25: Fuck You

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Warnings: mentions of attempted suicide and self-harm, mentions of blood, panic attack(s)? Mentions and slight description of overdose,

"Wil- I- Dream's in the hospital as- as well,"

"Are you sure it was him?"

"Would I fuck with you about this?" Techno's voice was sharp and hoarse as if he was trying to hold back an animosity.

For a moment, everything stopped. Schlatt had let go of his hand and his whole body went cold. His breath froze in place, and it seemed like his heart had stopped beating. Of course, in reality, his heart hadn't failed on him, or else he'd have dropped dead by now, but his chest felt constricted as it did that time when he was younger and had tried one of Techno's smaller binders. He still couldn't understand how people wore those things. But back to the point, Wilbur's breath was caught in his throat, which suddenly felt sticky and dry while his brain panicked.

Oh shit.

No no no.

Please don't let it be what I think it is.

Wilbur inhaled deeply, finally finding the right part of his brain to remind him that breathing was essential.

Breathe, Soot. Breathe.

He exhaled. He felt so fucking dizzy. To be fair, it wasn't normal for someone his age to deal with this much stress at once.

Wilbur saw spots in his vision again but knew that he needed to calm the hell down. He was actually gonna take Techno's advice no matter how hard it is.

"I'll be there in just a minute, Techie, keep your breathing in check, you hypocrite." Wilbur felt the panic rise in his chest again, but he couldn't let it show or sound. There's no use if two panicking people are in the room together. At the very least he could make it to where he himself wasn't one of them.

"He- he looked dead- he was pale, and there was blood, and-, he fucking looks dead, I- What if he's dead?!" Techno hisses through the phone. Wilbur has never heard Techno this worried before. The most Wilbur remembered was the first couple of times that he and Tommy would get into arguments over the dumbest shit, but the noise had scared Techno at first. (Also I imagine a seven-year-old and a four-year-old fighting)

If Techno was worried then there was a fucking issue, and honestly, for Wilbur's lack of panicking, you could tell that it still hadn't quite hit him that Dream was in the hospital.

Wilbur tensed up again. He gulped and swallowed the saliva that seemed to be encasing his throat, making it hard to breathe.

He can hear heavy footsteps and yelling, through Techno's side of the phone.


"Wil- I can't- I can't breathe," Techno choked out his words.

How the hell was he supposed to deal with a panic attack over the phone, he couldn't even calm his own half the time.

"Techno, you got to breathe, I'll be down with you in a moment, where are you?"

"F-first floor, I- help-"

"I'm coming, stay where you are, I'll find you alright?" Wilbur could hear the sounds of shouting through the phone and through the first floor. It seemed like more than just Techno was panicking. "If you can, try and ring up Phil," His battery was only at fifteen percent and he had to make sure that he could call someone else if need be. "I'll see you in a minute," He muted his side of the phone, just in case Techno desperately needed him before he made it back downstairs.

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