Charlie calls Nick during a panic attack

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Tw: Panic attack, but it's not too 'graphic' but still mention of it.

Usually, Charlie could go through a panic attack on his own. They almost always happened at night, once everyone else in the house had gone to bed. Not because Charlie was scared of being alone, but he had an ability to push all his emotions aside and let them out later. Which more often than not manifested as a panic attack.

Tonight's one was really bad though. It had been 20 minutes and was still pacing around his bedroom, shaking his hands out at his side. Trying to get rid of all the adrenaline. Charlie had self-researched everything there was to know about them and understood everything that he was feeling. But that didn't make them any easier. Not really.

"Promise you'll call me if you need me"
Charlie could hear Nick's voice in his head.
"I care about you Charlie"

Thoughts about calling Nick went around and around in Charlie's head as he paced around his room. Maybe talking to Nick would help him get back to some sort of normal. So he could at least rest like normal people did at night.

Charlie grabbed his phone from his bed and hoovered over the 'call' button under Nick's name. It felt as though a thousand thoughts went through his mind at once. Should he worry Nick about this? He'll be okay in a minute, he knew it. Why should he drag Nick into all this, but then he did say to call him and it might make him feel needed. Maybe this is the right thing to do. It's not like he can call anyone else-

His hands were shaking and his finger hit the call button. Within a millisecond the phone was ringing so Charlie brought it up to his ear. Still pacing around his room and biting the nails on his free hand

"Char?" Nick's raspy voice came down the phone and Charlie immediately felt awful
"Oh, did I wake you. I'm so sorry- so stupid, I'll just um-" Charlie stopped to gasp for breath, "I'll go, see you tomorrow-"
"Charlie!" Nick's voice was stronger this time, "Why did you ring?"
"I-I'm sorry" Charlie was actually out of breath now which he felt stupid for because it wasn't like he'd even left his room.
"Are you running?" Nick was confused.
"No! I um-" He took a deep breath in this time and really tried to calm down enough to talk, "I think I'm having a panic attack?" He finally said as more of a question. Even though there was no question about it, he knew what it was.

"Did I wake you?" Charlie changed the subject before Nick could even respond to the last thing he said.
"Wh-Oh, no - I hadn't fallen asleep yet" Nick quickly said, "Charlie, do you need me to do anything or-"
"Oh, no. I-I'm fine. Thank you for picking up the phone"
"You were lucky I hadn't fallen asleep yet" Nick laughed a little.

He figured Charlie just needed someone to talk to for a little while and if that was the case, Nick could do that. He could keep his own worry at bay if it meant calming Charlie down. Even if he did want to be with Charlie right now, talking over the phone was fine. If it helped Charlie.

"Like you don't fall asleep really late anyway" Charlie commented

Nick kept Charlie talking and after a little while Charlie had stopped pacing around and was now sat on his bed bouncing his leg. A big improvement to about ten minutes ago.

"How are you now?" Nick asked in a different tone to the one he had been speaking in. He sounded gentle and like he really cared. It made Charlie feel safe.

"Better" Charlie smiled even though Nick couldn't see him, "A lot better" He added, "Thank you"
"I didn't do anything"
"You answered the phone at gone midnight and spoke to me until I calmed down - that's something, that's" Charlie hesitated, "Quite a lot actually"
Nick didn't speak for a second because he was too taken back by that. Had it really meant that much to Charlie. Did he really mean that much to Charlie?

"If I go to sleep now, will you be okay?"
"Goodnight then"

Kinda short, but so cute. WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN 😂😭

Also, how has this gone up another 1k over night?! Thanks for all the love <3

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