Her & Him Part 29

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As I woke up in my bed yelling and men running down the hall. Maids whispered and men ran down the hall. I smoothed back my hair and looked around as I tossed the blanket to the side. I noticed the other half of the bed was empty. Bloody sheets laid on the chairs and glazes filled the trashcan. I stood up as the door opened. "Hello beautiful!" Ryker stood tall as he slowly entered the room. "He moved a plate from behind him. I smiled as he walked closer. Slower then he usually walked. "Why are you out of bed?" He laughed. "Oh not you to. I have heard it from my men. Not my girl!" He winked and sat down. "Eat it!" He said as he handed me the cupcake.

The cupcake was vanilla with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate cake filling. It looked delicious. "Thank you darling!" I blushed as he touched my cheek. He smiled wide as I ate. "My life is rough but loving you is easy!" I coughed on my cupcake. "What the hell!" He looked at me and shook his head. "Sorry" He said as I laughed. "Shut up!" He whispered back to me. "I do you know. I love you!" He said "Loving me won't be easy. This life isn't for the easy or the weak. It's rough and business has to come first. I will protect you and be there for you. I can't let work distract that." I shook my head. "I know I am always second to this! Just be good to me." He nodded.

"Always!" He stood up and walked over to the desk as his phone rang. He hit the button and said some stuff I couldn't make out. "Get them ready?" He shouted and looked back at me. "Prepare them!" He said louder and slammed the phone down and tossed everything to the ground. He screamed. "What's going on?" He stopped and looked back at me.

"We are going to war. Again!" he looked at me and shook his head and lowered it. I walked over to him and leaned against him. "I'm here!" He cried a little as he stiffed and wiped at his cheeks and began to stiffen up. He became that stone man again. He was becoming that man that everyone feared. "I'll be okay!" He said as he kissed my head and moved around me. He never wiped his cheeks again. He was feeling less. He turned all of them off. He had to. He had to be the Don. The man everyone would look to for answers and direction.

As I stood up and moved my hands to move my hair back. The door swung open and there stood the bane of my existence. "Look what the trash brought in!" Omg my back curved in and my stomach turned as she spoke. She had the the voice for silent movies. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. She could make torture sounds for Guantanamo bay! "Oh here we go again!" I thought but smiled holding back my disgusts and annoyance. "Oh hello Katherine!" I smiled showing off my fangs and attitude. "So they let trash walk into a place of upscale and people above you. Must be nice seeing how rich people live and can only dream." She smiled thinking she was doing something.

"I'm here. What does that make you if I am here you can only dream to be in my shoes!" I stood tall and closer to her. Her eyes narrowed and clicked on to what I just said. She snarled and walked closer "What the hell did you just say?" She said slow and rough with a shake in it. "I didn't shudder!" She then looked at me and then up and down. "Your insults mean nothing because my dress cost more then your whole wardrobe." She laughed and wiped at her mouth and leaned back staring at me with hatred. "Your wardrobe. You mean the wardrobe your daddy bought with the money he is currently swindling out of his business and behind the D.A back!"

I said as I saw three different emotions come over his face. Surprise. She was surprised I would know that. How is probably coming across her mind as I speak. Worry. She was worried who i would tell and if I did all those pretty thing clothes would fade and her mother and her would live in a trailer on the outskirts of L.A. The last one is the new I should worry about. Anger! She's angry I would ever dare mention her father." As those emotions her face drops and her smile tightens as well as her eyebrow furrowed then her eyes mist over as she blinks that away.

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