Date Night /Part 9

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As we waited outside the room we heard cries and heels slapping against the floor. As I looked back I saw Mrs. Whistles waving her hands around. I guess she wasn't happy for boy toy had moved on. As she opened her class office she looked distract as she wiped at her cheeks smearing more makeup that ran from her eyes. She walked out the room and stopped and stared at Jillian with tears in her eyes and shook her head. "This isn't over?" 

I smiled and shook my head "Desperation doesn't look good on you Mrs. Whistles. You're beautiful. Move on!" she looked at me with shock, confusion and a little bit of happiness from the compliment. "I know!" she snorted and walked off. Her body was leaning inwards and she didn't hold her head high. She was really hurt. Wow this day is turning out to be better then freaking General Hospital. 

"So let's go out tonight?" Wyatt stopped and fidgeted with his lip ring. He was nervous. After the display of breaking it off with  his teacher. I understood why. "So now more Mrs. Whistles?" he shook his head and smoothed up his mohawk. "Nah my sights on a girl with fire in her eyes and dimples who likes cherry lollipops!" he said as she blushed. "Omg just say yes. I'm gonna gag!" he laughed and she rubbed at her face. "Six okay!" he nodded and waved at me and blew her a kiss. "Omg your first date?" I screamed as she began to panic.

 "Come over and I'll get  you ready?" she squealed as we walked down the hall and into our next period. Oh no not her. As we walked in we saw Kelly and Angela sitting there swirling there hair and popping gum. They snort laughed and made mocking gestures. "Omg look it's the losers?" Angela laughed as Kelly looked at me as her eyes looked me over and smirked. 

"Angela your obsession tendencies are really becoming an concern. Join a fan club or something?" I said as she looked at me with confusion and a smirk. "Please like I'd be obsessed over a loser" she laughed and smacked her lips with the bubblegum. That noise was really bothersome. She stood taller and leaned up against the lockers.

 "So ugly are you getting ready for a date?" Omg that was a good one. It took all of what her two brain cells. "You're the corner piece to an unsolvable puzzle-Everyone looks right by you!" She stared at me and shook her head. "Girl your useless!" she spoke with a stern voice with an edge of sass and daggers. It was not pleasant. It meant something bad. Then I saw her Katherine pop up. She stood further down the hall and stared at me with a rage. "Yes!" I spoke without shake. "Listen freak he's mine!" I rose my eyebrow and laughed.

 "Didn't know I controlled him. I am honored you think so!" I smiled as she looked at me like a clown that popped out of a jack in the box. "Omg what is wrong with you. Can you talk like a normal person. I mean every time you talk it's like your I.Q. drops!" That wasn't so dumb. Good one. "That's a good one, I'll give you a b minus for effort!" She rolled her eyes and squeezed her nose. "Omg you can't act normal can you?" she said laughing. "What can broken but never held?" I asked her and she stopped dead and shook her head. Snarling as her lip curled up. "What the hell kind of question is that?" A simple one. 

"It's an intelligent question?" she looked at me and shook her head "It's a promise. If you are wondering?" She looked at Kelly who stood by her locker. Kelly shook her head in disbelief. "That's not an intelligent questions. It's a ridiculous one?" I laughed. "Says you!" This was boring. I am so done I turned and walked back toward Jillian. "He's mine bitch-back off!" she said coming up fast behind me. "If you hit me you better be prepared to take a beatdown!"

 I turned as she stopped a foot away. "He's mine!" she said in a snarl and walked pass and pushed her shoulder into mine. I laughed. "Okay ill be sure to tell him. No dating-That bad"  she stopped and gave me a dirty look. "Remember that!" she walked off flipping her hair as Kelly followed behind her. 

Omg she really believed that. This is so comical. Like a good morning cartoon. "Bye freak!" I turned back smiling as the duo that haunted these halls giggled and made gestures with their hands. They really are something. "So you got to go to my house tonight to get ready?" I rubbed at my face. "Oh yeah so he can show up. I am mad at you for that." she gasped as she held her hand over her chest. "Why I didn't do anything?" I rolled my eyes. 

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