'Mother' Part 2

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 "Are you hurt?" I shook my head as he spoke. "You talk!" I said and he did something. I had never seen before. He smiled. "I speak when I need to!" he said as he lifted my head and rotated it back and forth. He looked me over as to see if I was hurt. "I'm okay!" He nodded and stepped back. "As I said she will need to continue school and given the respect she will be given as my wife. She will need food and a proper mother. This women is cruel and abusive!"

"How dare you?" She froze as the words slipped from her mouth. Ryker turned and stared at her with content and hatred. He stood staring at her, then moved faster then my eyes could keep up with. He took and slammed her into the wall and moved her into his face and snapped her neck. She fell lifeless to the floor. Omg what the hell. I moved back quickly as he turned and looked at me.

"If you are to be my wife. Never fear me!" I nodded and gulped quietly. He smiled and winked. Who was he? He moved closer as I held my nerves and tried to calm my heart. "No need to fear me darling." He touched my hand. "I am sworn by blood and family but if we marry I will do right by you!" he stepped back and walked by me. "I expect a proper mother." The man behind him nodded. The other man took out his phone and handed it to Ryker.

"Yes! Can you take her?" he looked at me. He nodded and walked toward the men. "Where are you going?" he stopped and looked back. "I have to be a son, then a leader. Finally ill be a husband and father. I am not yet eighteen I have to wait but until we meet again. Be good!" He walked off and disappeared behind the men. I stood taller and looked around me.

As I sat in a chair eating a bacon burger a man had politely cooked me. He was a really nice guy. He was an older man with a uniform on that looked aged and his boots broken in with cracks in the leather. He stood over six feet tall with a small pot belly that lined his pants. He stood at the stove cooking some more burgers on a Forman grill as a tall woman with a flowing dress and long blonde hair came into the room. She smelled of wild grass and sunshine. She was beautiful.

"I am here for the girl!" she smiled and walked closer to me. "Hello my name is Maeve Harvey it's so wonderful to meet you?" and she smiled as she held out her hand and kneeled down. I looked down as she sat down as I was taught. "No dearie you won't be looking down anymore. I am not an abuser. I am a teacher. Ill teach you to deserve, and be the wife of a don. Men will fear you and other's probably envy you. None will mess with you not while I am living!" and she held out her hand.

"Let's talk!" as she guided me into the dining room and snapped her fingers. The men quickly gathered there food and walked off. They disappeared with a snap of a finger. I lifted an eyebrow. Equitize and wanting. "I see you liked that. Good you're learning!" The woman sat down. "As I said I am Maeve. I am a child of a fearless doomsday cult and a freedom fighter.

My ex husband was a solider for the very organization your future husband will run. He was strike and a good teacher and provider!" she held a gold locket with one of her hands and went quiet for a second. "Anyway besides the harmful past he taught me how to survive and now i will teach you" and she smiled and leaned back.

"I won't wear dresses!" she looked at me and her smile faded. "I see why not!" and she winked. "I promise you wont have to. You can wear whatever your heart desires. My dear!" She took my hand as a plate was sat in front of me. It had a lot of vegetables and some dessert. "Better eat it. You won't be getting dessert for a while. You need to trim up and gain muscle." She winked and I dug in. The pie was delicious and full of fruit and sugar. It was something I was never allowed to eat with Mother. "Can I not call you mother!" she smiled and said

"Call me Maeve!" she winked as I ate and she grabbed my hand. "Okay darling!" and we walked out of the house. "Wait can I have a dog?" she smiled "Of course!" I laughed. We walked out of that life and into a new one. For the next couple years life moved on. I was taught everything I needed to know to be a stronger woman. A woman worthy of a Don!

                                                                          This is Maeve!!! 

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                                                                          This is Maeve!!! 

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