The fall Part 12

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 I was mad. "Don't be mad it's only the beginning!" and walked off. "Not enough!" he laughed. "The wait is worth the juice" he said walking away. That made me blush hard. I am really screwed. I don't know why. I just knew I was and did I like it. I think I did. I freaking loved it. As I touched my lip. "Are you coming?" I looked up and saw Ryker was smiling as he watched me. " As we exited the door we saw Wyatt had Jillian on the table and her top down as he massaged one of her breast. He licked at her neck as she gasped and moved along his body like a wave. "Omg get him girl?" Wyatt jumped up and Jillian quickly covered herself. She looked embarrassed and it showed by her rosy cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" she said embarrassed. Wyatt smiled as he took out a cigarettes' and lit it between his finger. He drew in a breathe and released it as smoke blew out his nose and mouth. He made smoking attractive.

"That was quite a show. I'm impressed Wyatt!" he said as Wyatt smiled wide. "I know how to take care of my girl!" he said grabbing at her and putting her back to his front. "I know we all saw!" I said as Jillian blushed and Wyatt laughed. "Shut up!" Jillian said in a embarrassing voice. "So where to?" Jillian smoothed a hand down her cheek and fixed her hair. "Follow me!" As we walked 

Ryker took my hand and guided me toward the Ferris Wheel and a man stood there with a smile and hands on his hip. "Omg look how gorgeous these girls are!" He sounded way to happy to be here. "Hello cousin Eddy" he waved at him and shook his head. "Your to kind!" he winked at Ryker "Omg aren't you the lead singer of?" He was snapping his hands and touching his nose.

He looked confused. "Yes I am!" The boy screamed. "Omg I have to insta this!" he picked up his phone and turned it around and started talking in a upbeat tune. "Hello tiktok babies. This is Eddy for you here. I am with the hottie bad boy of the underground. The lead man of the indie grunge band "One day to Judgment" I'm right?" He screamed as Wyatt nodded. "Omg girls he's a hottie!" he did a shimmy shake and we all laughed. "Eddie please?"

Ryker stood pinching his nose. "He's a sticker for the theatrics'!" he rolled his eyes and opened the gates. "Have fun!" he said as we went up the ramp. The Ferris wheel looked old and some of the carts were on the floor. I am so gonna die. "If I die-I'll haunt you!" he looked at me "Oh please do!" he winked as I rolled my eyes. "Not in that way" he smiled wider showing dimples. "In what way-I'm interested?" he leaned in as his breathe hit my neck. "Get away Did you ever see the Conjuring? Yes that way!" I pushed him away as he laughed. As we entered the cart. Eddie held up a gun sign and the Ferris wheel roared to life and creaked.

"I am gonna die?" Jillian yelled as Wyatt looked back at us. "This isn't fun!" he laughed as the ride shook and the gears smoked. "Get us off!" I said as the ride stopped at the top and I looked around. "What the hell is happening?" he looked down and back at me. "Oh I payed him extra to stop?" he held out his hands and I looked at him in disbelief and confusion. 

"Then get your money back. Let me out?" he leaned closer to me and whispered. "Why you don't wanna close to me?' He smelled my neck as he blew on it. "Stop!" I whispered as he laughed. "Come on baby" he touched my leg and he smoothed his hand up as I tried telling him to stop. He smiled as he sucked on my neck.

"Let me please you pretty girl!" he pushed his hand up until he reached my granny panties. "Nice I love a girl in cotton!" I laughed. "No you don't" he smiled. "Why it holds the secret garden" I looked at him with horror. Who the hell says that? " What the hell." I yelled as he looked at me and laughed. "Why would you call it that?  I punched his shoulders as Jillian yelled from her cart above us. "Ewe Ryker shut up" Jillian shook her head "No humping!" she yelled as Ryker leaned back. He pushed his finger over my panties as I groaned as I held the bar and onto his arm. He leaned back as he pulled his fingers out of my legs. He took his fingers and lifted it to his nose and breathed in. His eyes closed as he smelled.

"You smell like sin!" as he opened his eyes he licked his thumb. Omg. Like I said I was so screwed. That's when the ride turned to life and the creaks and rumbling began. The carts jumped and my life hung in the hopes of a cart not falling on me or the one I was in.

"Omg!" Jillian screamed as the cart before hers fell to the grass area. "I'm gonna die!" She screamed. Finally we reached the gate and the doors opened and Jillian ran like death was chasing behind. She ran down the platform and fell on the grass legs up and undies out. "Girl cover yourself!" she smiled and yelled "I'm alive!" and hugged the grass and grabbed it and tossed it. Omg

"You remind of a pig in mud!" she sat up and looked at Ryker with hurt in her eyes as her jaw fell open. "How dare you pretty boy!" she jumped up. "You almost killed me on the ride from hell!" Ryker laughed. "You went on it of your own free will!" she snorted and looked mad. "Ryker I'm gonna kill you." He laughed. "Sticks and stones love!" she tossed grass and kicked out her foot. As she did that her foot slide on the dew from the colder winds and fell flat on her butt. "Ow! I laughed. I couldn't stop it was so funny. "Omg that was the funniest thing I ever saw" Ryker held up a camera and pushed rewind and replayed it. "Delete that pretty boy now!" she yelled.

He replayed it. "Omg here she goes again-bam" he did this for two minutes. As we walked down the platform. "You're evil!" Ryker laughed as he replayed it. "Delete it" He shook his head. "Never that was the funniest shit I ever saw. I could win a million dollars off that gold"

 She looked really mad right now. She held her hips with her hands. "I'm gonna gut you like a fish and feed you to my mother's hens" he stared at her. "Uh okay!" He shook his head. "Your good in details. I'm getting you for my next victim" she looked horrified. "Ewe Ryker" she walked off flipping him the bird.

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