Deals with a Traitor Part 5

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I smiled thinking about the traitor and how I was going to make them pay. It would be worth it. I don't like traitor's especially one's that knew Ghost! As I tossed my helmet down I screamed then wiped my mouth. "Well that was fun!" Maeve stood at the door "He knew!" she smiled and tilted her head. "Of course he knew he runs it!" He owns everyone. Especially on Hawick Street. You won how many races. I wonder how?" I looked at her with narrow eyes.

"You told him!" and she smiled wider. "I am your caretaker-your teacher-your mother. The one thing I am not to you is a traitor. It was Sailor the Solider outside!" she winked and stopped "Opps I guess I was wrong!" and laughed as she shut the door. I walked out the door and saw Sailor standing by a card table. "Did you rat me out to Ryker?" Sailor stiffened and turned with his hands up. I punched him in the face as he fell pleading

As I stood over him. I took Alek's gun and put it to his head and pulled the trigger. "I don't like traitor's. If you betray me you die!" I stood up and looked at the soldiers. They saluted me and yelled "Yes ma'am!" and I tossed the gun in the water. "Back to work!" and I walked off back into the house. Maeve stood at the door

"Took care of that didn't you!" She laughed as she tossed back her tall glass of whiskey. "Get in the house and get some sleep!" she walked off as she laughed. As I shook my head and looked up at the sky. I smiled as I knew this was gonna be fun. I walked into the house and went upstairs and grabbed a box of hair dye. Round one of fun!

I looked at my brown hair that fell down in waves with black thru it. It wasn't a pretty color it fit my freckles. I dyed my hair black and had bright blue waves put thru it. I looked in the mirror and the new hair color made my blue eyes pop and my freckles less intense. I looked hot! I smiled as I thru down the gloves and showered. After showering and drying my hair that color looked darker and my eyes brighter. I looked optic. "Oh boy your really hoping to kill him huh?

" I looked at my mom and smiled. "Think he'll like it" she smiled. "He has a thing for dark haired girls and you darling!" she winked. "Girls?" I asked. She laughed "He's a don!" and I tilted my head. "He's mine. If they touch him ill kill them!" she laughed. "Know your talking like a real don's wife. Just kept that to yourself. It's only an inside job!" she said as she pointed to her head. I nodded.

"Got you!" I winked and she laughed. "He's gonna have his hands tied!" and I smiled "If he's lucky!" and she spat out her whiskey. "Girl your getting my sense of humor!" and walked off. I opened the closet and grabbed jeans with some patches on the knees, boots and a blouse. I then got a locket of my dogs and a turtle. I had a thing for turtles. As I opened the door. I was bombarded by my dogs. My three favorite doggies. "Hello Champ-Walker and Cheyenne!"

I hugged and kissed them. They licked me and Maeve shouted "Hey get outside!" and she smiled as she opened the door and let them out. They barked and ran down the deck into the oversized yard for bathroom and border watch. I opened the garage as I took in the scenery and listened to my dogs bark at me as I drove out of the driveway onto the road. On my second bike. Misty. She was a fiery thing and loved to make a entrance.

 She was a fiery thing and loved to make a entrance

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