Katharine and The end Part 31

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"Let me go Ryker?" He stared at me with a look that I've never seen before on his face. It terrified me. He looked like a madman. I kicked at him and pushed him away. "Get off of me?" He laughed as he got thrown back off of me. "Get the hell off of her?" Loco yelled. "What is your problem?" Ryker stood and looked at Loco. "I yelled at Katharine for Libra!" Wait what the fuck? what was happening with him. "What crawled up your ass?" I asked him he looked at me and grabbed at his hair and pulled it. "She's been there for me when you weren't. She's been there!"

I looked at Loco as he rolled his eyes and pulled out a cigarettes'. "Oh is poor Katharine getting left out of the Ryker sand which. How about you go fuck her and all well be happy. Katharine gets you and I get Libra?" I choked as Ryker stilled and stared at Loco. 

"That's not funny!" Loco laughed "Either is the bullshit you're spitting. She's a big girl. Your fiancé is suppose to be your rock. The one you confide in when all is down and you're telling me your up in all about your ex?" He stilled and shook his head. I bit at my lip and looked at Ryker like he was a moron. I was mad and embarrassed. Tonight was suppose to be my night. Tonight was suppose to be fun. I wasn't having fun now. I was mad now.

"Well go?" I stepped back and removed my ring and tossed it at him. "Go Ryker Go?" I screamed. "Go see your Katharine and when it's down. You shove that ring up your bony ass!" I said and walked by him as he turned. "She's my friend Libra . Please UNDERSTAND?" he practically screamed.

"She came at me. She tried to hurt me. You saw her. You now are defending her. All upset over the fact you had to put the bitch in her place. Well tonight the Queen is stepping aside for the pawn because no one puts the Queen in the check!" I screamed and slammed the door to the car behind me. I locked the door as Loco stepped by him. 

"You're making a huge mistake!" He tossed the cigarettes' and walked away." As he slide into the front driver's seat. Ryker stepped closer to the window. "Libra I love you!" I shook my head. I was tired of the back and forth between Katharine and Ryker and I. I grabbed a piece of paper and slammed it onto the glass after writing "Go!" A single tear fell down my cheek as he watched it.

I had finally realized something. Ryker was in love with me but he loved Katharine as well. That would never change. I lowered my head and wiped a single tear away as the car pulled away from the curb. "I love you Libra!" He screamed. I knew what i had to do. I knew i had to get out. "Loco can you help me?" He looked at in the mirror and nodded. "Anything just name it?" He stared at me as tears fell down my cheeks. He watched me as my heart broke. He closed his eyes and opened them. He opened them as he watched me. "We'll make him pay for the disrespect!"

I smiled internally and nodded and i looked out the window. I was finally taking back the board. I was taking back me. If you wanna fuck with the king make him suffer. Leaving would make him suffer. He wants me and loves me but with her here. He can't choose. "Should I stay?" He looked back at me "I'll do anything you choose?" He said as i nodded. "Thank you loco!" He nodded and drove home. "Can you take me back?" He nodded and turned the car around.

"I wanna tell him something?" As we pulled into a house that looked like a house on cribs. "Wow who lives here?" I asked as he looked up as he tossed anther cigarette'. He stalled as his eyes boggled and he wiped at his mouth. "Let's go get something to eat?" What the fuck? I thought as Katharine's car was in the driveway.

Her pink Mercedes was in the driveway. I walked closer to the house and turned and walked further into the yard. The yard was huge with flowers and a large fountain that had birds flying on and off of it. The yard lead to a large circular room with large doors that had a pool and spa in it. Wow this yard was incredible. As I unlocked the gate it creaked as it scrapped along the grass and I walked into the garden that smelled of flowers and salt water.

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