Fun just Beginning Part 8

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"Hello Jilly Bean?" he spoke with a voice that could stop a nun in her tracks. It was smooth and raspy but all male. He knew what he was doing. "So how's your morning going?" I asked as Jillian hid behind me. "I'm in school how do you think my day is going?" He said with dimples and perfect teeth. "Yeah mine is just as exciting but Jillian here her day is looking brighter and brighter!" she smacked my ass and I jumped. "Ouch girl you got a good swing. Glad I got cushion back there!" she laughed as my butt stung. "Shut up!" she said in a low whisper. "Oh come on he won't bit right Wyatt?" I winked as he laughed. "Oh don't say that I like a good bit once in a while" oh he was a kinky one. "Kinky!" Jillian smacked me again and I laughed. 

"Girl if you smack me again. You're gonna buy me dinner?" she snickered as I moved with her still behind me. She was shy I guess. "Jelly Bean please come on I promise not to bit?" he walked and stood against the lockers. "I'm gonna be late to first period. Dang the halls were empty how long had I been here? I don't know I guess time flies when your helping a friend. 

"Come on ill show you to the office?" He smiled as he walked away. I tilted my head and got smacked again. "I told you not to do that again. I want extra fries later?" she laughed. "Don't look at his ass?" I laughed. "What just cause I got a fiancé in the making doesn't mean I can't admire his tight ass. I mean dang girl. His ass should cause a backup on 95!" she laughed as I shook my head. "Are you girl's coming or is my ass gonna be the topic of your day?" hmm "I don't know you have two many clo-" She gasped as I laughed. "Oh come on I was joking" and she shook her head in amusement. "You're so not funny. I am gonna kill you for this!" I laughed. 

"Ill die laughing because girl your red as a cherry lollipop!" she moved around me and shook off her embarrassment. "I'm just joking Jelly Bean!" she rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that?"

 She pulled out a cherry lollipop and popped it in her mouth. "Omg it's a cherry lollipop no way?" I said as she took it out and made a weird face with her tongue out. "Snooze you lose-loser!" and walked off. "What the hell?" I followed her as she sucked her lollipop. Wyatt was watching her lick it like a kid watched a fudge packer pack fudge. His tongue licked at his lips as he eyes bulged. He stood still and finally adjusted his crotch. "Omg you okay Wyatt you got some drool here?" he stared at me with narrowed eyes. "Shut up micro Barbie!" what the hell was a-"You did not just call me that?" I snarled at him thru amusement and insults. "Yes I did!"  I stared wide eyed. "I am the furthest from Barbie-Andy Biersack?" he snorted and bit his lip.

 "Oh good one?" he rolled his eyes and looked at Jillian with amusement and want. "Just ask her out? It's exhausting watching you goo-goo eye her!" I said touching my forehead. They looked at me with shock. "Huh?" Omg did I have to do everything? "Do you wanna date Jilly Bean or not?" He gulped and smoothed back his mohawk obviously uncomfortable.  Come on it didn't have to take all year. "It's okay he doesn't have to-Yes ill go out with her?" he said interrupting her out for him. Thank god. This day would not go well if he dissed her. Now it was gonna be screaming and getting her butt ready for her first or whatever date! "Are you sure?" Shut up Jillian. 

"Yes I'm sure!" I smiled as they handed each other phones and took down their numbers and took pictures. They finally stopped and turned back. "You're welcome! Name your first born after me!" and walked off. "Are you coming Romeo?" he snorted and walked ahead as Jillian followed suit. We finally reached the office. I had to figure out a lie to tell the lady at the front desk. This was gonna suck. "Hey mom I got some friends that were lost!" he said as a lady with grey hair smiled and walked around the front desk. "You're welcome. Name your first orgasm after me?" I chocked on my spit and looked back at me. "Can't already had one!"

 I winked and he rolled his eyes. "Sure you have!" What was with him.  "Are you always this friendly with everyone because if you hurt my friend ill cut off your balls and keep them safe on my desk." He curled his mouth. "Nice description Hannibal Lector but no I'm faithful as a preacher's daughter in a porn store" I laughed. What the hell? "What is wrong with you?" Wyatt smiled and shook his head. "Nothing just hanging to the left!" Ewe. "I didn't ask how it was hanging?" He smiled "I know!" he pulled a toothpick out of his pocket and stuck it in his mouth. 

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