Ben Hope: But I like her brother P3

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Some of you are too quick!! Apologies for the confusion - this is the next part.. published the wrong one like the idiot I am looool

"Emily! Haven't you grown up!" Claire beamed, also standing, "And Finn too - how old are you now?"
"18 now, Mrs Hope" Finn replied with a grin
"Mrs Hope!" Claire laughed slightly looking at Julia, "Call me Claire"
"Well, it's so nice to see you Claire" He smiled, "And this must be Ben?" He looked over at Ben and Ben's heart skipped a beat
"Yes, this is Ben - sorry Ian couldn't make it"
"Oh, that's okay - I'm sure you two will be great company" He beamed, looking from Ben to Claire.

He was well spoken just like his mother. Emily was stood awkwardly by his side.

"Can I get you guys any more drinks?" He offered, looked at the three of them. He was taller than all of them, including Ben although he was sitting down.
"Another glass would be perfect, my boy" Julia beamed
Finn nodded and headed to the kitchen, leaving Emily standing where she was.

"And Emily, congratulations on the university place - you've done so well!" Claire gushed, "Have you met Ben - well you have, but you were so young then"
"Mum!" Ben said, feeling his cheeks flush from embarrassment
"Well it's so lovely to see you" Claire smiled, brushing off his son's comment, "Come sit with us, I want to know all about your studies!"

Emily sat obediently next to Ben which earned Ben a hopeful look from his mum which he just rolled his eyes to.

Before Emily could say anything, Finn came in with the two glasses of wine.

"Wine for the ladies" He announced, placing the glasses on the coasters next to their almost empty ones.
"Thank you, darling" Julia grinned before Finn disappeared back into the kitchen.

"So, Emily, what is it you're studying?" Claire said, keeping the conversation going

Ben tried to listen to Emily's answer but he was focused on watching the kitchen doorway.

"Ben's looking at going to university too once he's done his A-Levels" Claire was saying. Ben really didn't understand why his mum was trying so hard to set him up with someone so much older than him. What made it worse was she was trying to big him up, make him look impressive in front of this near twenty year old that really didn't care.

"What are we talking about in here?" Finn said, announcing his presence, he was carrying two bottles of Stella and strolled over to sit the other side of Ben.
"Claire was just saying that Ben is going to university after he's done his A Levels" Julia filled in
"Ah, smart move, Ben - if you want to spend the rest of your life in some well paid office job"
"Finn!" Julia exclaimed looked mortified
"Sorry, I mean, yeah, it's great for Emily, but not what everyone wants, y'know" He said casually, putting the two beers down on the table by his side.
"Well, yes, but Ben clearly wants to get a degree" Claire said defensively.

As the two mums started a conversation about the benefits of going to university, Finn handed Ben one of the bottles of beer.

"Here, it's going to be a long night" He said smiling.

Ben didn't say anything and just took the bottle, grateful to get a second beer.

Soon, Emily was also talking about university with the women so Finn turned to Ben.

"Sorry, did my mum bring you here to set you up with my sister?" He smirked
"I think it was my mum setting me up"
Finn shook his head, smiling, "Mums"

Ben wanted to say something else to keep the conversation going but he couldn't think of anything to say. Instead he just stared at Finn, taking in his blonde hair.

"Guess I got my dad's hair" Finn commented, noticing Ben staring, "So what do you wanna do?"
"What do you mean?" Ben practically blurted out, a little distracted by the man in front of him
"Well, your mum wants you to go to uni, but I didn't hear you say you wanna do that?" Finn took a sip of beer, Ben noticed how Finn's accent had become more relaxed
"Oh" Ben thought for a second, "Yeah, I guess I don't know what I want - mum wants me to go to uni, but I don't know what I want"
Finn nodded his head knowingly, "Same as me, I mean, I'm only doing a levels because I don't know what else to do"

Ben smiled, "Yeah, I-I don't know" He stammered slightly and immediately took a gulp of beer
"Why you so nervous?" Finn smirked
"I'm not" Ben laughed cautiously. It was an obvious lie. Finn's presence made him nervous.

Before Finn could say anything else his mum interrupted.

"It's your turn, Finn, tell Claire what you're planning to do once your A Levels are done" She said with a huge smile on her face. It made Ben feel a little jealous that Julia was so clearly very proud of her two children while his mum was almost lying to impress about him.

As Finn started talking all he could think about was how he really wanted to make his mum proud. She hadn't had the best time with his dad so he wanted to be the saving grace. Someone to make it all worth it. The problem was, he didn't know what that thing was or how he was going to get there.

It turned out that Finn wanted to get a degree level apprenticeship and become a quantity surveyor. Ben hadn't even heard of that, it was like they were in different worlds which made Ben's heart sink.

"I just want loads of money" Finn joked, taking a sip of his beer, "Maybe you could do an apprenticeship as well, Ben?" He suggested
"Yeah, maybe"

"Well, I think dinner's almost done, why don't you all head into the dining room" Julia said, saving the awkward silence.

They all did as they were told. Ben got up just before Finn and as he was walking away, Finn put a hand on the top of his shoulder making him flinch slightly.

"It's good to see you, Ben. It's nice to talk to an outsider"
Ben furrowed his eyes brows and turned round to face Finn, "An outsider?"
"Yeah - you know, someone not from my school or whatever. I think we could get on quite well"

Ben was sure Finn was smirking slightly so he smiled back although he was too awkward to say anything.

I know this is different to what I normally put up. Thank you for still reading it and voting - I promise you, it gets juicy soooonnnn

I just love exploring characters and giving them a backstory; especially ones that have a 'bad rep'. I honestly believe that most of the 'bad' characters have a bad past. That goes for real people too - the bullies, or the people who are a little unorthodox, are people who have had things happen to them that makes them how they are now. I find that so fascinating and I like to explore it in fictional characters. Especially as, because they're fictional, I get to write the narrative that the writer hasn't written.

Lemme know what you think of this lil series!v

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