. "Now I smell of old spice and flower shampoo" he winked. 

"Omg all because I said he fucked his sister" he stopped me with a hand. "I wanna keep down my coffee please" he eyed me as I pretended to seal my lips. "Now can we get back to me watching you sleep." He sat down and put the cup on his lap as he watched me. "Where'd you get the clothes?" He smiled. "I have men darling. Who do you think?" He said sipping his coffee. 

He stood and stared at me as i hugged the blanket to my chest. "I disrespected you last night. That won't happen again" he said as i stared at him. "Okay!" He nodded "Now I have to take care of things today but stay clear of Angela-Kelly and Kat. Don't hurt anyone?" I stood up and shook out my hair. "Ill try!" he smiled and looked me over. "So that's what you wear to bed huh?" 

 I looked down at my pajamas. It was covered in small black and white Boston Terrier or French bulldog. I couldn't tell. They were just cute. I like dogs whatever. I wore an extra large throw over with a giant coffee top with a dog on it. The dog was sitting next to a woman with coffee. The coffee spilled.  "Cute" He said as he left the room with a click of the door. He was going to work.

 I was on my own. I rushed into the bathroom and took a shower. Using extra body lotion and body sugar scrub. I walked out and grabbed a pair of underwear and bra that is extra comfortable. The bra was padded and the underwear was soft and silky but made me look also sexy. I went into the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans with rips in it and a patch on the back.

 A top that read "Ozzy Osbourne with bats on it!" I really liked the shirt and boots. The boots were black with grey and silver shoe laces. I grabbed an large plaid sweat shirt and tied it around my hips and walked out the room. "Omg you look hot girl!" Maeve said as she stood against her door. She wore an tight sun dress with black boots and a large hat on that made her eyes pop. 

"So are you gonna date anytime soon?" She laughed. "Girl does it look like I need to date?" she asked. "Uh yes!" She smiled and looked at me with a tilt. "Why are you asking?" I bit my lip and ribbed my sweaty palms against my jeans. I was anxious. "I want you to be happy. Loved!" she smiled 

"Girl I love you!" she kissed my head. "Champ!" she hugged Champ as he barked in response to his name being called. She really loved the dogs. They were her babies as well as mine! "I saw this hottie at one of the bars me and Asa went to?" She looked off to the left and back at me. "What's his name?" She smiled "Chaos?" I choked. "His name is Chaos?" she nodded. "Yup!" I scratched at my neck and asked which was on my mind. "What does he do?" 

"He's a owner of a garage and owns a airport that flies out imports and exports!" so he's rich. "So when do I meet him?" I asked and she walked around me sighing. "I didn't even go on a date with him?" I sat in the chair and poured some cereal. "Why not?" She sighed. "He use to be apart of an underground mma fighting club and run guns!" "What the hell Maeve?" I shouted and she slammed the cup down and turned toward me. "You better curb it girl?" she spat. I shout up. 

"Sorry!" she nodded "Accepted" and sat across from me. "He's all square law biding citizen and all that shit. He's hot covered in ink and got a body that could send mind to pound town" I gagged. "Ewe mom!" she laughed. "I ain't dead" she rolled hers. "I'm fifty and look twenty years younger. Girl I did a guy last month was in his thirties and looked like Legolas" she winked. "An Elf?" she snorted. "It was a comic con!" I laughed. "You slept with a freaking elf?" she nodded. "it was hot-red hot and was really good with his fingers" "Who the hell does that?" I asked her. "Uh hello Katy freaking Perry!"

 I stood up and placed my bowl in the sink and washed it. "I envy you!" I said as she hugged me and held me with comfort.  "Don't girl make your own memories!" she smacked my butt. I yelped as it stung. "Omg!" I looked behind me as she yelled "It's all about this wap-wap" I laughed and shook my head. As my mom disseated upstairs. I heard a loud yell at the window 

"Hey chickee get out here loser?" I shook my head as Ava's red hair popped up in the window as Jillian mock kissed the window. I opened the door. "What are you doing here?" They looked at me and smiled. "Picking up you up come on get?" I grabbed my purse and lunch money and walked out the door. The girls laughed and said last night was hilarious-fun and seeing her was dreadful. "I really hate Kat. She's like an unwanted leech stuck to the tip of your tit" I almost tripped over the invisible pebble that had been her statement. "Omg you okay?" Ava said. 

"Jillian hey no need to trip out on me?" She giggled as I snorted. "Please!" Today she had an older Bronco with a black top and black rims. "Wow cool Bronco!" she smiled. "Thanks!" she pushed at my shoulder and we climbed in. As she turned the key I jumped as Limp Bizket came on. "Omg my ears?" Ava yelled. "So?" Jillian pulled out the driveway as I did the one thing she hated. I turned the channel and finally found a channel with Evanescence was on it. Ava bounced. Jillian stared at Ava with big eyes and surprise. "What?" She stopped. 

"Don't touch my radio!" she smiled and stared at me. "Or what?" she smiled and tilted her head. "I'll cut your fingers off one by one!" she said as I laughed. "Hilarious" and she smiled as I opened the door and got out. I smoothed down my jeans and looked around. The school looked like anything else. It was large with pillars and gargoyles that resembled the gargoyles from the television channels. "What the heck happened to the school since Monday?" Ava looked at the building and back at me "The principal wanted it to look regal" and gave imaginary quotes.  

As I walked up to the front of the building "Hello slut!" I froze and turned back as Kat walked up wears heels and a dress. Her heels were strapped going up her leg and cress crossed and ended at a small clip at the top. 

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