Trouble in Paradise 16

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As he walked out of the classroom. I tried to gather my baring and clear my head. I mean he was really good at getting my nerves and heart pounding. "So much trouble!" I whispered for the millionth time to myself. As i gathered my books and got up I saw him out of the classroom waiting by one of the lockers with fuzzy posters on it. "Vote for Kat!" It read in big letters. Oh please I thought. "Hi Ryker!" I saw Kat stop walking with her friends and put a hand on his chest. 

"If you don't take your hand off his chest? I will put a beating on your mother will have to be called in to identify you?" She stopped and turned to me. Her eyes boggled and her lips thinned as she bit them. She was stopping them from falling to her chest. "What the hell are you wearing?" I finally asked taking in her silver dress and silver boots." She smirked as she shook her head.

 "Omg are you blind?" She pointed to the sign that read in big letters and pink glitter. "Hollow's dance. Dress as your favorite character or creature?" Oh goodie a dance. I rolled my eyes. "Nope I tend to avoid public display's of grinding and teenage wasting!" she snarled as she took me in. 

"Please the only thing you could attend would be a gathering of pray and bible reading!" Angela roared out in laughter as Kelly giggled behind me. 'Omg a bible thumper!" Kelly snort laughed and leaned against the fuzzy locker next to Ryker. "I won't repeat myself Katherine!" She smiled as she looked at Ryker as he smiled. 

"Is it sad I find it hot the two of you fighting over-!" He froze as he took in my face. "If you dare finish that sentence. I won't be responsible for my actions Ryker?" Kat laughed. "Omg your jealous is truly as green as a Douglas fur!" I looked over at Kat and said with thought. "Well your silly attempt at running for president is like watching Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde without the talent or the iq!" her smile fell as her eyes filled with something else. "You think you're really funny don't you loser?" she said with eyes taking on the look of rage as her lips thinned in anger. She pushed away from the lockers. 

"I am the daughter of a senator and a billionaire. You look like trash that's been left in a dumpster for a week and still wouldn't smell as bad as you!" she said watching my reaction. Her friends laughed and the kids that gathered around us also laughed. 

"May the chocolate chips in your cookie's always come out to be Raisins!" I said as the laughter stopped and Katharine just stared at me like I turned into a clown and asked if she wanted to float. "What the hell does that mean?" That was the whole point. She literally didn't understand sarcasm. "You failed at a good comeback?" Angela yelled to the side of me. "Literally your denser then a bottle of water!" Oh so someone knew their chemistry. Good for her. 

"Yes I guess both your dad and I failed!" she stilled. "What the fuck did my dad fail at?" Hook line and sink her. "Wearing a condom!" she roared out in rage as I laughed. "Come on that was a good one!"  Ryker just stood there shaking his head as he bounced a small pack of cigarettes' of his finger. 

"Sad but that was funny!" Angela stared daggers at Ryker. "You're a loser!" she screamed at me and we are back to name calling. "Is that all you can come up with?" I said as I stared at my fingers picking at the imaginary dirt under them. "I mean you're officially somewhat smart. That's  all you can come up with?" She stared at me and shook her head. "So insults then a compliment!" she said I smiled. "I know they come and go!" she snorted. "You're a loser!" 

 I moved to the side and stared at Angela face to face. "You've said that now three times. Is there going to be a forth or do I have to wait for the sequel?" I asked her. She stared at me with hate. She moved closer and smacked me across the face. I blinked as my cheek engulfed in pain as my teeth were almost knocked out. She had a good swing on her. I will give her that. "So that's how it is?" 

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