1: Finding my Way

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Trigger Warnings:
Underage drinking
Implied/referenced drug usage
Implied/referenced Eating Disorders

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He opened up a can of cheap shitty beer, tossing it down his throat hastily. It was nearly four in the afternoon. Who drinks at four in the afternoon? It was a Wednesday. Why would you drink on a Wednesday? Well, this was the normal life of Wilbur, while he would normally be getting off from school at about this time, he played hooky today. He was alone, realizing that his father was still out at work, his older brother was probably holed up in his room if he was home, and his younger brother was probably just leaving school.

Wilbur dropped the beer can into his bedroom-bathroom trash can and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. He turned it on to see eight notifications, each from Schlatt, Sapnap, Niki, Phil, three from Tommy, and another one from Techno.

My Big Guy--3:57
Wil, I just got home from the store fuckin finally, Sapnap made me run errands for his poor ass. Text me when you're free.

Yooo, Schlatt finally got me some stuff to supply a small party, you in?

Wil I didn't see you in school today, are you alright?

Wilby I'm heading over to Tubbos after school

Father O' Mine--2:10
I'm going to be home late today, let me know if you plan to go out, you're off school tomorrow so I don't mind.

Wassup fucker I'm feelin' a bit braindead but I'm heading to Dreams after school.

The brunet looked back through his recent messages for Phil's message so that he could tell him that he was heading out.

Wilbur had a pretty good relationship with his father, they would hang out and cook together from time to time, they were almost always able to converse without getting into a scuffle, and their arguments were never arguments, more of just passive disagreements, even then everything was always resolved rather quickly.

Father O' Mine--2:10
I'm going to be home late today, let me know if you plan to go out, you're off school tomorrow so I don't mind.

I'm going to Sapnaps with Schlatt.
We may spend the night.
Haven't decided yet.

He sent his message out in three separate texts, it seems like he always has something else to add. 

Wilbur responded to Tommy's message with a lighthearted teasing response. Wil would say that he had a good relationship with his little brother, but it's been seeming to become more distant as Tommy had gone onto the eighth grade. They still hang out from time to time, they'll go on walks with each other when heading to school, often picking up Schlatt and his little brother, Tubbo,--Tommy's best friend-- on the way. Tommy's the only one in his family that he's ever had a heart to heart about his own emotions with, and even then a lot of shit was hidden. Tommy was the only person he's told about his questioning sexuality. Tommy's the brother he never asked for, but was glad more than anything that he got.

Wilby I'm heading over to Tubbos after school

Uh huh, sure you did Tommy, I'll see you tomorrow, I'm heading to Schlatt's now.

Wilbur responded to Technos message, originally about to ask why Dream wasn't coming to the party, but then remembering Techno might not know he's going anyway. Wilbur knows the least about Techno. When they hang out they joke that they are like twins because they are so close in age, Techno being barely five days older than Wilbur. But in reality, they are as far from twins as they could possibly be. Wilbur barely gets to see Techno more than twice in a week, there is little evidence of a third child existing. Techno was adopted into the family on Wilburs seventh birthday, having been told by Phil that "Techno would be living with them from now on because his old parents couldn't take care of him," and that was a sugarcoat. His old parents were abusive and neglectful and Wilbur saw through the sugarcoating after witnessing a panic attack that he caused by touching the pink-haired sibling's shoulder. Will would like to believe that he empathized with Techno, but he knew that he had never and probably would never have the same experiences that Techno had.

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