2: Fallin' for Him

284 13 16

Trigger Warnings--
Underage drinking
Implied/referenced drug usage
Brief Implied/referenced self-harm (technically accidental, but you'll see it if you get there)

If any of the warnings make you uncomfortable, please click off

It had barely turned five in the afternoon and Skeppy was already high, Jack was shitfaced drunk, Quackity had passed out from boredom because Karl wasn't here yet and Sapnap refused to do anything until he came. Niki said that she wasn't getting into anything, she was just here to solely hang out and make sure that the group didn't do anything too dangerous. "When you're at a highschool party-- Would this be counted as a small party or a big meetup?" Wilbur paused to think.

"Well, high school parties usually involve like over half the grade hanging out in one person's basement. I only invited my close friends and I have a feeling we'll be doing this more than once" Sapnap snickered. He looked down at his phone which had just blooped. "Aw man, Dream isn't gonna be here, he's hanging out with your dumbass brother," Sapnap sighs, staring Wilbur down with a fake pouty face.

"Eh, at least neither of them are isolated." Wilbur smiled.

"If Karl doesn't get here soon I'm gonna fucking tear into your alcohol cabinets." Schlatt groaned, leaning up against Wilbur. He let out a yawn.

"How the hell are you tired already?" WiIlbur jokes, absentmindedly running a pale hand through Schlatt's messy locks.

The shorter look up at him, just, staring before he walked away.

Oh fuck.

I screwed up.

S h i t.

Wilbur stared at the front door where Schlatt had left. His thoughts were racing and his hands were trembling.

Just apologize

Don't be a dunce he probably didn't even realize

Yes he did, why the hell would he just walk away.

You're just a disgusting teenager, it's alright this shit is normal,

Of course everyone thinks about dating their best friend.

I never said dating

What, you prefer fucking?

Shut up.

Wilbur stumbled into the kitchen, his throat feeling dry and cramped. His mind was clouded over in a dark haze, thoughts swirling irrationally through his brain. He grabbed an empty glass from the sink and tried pouring himself some water. His hands were shaking furiously at this point, the water nearly splashing out of the cup. Wilbur brought the water to his mouth, sipping on it slightly.

In the other room, Karl walked in the house, a case of beer in his left hand and a bag of five or so bottles of vodka in his right hand. "Sorry it took me so long, my parents came home late." Karl was the kid with cool parents, the kind that would let their children smoke or drink on occasion, although straight vodka might not have been his parent's will.

"Sapnap, loveeeeee~" Karl sat the alcohol on the coffee table and sat next to Sapnap who was already cuddling Quackity.
Schlatt had come back in, a lit joint hanging out of his mouth. "Wassup, let's get this fucking party started."

Wilbur heard Schlatt's voice from the other room and his grip on the cup loosened slightly.

Glass was shattered on the floor, water splashing all over his shoes and ankles.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Wilbur's breath came out ragged, this was a bad start to the night, seriously what the hell, he was here to get shitfaced, not to break shit. He crouched down and picked up the glass with his hands, getting the big pieces with ease. As it came to the smaller pieces however, he clutched his hand around the shard a little too hard, his skin piercing. That action made his heart skip a beat.

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