Waking up!!! Part 32

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 I screamed as I sat up in a white room. The room was full of flowers and cards. I looked down at me I was in a adidas shirt and jeans and slippers. I looked thinner and my head really hurt. "Hello?" As I said that a voice came into the room. "Omg she's up!" A nurse yelled as she saw me. Two more doctors and nurses came into the room. "Hello Ms. Harvey I see you're finally awake?" I smiled "Where is Ryker?" I asked as a Nurse who was smiling. Her smiled faded and the doctor coughed.

"I'm sorry miss we haven't seen him in six months. Not since he got married!" I looked at the doctor. "He got married!" He nodded. "How long was I asleep!" They looked at each other and back at me. "You've been in a coma for over five years!" I began crying. "He left me!" I covered my face and shook my head. I couldn't believe this. "Is it true? Is she awake?" I heard a woman's voice. I looked toward the door as I saw my best friend Jillian. She came bursting through the door. She ran to me and hugged me.

 "I told them all you'd wake up! They stopped believing. We didn't" I looked at her and at the door as Wyatt walked trough the door. He held a small baby.

"Omg you guys had a kid?" They nodded. "Her name is Libra!" I cried "Omg really that's great guys." I held my friend. "Where is Ryker?" Why didn't he wait?" why did he leave me. What happened that night. They looked at each other. 

"He changed after the night that you got hurt. He got angrier and more distant. He began to become rule with an iron fist. He pushed back everyone and wouldn't- couldn't look at you. He regretted what he did instantly. He loved you so much. He became the don and know rules all of the city now." She stopped and looked at Wyatt.

"Did he marry her?" She looked at Wyatt as her face dropped and she looked sad. "Yes he had to! After you got hurt he became meaner and deadlier. She confronted her and she became pregnant and they had a son. She gave him a future Aire. He married her that night. She's an adoring wife! He's never loved her. He sleeps with many mistresses!" I shook my head.

"What happened to Loco" She looked at me. "Darling you need rest!" I bit my lip. "Please?" She nodded and wiped at her face. "Loco was taken in for punishment. They beat him almost to death. He was then sentenced to yard work for a year." She stopped and shook her head. "After he found out what happened to you. He almost ended his life. He blamed himself for not being there. You tried to save him, but he couldn't save you." I sat up and shook my head.

"I just wanna live life free of this life." They smiled and nodded. "Get some sleep!" I nodded and laid my head back down and fell asleep. "Get over here? I love you!" Then a blinding white light and pain. I sat up screaming. As I looked around I noticed someone sitting next to me. He had his head down and he wore a baseball cap. "Who are you?" He instantly raised his head as my eyes collided with those eyes. I'd know anywhere. "Hello Loco!" He smiled

"Hello pretty girl!" I began to cry! He held me. "I'm sorry!" He said as he leaned over me and hugged me. "How about a sandwich would be a start!" I winked. He laughed. "Coming up!" He winked as he left the room. I looked around and saw more flowers and cards. There in the back was a arrangement of daisies! I heard the door open and I looked toward the door expecting Loco. 

It wasn't "Hello darling?" I looked at Ryker. His hair was longer and shaved closer around the sides. The top was flipped up with gel or with his hands running through it. He looked amazing. His arms were like twice what they had been. "What are you doing here Ryker?"

He looked at me. "I got a call you were awake?" I nodded. "Yup!" I looked out the window. "How's your wife?" I said as he coughed. "They shouldn't of told you that!"  I looked back "So was the love of my life almost killing me. Then waking up five years later and now your married to the harlot that ruined my life and have a fucking son!" His eyes closed. 

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