11: This is a Fucking Issue.

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The duo were set in Wilburs room, exchanges of bickering going back and forth. Schlatt was upset that Wilbur left once again and Wilbur was just so fucking annoyed and tired.

"Look, I already apologized for leaving, I messaged you this morning when I did!" Wilbur scoffed, pacing back and forth across the white carpeted floor, his steps frantic and off beat as he tried to wrap his head around the various situations he's found himself in only just the last twenty-four hours.

"You didn't have to leave early, you fucking got in trouble over it. I just want to know why the hell you leave when I'm around!" Schlatt was quick to accuse, seemingly pissed. He stopped Wil's pacing in his tracks by standing in front of the brunet, chest puffed out. The brunet stopped and his gaze dropped ever so slightly so that their eyes met.

"I didn't get in trouble, don't worry." Wilbur's gaze dropped further, seeing the light blue sweater that Schlatt was wearing, making him think about how only a few hours before he woke up beside him, shirtless. Wilbur blushed at the thought, before shaking his head and manuvering around the mentioned brunet to continue his nervous pacing.

"You never answered my question, why the hell do you keep leaving when I'm around?"

"One, you never stated it as a question, two, we were at a house full of drunks. If I feel the need to dip off I do so," Wilbur remarked, annoyed. He still didn't answer the full question. He found it bitterly funny how they were drunk both of the times he left.

"You could have at least woke me up. Smartass." That shut Wilbur up. He could've, and normally he would've, but in the position he found himself in, he couldn't care less about waking Schlatt up. "What's that?" Schlatt poked the mark on Wilbur's neck.

"Ow, don't fucking touch me," Wilbur covered the bruise with his hand. While he was relieved the shorter didn't know what happened, it also pissed him off for that same reason. He readjusted his button up, buttoning the second one as the top on was broken.

"What is with you?! You're so fucking tense today," The shorter brunet demanded, leaning against the navy walls.

"Schlatt. I don't want to talk about it, I've already done that once today with my father and I still feel like shit over it." Wilbur retorted.

Schlatt wasn't pleased with the answer, his face contracted into one of heavier annoyance, "I'm your best fucking friend, Soot, and you barely tell me shit anymore, you've been so closed off recently, you've been so much more quiet lately. You used to tell me everything." Schlatt's hands balled into fists, knuckles turning white from the pressure.


"Every problem, every injury, every crush, every song you liked, every goddamned thought that went on in that stupid head of yours. When was the last time you told me any of that? It's been nearly two fucking months since you've spoken to me about anything that has to do with how you're feeling, or what you like. Am I even your friend anymore? Because I'm not trying to guilt you, but it really doesn't feel like it and it hurts," Schlatt walked closer to the doorway, hand on the frame.

"Schlatt, I-" Wilbur reached his hand out to the lighter brunet.

"I don't know what to say man," Schlatt huffed, with genuine worry in his voice.

"You're my best friend Schlatt, and- I know I've seemed distant, and I'm sorry for it, I really am. Things have just been harder to comprehend more recently, and I just- Everything is weird, I'm trying to deal with it."

"You don't have to deal with it alone dumbass, that's literally why people have friends,"



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