Training part 2 / Part 4

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"He better like dogs!" the soldiers laughed and Maeve said "Darling with you as his wife. He will" and I shook my head. "Remember the man is the leader of the family but we are the neck!" and she winked as she walked up the stairs. I had to get ready for school but tonight was my last night a free woman. I was home schooled for years training and skill games to withstand the majority of today's society couldn't. As birds chirped and the wind blew I stared into the trees and smiled. "Fun is just beginning!" as I walked inside and shut the door behind me. 

As I looked inside my closet I saw a new outfit. "Cool!" I opened it up and a cute sweatshirt and skirt laid there. I put on the skirt and grabbed some legging. I pushed the legging up under the skirt and pinned it. So it wouldn't bundle. As I stood straight I walked to the door and looked behind me and saw a new box by my bed. It was a box of boots and shoes. I grabbed the white shoes and put them on. They were cute and simple and made for running. If I had to.

    This is the outfit!! I pushed the legging up underneath! No boots- Shoes down below!!!

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    This is the outfit!! I pushed the legging up underneath! No boots- Shoes down below!!!

    This is the outfit!! I pushed the legging up underneath! No boots- Shoes down below!!!

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These are the shoes ^^^^^^^

 I walked to the garage and clicked the button as the door opened "Kill it!" Maeve said from the doorway. "Don't I always!" I winked as I put the mohawk cat eared helmet on and flipped down the visor and climbed on my motorbike. It was street legal. It was awesome and made me a ton of cash. As I hit the gas I took off down the driveway and out into the street. Cars skidded and horns blasted behind me. I smiled as i drove to a small warehouse and parked my bike. As I entered I slide a small mask on. I was a ghost and anonymous kept my family and I safe.

 As I entered my smile fell and my heart pounded. The warehouse was full and screams of men yelling and roaring as men beat the crap out of each other. It was a roar that kept your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. As I stepped inside the crowd quieted and the crowds opened as I walked to the ring. I bounced on my feet as a man stood in the other corner. I opted for a board and wrote on it "Who is he?" the guy that was my manager for the night. The manager guy was a grey haired skinny guy with wide shoulders and a long nose. He was a weasel definitely. "Who is he?" I wrote again. "You know who I am princess!" I froze. 

My eyes widened as I turned back and saw the man stand up from the darkness. He had a hood on. The hood covered half his face as his lips turned up in a smirk. "Ryker!" he smiled wider. Showing white teeth as he slide the hood off. He had filled out but was still just as handsome. He had fuller lips and cheekbones that were made for models instead of a Don! His eyes were still just as cold though. Bottomless pits of black as he came closer. I could smell his cologne and a smell under the cigar smoke was all him. It was intoxicating. 

"Hello Ryker!" I smiled as he walked closer. "So your the legendary Ghost. I see Maeve's training presides her. My beauty" he touched my helmet's as I stared at him. His eyes taking in my muscles. He licked at his lips. "Meat looks good on your bones. I like the curves!" he winked. I laughed. "Meat really!" I smiled as I pushed him back. He fell back knowing full well he did it on purpose. He was all muscle. He was like pushing a brick wall. 

"So Ghost do you really think you could fight and do all those tricks and I wouldn't hear about it? Your suppose to be training and going to school!" I held up my hand

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"So Ghost do you really think you could fight and do all those tricks and I wouldn't hear about it? Your suppose to be training and going to school!" I held up my hand. "I'm getting a 4.0 and I am currently doing college courses. I am well tending to my grades and training. I aced everything she thru at me" and he tilted his head and looked me up and down. "Your even more intriguing then a scared girl with eyes of a abuser. She knew she couldn't control you. You pretended to be leashed all well knowing you cut that rope years ago. Now your even more lethal. Your worth it all and more my dear!" and he slide past me. As he walked to a SUV he stopped. 

"Go home. You got school my dear!" He opened the door and disappeared inside. I smiled and walked to the window and tapped on it "Oh darling I forgot to tell you something!" the window slide down and I pushed up the visor and grabbed him and kissed him. "It was nice talking to you!" I winked and covered myself as I walked off. I slide on the bike and turned skidding the tires as I drove off. Doing a wheelie. The SUV follow for a time then turned off. He trusted me. He was going somewhere I was going home. Tonight was done. I had school. As I drove into the garage I shut off the bike and flipped up my visor. I really hated the rat man who was the manager. He should of told me. Should of warned me. Someone had rated me out to Ryker. Someone knew who I was. Someone with connections. 

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