Before the Masquerade Part 19

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Angela drove into the driveway and saw anther package leaning against the door. "I see your admirer is back?" She smiled as she shook his head and  drank anther sip from the tall glass of long island ice tea. She smiled one more and looked down as I picked it up. "You got him spending the cheddar-Good!" she said as she walked into the house. "Yes that's why I'd wanna be with any man. The cheddar!" I slapped the box down on the table causing a small figurine of a cat to fall as Maeve caught it. 

"Gentle girl. Almost broke my cat!" and shook her head. I opened the box and gasped as I pulled out the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. It looked almost like i imagined Astronauts saw every time they looked out the window. 

"Wow what a pretty dress!" Maeve stood by the table as I picked up the dress as her jaw fell open. She looked at me and back at the dress. "That dress looks like something my husband once bought me. It was beautiful and sparkled like it." Her eyes glistened as she wiped at her eyes and downed the glass. "Excuse me!" She walked off as disappeared around the corner. 

"Are you okay Mom?" she quietly yelled "Yes!" The corset looked almost like the galaxy. It sparking as I held it up to the light like small diamonds. The corset had a v shape down the bodice. My breast were lifted, sealed with a bra with a lot of support like a push up bra. I smiled as the dress fell into a large skirt and a small train behind it. As I lifted the dress out of the box.

 I saw a mask laying flat against the white of the box. The mask was really beautiful and made almost feel inadequate to wear it. I lifted it the fabric felt soft but sweet really well. The straps were silk and feel soft against my skin.

 The mask was all black and had a lighter color of black through the stitching.  The mask would hide my nerves. I wasn't prepared for this. I wasn't this girl that Maeve said I was born to be!  I was just an teenager. I was just a girl. I felt like something out of a fairytale. I really liked the mask! As I walked upstairs Maeve stood there with a smile and anther glass. 

"You got a surprise?" She winked and I shook my head. "What is it?" She pointed to my room and walked inside as the door creaked I jumped and screamed. I saw my dogs on the bed as anther small animal perked up behind him. A tiny elk sat behind my dog. His head leaned to the side like his head was too heavy for his shoulders. The baby had brown fur with some grey patches through out the back of the baby. It had large and smaller spots and stood up and wobbled on his hoofs. "Are you okay?" I asked the small elk baby that wobbled down off the bed and raced around and jumped up into my stomach and legs. 

I went into the bathing room and jumped into the shower and quickly got undressed. I bathed with dove soap and sugar scrubs and I ended up smelling amazing. I shut the water off and got out as the Elk stepped into the room. He bounced up and down like a goat does. "You okay buddy?" He really was so cute. "So I thought of a name 'Adonis!" Adonis fit him he was beautiful. 

As I walked back into the room the bed had Champ and Adonis on it. The bed shook as they played. I smiled as I watched the two of them on it. "Come on guys!" I smiled as I grabbed the bags and opened them. One had shoes that looked like they were boots and had buckles up the front and snapped on the side. They looked amazing and I wouldn't have blisters. My feet wouldn't kill at the end of the night. As I lifted the dress over my head I noticed something. The dress had a Velcro stitching in the front and I removed it and the front fell down opening up above my knees. The rest fell down the back. Wow it was like a short dress in the front and longer one in the back. How awesome. I've never seen a dress like this before. It was all new. 

I reattached the Velcro and the dress and put on my shoes and grabbed a small leather jacket. I wore it over the dress and grabbed the mask and put it in my inside pocket. As i opened the door She gasped and looked at me with wide eyes and said "Dang girl you look amazing!" she put down her glass and hugged me. "Knock him out girl!" She looked at me then up at my hair. Now let's do something with your beautiful hair!" I smiled and walked behind her. "So you like the new addition to the family?" She asked "Yes I named him Adonis!" she stopped. 

"I like it!" she whispered in my ear. "Thanks I do too!" She had out a curling iron and rolled my hair into ringlets and braided the one side and rolled to the other side and pinned it up. She pinned baby breathe around the braid and to the other side following along the braid. The rest was just curled ringlets that fell down my back. It looked really amazing. As she turned me around. She started doing my makeup. The makeup was black with red eyeshadow on the top and smoky that looked like a flared Nike sign. It looked amazing on me. It made my eyes pop. As my mother finished up. The doorbell rang. "Oh yay he's here!" she said as she ran for the door. 

"You look so handsome Ryker!" As Ryker entered the room my eyes boggled. He really did look beautiful.  Ryker looked stunning he wore a black suit that looked more expensive then my whole wardrobe. The suit had a small handkerchief hanging out the small pocket as his tie hung down and i saw what made me question her motive behind the red. He was wearing red. She knew. Dang it mom. He wore almost a blood red shirt underneath with a red polka dotted tie. 

He wore an expensive watch with cufflinks. The cufflinks were small diamond shaped. I also saw a small necklace. The necklace said Dimorov and had a small elk in the middle of the necklace. I looked back and knew instantly why Maeve had given me an elk. It was a warning-a gift from the family. 

As he walked closer he held out his hand and waited for me answer. Would I except. I would. I took his hand as he smiled. I heard banging on the door as Maeve rolled her eyes. "I just wonder who that could be?" She snickered as she went to open the door. As the door open I saw Loco. Loco banged the doo against the wall. He yelled in Spanish to my mother. 

"Donde Esta Ella" He screamed once more and that got me upset. "Don't scream at my mother Loco!" I yelled as Loco made his way toward me. He looked really upset. "What are you doing here?" He stopped and stared at me "You may be my brother. She's my friend. She was kind to me. Most aren't" He then dropped to my feet and my eyes widened "I pledge myself to the Queen!" what the hell was going on? What was he doing. "What are you doing?" Loco stood up

 "I am pledging myself as yours. Your everything. Your bodyguard!" he leaned his head down and said "I will protect you!" Ryker slammed him into the wall and screamed "Your stepping over bounds I can not forgive but you pledged yourself to my Queen. So you can't be killed!" He leaned into his ear and grabbed his hand and snapped a finger-then anther. He screamed out. 

"Stop it!" I screamed "Now Ryker he pledged himself to me. That makes him mine!" He looked back at me and stood up and walked closer. His eyes a look of rage and intent. His eyes narrowed into slits there wasn't any light reflecting. He looked mad. "Ryker?" I yelled. He slammed his hands against the wall. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Please Ryker!" He grabbed my face "You're mine!" He was breathing heavily. He stood close to me. I tried to gather my baring and stand strong. He was going to be a fierce leader. I needed to be strong.

 I looked up as my eyes collided with his. "Back the fuck up Ryker!" His eyes widened and he tilted his head. "I see you found it!" I stood closer to him "Found what?" I said in a low voice. 

"That backbone!" I raised an eyebrow "Oh I found more then that!" I grabbed him and kissed him then pushed him back and smacked him. He made a breathing in noise and licked at his lip and looked back at me. "Cute!" He winked and backed off. I finally let out a breathe of air. I didn't know I'd been holding. He walked over as Loco was popping his finger back into place. "I earned that!" Loco laughed and stood up. 

"You're my brother from my father. Your now her bodyguard. Don't make me regret giving you the title!"  He nodded and backed up. Loco stared at me. "I'm yours my lady!" He bowed and I smiled. "I accept. Just call me Libra!" I winked. 

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