36: It's a date, but for real this time.

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Warnings: Mentions of accident.

The hospital visit had been a nightmare. Wilbur had been in a foul mood the whole time and those around him wouldn't have been surprised if he had set the place on fire. Sure, it was great to know that his friend was physically okay, but the guilt he felt when he walked into the waiting room was overwhelming. The whole experience was just unpleasant and he wouldn't wish it on anyone.

George and Nick arrived at the hospital after an hour or so, but it didn't do anything other than dampen Wilbur's already low spirits. And not to mention, when Wilbur had gone in to see Dream, the other had been completely out of it due to the medication he had been given. If it weren't for the depressing situation, he may have made a joke about Dream being high. And honestly, he was just surprised that Schlatt hadn't tried to joke about it either. Wilbur was just upset that he had let Dream fall into this state in the first place.

The car ride back was a stark contrast to the depressing silence that had been the majority of the journey there. The Christmas music blaring from the radio lifted everyone's spirits, and even Techno seemed to be in a better mood. It was a relief to know that Dream was okay, but it was hard for Wilbur to understand how everyone could move on so quickly. Just prior to the car ride back they had been in the gloomy waiting room, taking turns seeing Dream in his horrid state. Sure, Dream hadn't died, but he had been close enough.

Tommy and Phil's Taylor Swift Sing-alongs, whenever the Christmas music had a break, were a welcome enough distraction, and even had Techno humming along. Schlatt had been glued to his phone and played some mindless game, while Wilbur had been lost in his own thoughts, listening to somber music. He found it frustrating that everyone else seemed to brush off the gravity of the situation, but then again, he knew that everyone coped differently.

Upon arriving home at around 6 PM, Wilbur was still stuck in his own head. He felt like he was weighing down everyone else's moods, so he decided that he was going to leave for a bit in an effort not to bring down the mood once again. He and Schlatt decided that Wilbur would drive him home, and if all went well, he'd stay the night. Wilbur volunteered to drive Schlatt home because the older had to go home regardless, as Toby had to return because of family issues with Ranboo, (Yes, it was a whole headache of a conversation) but he didn't trust himself to drive home because of his messed-up arm.

Despite not being too incapacitated, Schlatt had expressed his discomfort with driving earlier in the day, and Wilbur takes Schlatt's discomforts seriously, especially when the man fears nothing but death itself, (and sometimes Wilbur questions that too...)


Phil and Wilbur were currently bickering back and forth about money, with Phil insisting that Wilbur should take some with him for food and any other expenses that they may need to cover, but Wilbur resisted, not wanting to use any of Phil's money. His excuse was that while he technically no longer owed money to Sapnap, he was going to use that money instead to buy them food if they needed any. (Schlatt had also offered to buy Wilbur ice cream on the ride to the hospital earlier.) But Wilbur still refused the money that Phil tried to offer him.

"C'mon Wil, you should take some money with you, just in case," Phil suggested, pulling out two twenties.

Wilbur decided that Phil may have thought that physical temptation would've worked. Oh, he was wrong.

"No, dad, I'm fine, my wallet's in my bag," Wilbur pointed to his bookbag which lay on the couch.

"I'll give you guys twenty for food then," Phil shoved one of the bills back in his pocket.

"Dad, I don't need it,"

"Until you guys are eighteen, I'll pay for you guys to eat, it's my job," Phil insisted.

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