Fights and Kisses Part 23

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"Omg popcorn!" I heard Jillian yell in happiness as Wyatt hushed her. "Don't wanna upset the happy couple!" Jillian giggled and they gathered up snacks and joined us behind us. As we laughed and fell into our own little world. The night was blissfully happy and i loved it. Ryker touched my hand with his fingers as i gulped as i looked over at him. His eyes twinkled as he stared at me like he was starving. I leaned in closer and he smiled as he bit into his lip. "Am I interrupting?" I heard a voice that made everything stand up and say "Omg no!" all at once.

My heart almost fell into the bottomless pit of why's and really. This night was going so well! "Yes actually you are. We are in the middle of a double date!" As I turned my eyes collided with Angela and Katharine's. "Oh my bad!" she smiled and walked inside. She walked to the popcorn and gathered a big box and a soda and slurped her coke as she let out a huge sigh. "Refreshing!" she said as she sat just next to Ryker on the other side of him. Ryker stared at me and his eyes screamed apologies and understanding. I nodded. I wanted him to know.

He hadn't invited her. I was with him all night. "Omg Ryker you look amazing tonight!" He coughed and said "Thank you Katharine!" he said as her smile widened. "You look nice to. Amazing what Ryker can do with a pot of trash and some good mascara!" There she went with the trash talk. "Well you would know? How trash can look almost like perfection but still be soiled with shit and old peels!" She gasped as tears filled her eyes. Her lips went white as she bit them but blinked the tears away. She rubbed at her skirt with her hands.

She flipped her hair trying to cover the emotions that was threatening to spill. She laughed with a cackle of a hyena and a raptor. I rubbed at my ears as she sat up smoothing down the shortest skirt I'd ever seen! Her outfit was a red almost maroon skirt with a black tank top and large stocking that ended just above her knees and platforms. Her platforms were hanging of the end of her feet. Dangling there! "You're hilarious Libra! A true comedian better aimed at the circus then the Apollo!" Angela snorted then laughed as Katharine attempted a smirk of hate as her eyes narrowed at me like twin pools of ink and despair. She really hated me. I almost laughed.

Well I'd be at the circus also but I'd be laughing at you! Aren't you scared of Clowns that would make everything all better!" Her smile filtered and dropped slightly as her face became narrowed as she snarled at me. That wasn't how I was suppose to retort or comeback at her. She expected tears not a full on punch to the throat. She had met her match and took numbers.

I wasn't easily swatted. "Your so funny but your face is what is the funniest. You look like your in makeup as we speak!" I laughed with her. "I understand it's sometimes easy to mistake beauty with a mirror!" she looked at me with wide eyes as her head turned toward Angela who was laughing her ass off. "Sorry Katharine!" she covered her mouth and turned away.

"Ryker did you heart what she said?" she asked him as her hand covered his chest and slide down. As her hand touched his junk I grabbed it and twisted it. As looks of passion and want turned to pain as she cried in agony and tried to pull her hand away. "Listen bitch don't touch what isn't yours!" I stood up dumping the popcorn! I went at her. I grabbed her and we started fighting. I was punching her as she pulled at my hair. "What the fuck are you five?" I asked her.

"Stop it!" I heard Jilly bean scream as she came to my defense. "Get off my friend loser!" I felt a soda hit my back as I let out a pain full cry. "Hey bitch that's my friend!" It was on then. Angela was now crying. It was full on brawl. Jillian was hitting and tossing Angela as I slammed Katharine into the wall and began to fully hit her then. As i laid my resistant punch I heard a loud shout. "Stop this right now!" I stopped as Katharine's face was bleeding and her lip was busted.

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