35: Everything Will Be Alright.

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Warnings: Mentions of Psych ward, talk of suicide attempt, mentions of death

"Good morning boys!" Phil energetically recited. He practically burst into the room, swinging the door just a little too hard. The musician jolted awake with a groan, startled by the noise of his too-cheery father and the sound of the door stopped, 'boing'ing loudly as it pressed against its limits. "It's nearly eight-thirty, I apologize for waking you early on your first official day of break, but I have some news." Phil's voice rang a bit clearer in Wilbur's head.

"Oh my gosh, Dadza. Are you pregnant?!" Tommy speculated jokingly.

"Very amusing, Tommy." Phil chuckled a bit. "Alright, come on guys. Techno's waiting in the kitchen." Phil placed a hand on Wilbur's shoulder.

Wilbur groaned and tucked his head back into the mattress, he didn't want to get out of bed. He's hardly had enough sleep as of late, and at the moment, he didn't really care for whatever news was about to be told to them. It had only been a short amount of time since he had fallen asleep, and the tiredness was hitting Wilbur like a bus.

"Oi, g' the fuck off me, bitch'," Tommy mumbled in annoyance, nearly shoving Wilbur off the bed. Wilbur caught himself from falling by grabbing the top of the mattress and throwing out a leg behind himself onto the floor. His body was bent in a weird way and he quickly repositioned himself, slightly embarrassed at his ungraceful cat-like reflexes.

"Alright, fine, I'm up, no need to shove me, dickhead," The musician retired with a huff. He pushed himself upright and off the bed.

Phil stepped back from the teens and sighed at their casual swearing. "You guys are getting a little too comfortable swearing around me, jeez. Anyhow, I see that you two have made up," Phil laughed, the troublemaker teens nodded slightly, a smile forming over Wilbur's face, and a playful huff coming from Tommy. "I'm going to grab water and wait for you guys in the kitchen. Try to be downstairs in about five minutes or so, alright?" Phil sighed, and he rolled his head around, apparently trying to crack his neck. The crack was heard successfully, and it helped fuel Tommy's response.

"Alright old man, I'll be down in a moment." Tommy groaned, rolling off the bed and onto the floor, taking the sheets with him. Wilbur snickered at the blanket pile with blonde hair peeking out from the mound.

Phil chuckled and glared down at the blonde teen. "I'll show you old, you gremlin child. And you." Phil turned around to face the older boy. "You should go and tell your boy- uhm- you should go and tell Schlatt that he's invited for breakfast," Phil corrected himself with an innocent smile.

That bastard. Wilbur sighed internally.

Wilbur could see Phil trying to hold back a laugh.

Oh for fucks sake. The musician felt his face heat up at the statement and he just nodded. Phil turned around and left the room, a smirk forming on his damned face.

He didn't even bother to question why Schlatt's over. Jeez, this is going to turn really weird really fast.

Wilbur went to rub the bridge of his nose in exasperation but felt the metal of his prescription glasses sitting in place, albeit a little crooked. Wilbur really is a mess.

Wilbur didn't even have a minute to even try and fully comprehend what had just occurred before his thoughts were interrupted by boisterous cackling and the bedroom door closing just a little too quickly. The blanket mound jittered with Tommy as he laughed and snorted, something being just oh-so-funny to the teen.

"You're so fucking obvious, Wil, you- you stormed off last night and- bro he knows, he fucking knows, you storm off and then suddenly loverboy is sleeping in our house, man, he's gotta know." Tommy nearly broke out into wheezing laughter, for some reason, Wilbur and Schlatts growing relationship was hilarious.

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