7: Passing Time

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Another filler chapter:
Warnings: none :D

After almost an hour of nonstop apologies from Fundy, and a desperate attempt or two to stop his nosebleeds, Wilbur finally got the Dutch boy to get it through his thick skull that he isn't mad.

Wilbur lends Fundy another set of loose clothing, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

Wilbur locked himself in the bathroom for a few minutes, actually spending five minutes combing his hair for probably the first time in three weeks.

When Wilbur exited the bathroom, he offered the idea of making breakfast together to Fundy.

The other boy agreed, and they left Wil's room. "Are you up to going to Sapnap's tonight?" The taller asked.

"I mean, I guess, I don't think I'm gonna drink though. I think I'll hang out with Niki." Fundy mumbles. "Aw shit we have school." A loud groan escapes his lips.

"I'm going to stay home today, if I go and I see that bitch I will not hesitate to get in a fight, and as of now I'm in a good mood and don't feel like getting expelled before holiday break, so I'm just going to stay here. You should probably stay as well. We could go and get you some things." Wilbur offered, trailing behind Fundy as the duo walked down the stairs.

"That sounds fine to me, I really don't feel like going especially if I have to see him."

"I understand, let's go make breakfast now." Wilbur laughs, grabbing a waffle iron from the cabinet under the sink. He tried to smile, but every facial expression he made his nose seemed to throb harder.

While he waited for the waffle iron to heat up, Wilbur took his phone out and opened it up to 'My Big Guy," and took a selfie.

He captioned it 'broken nose pog' and sent it. His humor is fucked.

He shoved his phone back in his pocket and got out a frying pan and a carton of eggs.

"You know how to make waffles? Or scrambled eggs?" Wilbur questioned the younger boy.

"What do you think I am? I can do the simple shit, I'll do eggs," Fundy replied boldy, turning the back burner on on the stovetop.

"Good, I like making the waffle mix."

"You don't just use the store boxes?!"

"I'm no simpleton, Clearly you've never had a Soot Waffle before. Your mind will be blown. Wilbur smirks. He checks his watch, 7:08, meaning his siblings should be up in less than ten minutes, and down for breakfast within fifteen.

Wilbur grabbed the ingredients from the pantry, mixing them together well in the bowl. He waits until Fundy cracks the first egg in the pan until he puts the mix in the waffle iron.

Golden brown waffles come out of the iron in more than perfect condition, eggs placed on each individual plate, two stacked waffles sitting neatly beside them. Wilbur grabbed a container of strawberries and set them on the cutting board, grabbing a knife and cutting the strawberries up.

He grabbed a can of whipped cream, setting both the strawberries and the whipped cream on the kitchen table.

Wilbur glanced back over at the stovetop, "Fundy you dipshit, you forgot to turn the god damned stove off," Wilbur laughed, turning off the burner.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," Fundy sighed, placing his head in his hands.

"You alright..?" Wilbur asked, his playful demeanor dropping.

"Still a bit shaken up, but I'm... doing better,"

Wilbur nodded, sitting down at the kitchen table. He held a paper towel to his nostrils.

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