High school/ Sucks Part 6

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As I drove horns honked and boys shouted "Whoa Mama!" and others admired my bike and her work. I pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine. It was a huge building with pillars and huge knights guarding the door. The door was open and the knights looked almost like they were holding it open. The building was stone and concrete with brick edging.

It looked medieval with some modern touches added for restoring. As I shut off the engine and got off. I heard cackling like a woodpecker does on cartoon network. I looked over and a girl around my age stood there with a hand on her hip and her eyes narrowed. She held herself high and looked beautiful with a fresh coat of lipstick and plastic. She made me wanna scratch my eyes out!

"Can I help you?" I asked. "Your bike is an eyesore. Move it?" I looked around and saw expensive cars all around me.

"I don't know can you by the looks of that car you must be the owner. Pink Mercedes with Barbie on the plate. Original did that come with a purse and a tiny barking dog?" A girl with red hair and large glasses started laughing as she tried horrible to cover it with her hand. She had freckles lining her nose. She bent over holding her stomach. "Omg it does look like it's Barbie dream car!" and pointed at the car as she giggled.

"Shut up Ava!" her friends appeared with a loser sign as the other gave a wicked look of annoyance and hatred. "Where'd you get car the five and dime store!" Her friends snickered as the one with the blonde pig tails and a tight dress smacked her hand. "John Hughes nice. Great director!" she narrowed her eyes as her friend snorted loud.

"Yes it still holds grounds!" Good one. So she did have a brain. Good. "Yes and you see my bike is better for the environment less gas-less fuels." The girl with the glasses just shook her head. I guess my witty remarks were more amusing then her pitiful words.

The Mercedes!!!

Not my car obviously

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Not my car obviously. It's off of google. Beautiful car though.

"I run things here-bitch you will Lis-" she didn't get to finish as my hand hit her in the throat. She doubled over gasping as she held her neck. "What the hell freak? Who does that?" her friend held her as she gasped and breathed. "Kat are you okay?" Kat it figures. "Katherine is twice the girl you will ever strive to be. She's prettier and classier and will become a rich wife and marry Ryker!" Wait hold the hell up. Katherine had

"Ryker-Ryker you mean?" As she spoke I saw him walking near me. He was surrounded by over a dozen guys. You got to be shitting me.

"Libra I see you met Katharine. My girlfriend!" my eyes narrowed into slits. "She is oh my mistake! I thought you were my fiancé. This whole time I was confused. Glad we covered that Ryker. Now I am off the hook and you bagged yourself a prima donna. Maybe by the time you're forty she'd spent half your money and currently be boning your solider behind your back!"

He stared at me with a look of amusement and excitement. He liked my attitude. "Libra-Libra you will be fiancé but in the mean time I get to play!" No freaking way.

"You're marrying her?" she finally found her breathe. Holding her neck she looked at him with disappointment as tears filled her eyes. "Yup darling I will be a Don's wife while you'll be the girl he chases on the side. Respect or no respect. Choose wisely" she looked at me with hatred. "You'll never marry him. He's mine!" Wow she dream's awake?! "You may play in the minor's sweetheart-but I play in the pros be careful?" I said as she stood tall her hand still wiping gently at her throat. "You might need to get that checked?" I pointed to her throat.

She looked at me with a snarl and a look of pure rage. "If you didn't hit me- I wouldn't have to?" The girl with the glasses walked closer and sat at a small bench with two soldiers currently waiting for Ryker. A boy with blonde hair gelled up and currently sticking up every which way. He was covered in tattoos. His arms were an artwork of different creatures and lyrics. His neck had a huge dragon on in that came out his sleeve and down his arm. It was wrapping around his arm like it had a mind of his own. He smiled as if this scene was hilarious. He winked at me.

"What's your name? Let me guess Kelly?" I asked her friend. She looked at me and flipped her perfect hair. It fell back into place as I internally rolled my eyes. She stood taller as she held her hip with her hand. "No bitch- I am Angela Van Dos? Heiress to Money Moore clothing company" She smiled with pride. Her friend stood taller "Am I suppose to know who that is?" I smiled back like I pretended to have interest in this decision. She rolled her eyes.

"Well you'd have to buy your clothes out of the good will" her friend said in a mocking way. I laughed. "That's funny whoever you are- You just said the same thing she did. Did you counter think that or come up with all on your own?" she looked at me like I had five heads and not a real thought! " It's Kelly and it's whatever I don't talk to trash!" I laughed again.

"I like you Kelly. You're funny!" She roared her hatred and swung at me. I grabbed her hand with my fist and pushed her away. "If you ever lay a hand on me again. Ill break it!" she held her hand with her other. "You're a freak- loser!" How original. "Nope just a realist!" she rolled her eyes. Angela stared at her friend then me. "listen bitch. I will love destroying you. Making your life a living hell." I walked closer. "Sticks and stones girl. If you do anything to me. Ill do it back ten fold. Be prepared I live to please. I enjoy every second." She looked around.

"Don't look for support- back your statement. You made it. Own it" she huffed and walked off. "Ryker come on leave the loser here!" he laughed and winked at me. Ryker turned to follow. "Ryker be careful-you're walking the line?" He turned and nodded and walked over to his friends and soldiers and sat down. "Wouldn't dare?" Angela and a girl that I hadn't seen appear stood with hands on her hips huffing and walked off. Angela was going to be a problem! I'd deal with her definitely. As they walked off Kelly looked back and flipped me the bird. "Classy!" I said as the glasses girl laughed once more.

"Girl you just love to make an entrance!" she spoke as I looked at her. "No that would be my bike. She's a jealous bitch?" she laughed again. "Nice. I'd love to meet her. I love her style!" she stood up and wiped her hands on her black t-shirt with the words "Read it and Weep!" with a short frilly skirt and boots that lined up the sides with buckles and a large snap.

"Nice boots are they made for kicking?" she snickered. "I don't know never kicked anyone lately?" I walked off. "That's a pity!" she followed me. "I'm Ava. It's nice to meet you?" 

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